Peer-reviewed outlets
Douglas P. Wiens; 2024; Jittering and Clustering:
Strategies for the Construction of Robust Designs; Statistics and Computing, 34:129. Supplementary material
in miscellany.
With Matlab code.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2024; A Note on Minimax Robustness of
Designs Against Correlated or Heteroscedastic Responses;
111, 3, 1071-1075.
3. Jesϊs Lσpez
Fidalgo, Douglas P. Wiens; 2022;
Active Learning with Binary Responses; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, 220,
1-14. With Matlab data
and code.
4. Douglas P. Wiens; 2021; Robust
Designs for Dose-Response Studies: Model and Labelling Robustness; Computational Statistics
& Data Analysis, 158, article 107189. With appendices
and Matlab code.
5. Selvakkadunko Selvaratnam, Linglong Kong,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2021; Model-Robust Designs for Nonlinear Quantile Regression; Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30, 221 - 231. With supplement and Matlab code.
6. Douglas
P. Wiens; 2019; Maximin
Power Designs in Testing Lack of Fit; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, 199,
311-317. With Matlab code.
7. Rui Nie, Douglas
P. Wiens, Zhichun Zhai;
2018; Minimax
Robust Active Learning for Approximately Specified Regression Models; The Canadian Journal of Statistics, special
issue on Big Data and Statistical Science (Editorial);
46, 104-122. With Matlab code.
8. Douglas P. Wiens; 2018; I-Robust
and D-Robust Designs on a Finite Design Space; Statistics and Computing, 28,
241-258. With Matlab code.
9. Rui Hu, Douglas P. Wiens; 2017; Robust
Discrimination Designs over Hellinger Neighbourhoods;
Annals of Statistics, 45, 1638-1663. With supplement.
10. Jacob
M. Maronge, Yi Zhai,
Douglas P. Wiens, Zhide Fang; 2017; Optimal
Designs for Spline Wavelet Regression Models; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, 184,
94-104. With Matlab code.
11. Yassir Rabhi,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2016; Robust
Sampling Designs for a Possibly Misspecified
Stochastic Process; Statistica Sinica, 26, 1525-1542. With supplementary
material and Matlab code.
12. Zhichun Zhai,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2015; Robust
Model-Based Stratified Sampling Designs; The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43, 554-577.
13. Linglong Kong, Douglas P. Wiens; 2015; Model-Robust
Designs for Quantile Regression; Journal
of the American Statistical Association, 110, 233-245. With addendum
and Matlab code.
14. Douglas P. Wiens, Pengfei Li; 2014; V-optimal
Designs for Heteroscedastic Regression; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, 145,
125-138. With Matlab code.
15. Jamil Hasan Karami, Douglas P. Wiens; 2014; Robust
Static Designs for Approximately Specified Nonlinear Regression Models; Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, 144, 55-62. With R
Maryam Daemi, Douglas P. Wiens; 2013; Techniques
for the Construction of Robust Regression Designs; The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 41, 679-695. With Matlab code.
17. John C. Lind, Douglas P. Wiens, Victor J. Yohai;
2013; Robust
Minimum Information Loss Estimation; Computational Statistics & Data
Analysis. Special Issue on Robust
Analysis of Complex Data, 65,
98-112. With Matlab and R code.
18. Douglas P. Wiens; 2013; Designs
for Weighted Least Squares Regression, With Estimated Weights; Statistics and Computing, 23, 391-401. With Matlab code.
19. A. H. Welsh, Douglas P. Wiens; 2013; Robust
Model-based Sampling Designs; Statistics
and Computing, 23, 689-701. With
Matlab and R code.
20. Douglas P. Wiens, Pengfei Li; 2012; A Robust
Treatment of a Dose-Response Study; Applied Stochastic Models in
Business and Industry, 28, 164-173.
21. Pengfei Li, Douglas P. Wiens; 2011; Robustness
of Design in Dose-Response Studies; Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society (Series B), 17, 215-238. With Matlab code.
22. Douglas P. Wiens; 2010; Robustness
of Design for the Testing of Lack of Fit and for Estimation in Binary Response
Models; Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 54,
3371-3378. Special Issue on Model
Selection and Robust Procedures. With Matlab code.
23. Douglas P. Wiens, Eden K.H. Wu; 2010; A
Comparative Study of Robust Designs for M-Estimated Regression Models; Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, 54, 1683-1695. With Matlab code.
24. S. Huang, D. P. Wiens, Y. Yang, S. X. Meng, C. L.
Vanderschaaf; 2009; Assessing
the Impacts of Species Composition, Site Quality and Density on Individual Tree
Height Prediction of Quaking Aspen in Boreal Mixedwoods;
Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 1235-1247.
25. Douglas P. Wiens; 2009; Robust
Discrimination Designs; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series
B), 71, 805 - 829. With Matlab code.
26. Holger Dette, Douglas P. Wiens; 2009; Robust
Designs for 3D Shape Analysis with Spherical Harmonic Descriptors (incl.
supplement); Statistica Sinica,
19, 83-102 + supplement.
27. Adeniyi Adewale,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2009; Robust
Designs for Misspecified Logistic Models; Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference, 139, 3-15. Special Issue on
"Metaheuristics, Combinatorial Optimization and Design of
Experiments". With Matlab code.
28. Holger Dette, Douglas P. Wiens; 2008; Robust
Designs for Series Estimation; Computational Statistics & Data
Analysis, 52, 4305-4324.
29. Douglas P. Wiens, Xiaojian Xu; 2008; Robust
Prediction and Extrapolation Designs for Misspecified Generalized Linear
Regression Models; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138,
30-46. Special Issue on "International Conference on Design of
Experiments", U. Memphis, 2005.
30. Douglas P. Wiens, Julie Zhou; 2008; Robust
Estimators and Designs for Field Experiments; Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference, 138, 93-104. Special Issue on
"International Conference on Design of Experiments", U. Memphis,
31. Douglas P. Wiens, Xiaojian Xu; 2008; Robust
Designs for One-Point Extrapolation; Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, 138, 1319 - 1357.
32. J. Lσpez-Fidalgo, R. Martνn-Martνn, Douglas P.
Wiens; 2008; Marginally
Restricted Sequential D-Optimal Designs; The Canadian Journal of
Statistics, 36, 397 - 410.
33. Adeniyi J. Adewale,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2006; New
Criteria for Robust Integer-Valued Designs in Linear Models; Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 723-736. With Matlab code.
34. Zhide Fang, Douglas P. Wiens, Zheyang Wu; 2006; Locally
D-Optimal Designs for Multi-Stage Models and Heteroscedastic Polynomial
Regression Models; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136,
35. Yongge Tian, Douglas P. Wiens; 2006; On
Equality and Proportionality of Ordinary Least Squares, Weighted Least Squares,
and Best Linear Unbiased Estimators in the General Linear Model; Statistics
and Probability Letters, 76, 1265-1272.
36. Douglas P. Wiens, Norman C. Beaulieu, Pavel Loskot;
2006; On the
Exact Distribution of the Sum of the Largest n-k out of n Normal Random
Variables with Differing Mean Values; Statistics, 40,
165-173. With software
and addendum.
37. Douglas P. Wiens; 2005; Robustness
in Spatial Studies I: Minimax Prediction; Environmetrics,
16, 191-203.
38. Douglas P. Wiens; 2005; Robustness
in Spatial Studies II: Minimax Design; Environmetrics,
16, 205-217.
39. Douglas P. Wiens; 2005; Robust
Allocation Schemes for Clinical Trials With Prognostic Factors; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference, 127, 323-340.
40. Zhide Fang, Douglas P. Wiens; 2004; Bayesian
Minimally Supported D-Optimal Designs for an Exponential Regression Model; Communications
in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 33, 1187-1204.
41. Douglas P. Wiens; 2004; Match - A
Software Package for Robust Profile Matching Using S-Plus; Journal of
Statistical Software, Special Volume on Robustness, 10, 1-35.
42. Zhide Fang, Douglas P. Wiens; 2003; Robust
Regression Designs for Approximate Polynomial Models; Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 117, 305 - 321. Accompanying software.
43. Alwell J. Oyet,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2003; On
Exact Minimax Wavelet Designs Obtained by Simulated Annealing; Statistics
and Probability Letters, 61, 111-121.
44. Sanjoy K. Sinha, Douglas P. Wiens; 2003; Asymptotics for Robust Sequential Designs in Misspecified
Regression Models; Mathematical Statistics and Applications: Festschrift
for Constance van Eeden, IMS Lecture Notes -
Monograph Series, Eds. M. Moore, C. Lιger and S. Froda,
45. Douglas P. Wiens, Julian Cheng, Norman C. Beaulieu; 2003; A Class of
Method of Moments Estimators for the Two-Parameter Gamma Family; Pakistan
Journal of Statistics, 19, 129-141.
46. Sanjoy Sinha, Douglas P. Wiens; 2002; Robust
Sequential Designs for Nonlinear Regression; The Canadian Journal of
Statistics, 30, 601-618.
47. Sanjoy Sinha, Douglas P. Wiens; 2002; Minimax
Weights for Generalised M-Estimation in Biased
Regression Models; The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 30,
48. Giseon Heo, Byron Schmuland, Douglas P. Wiens; 2001; Restricted
Minimax Robust Designs for Misspecified Regression Models; The Canadian
Journal of Statistics, 29, 117-128. With addendum.
49. D. Wiens, L.Z. Florence, M. Hiltz; 2001; Robust
Estimation of Air-Borne Particulate Matter; Environmetrics,
12, 25-40. Accompanying manual
and S-Plus code.
50. Alwell J. Oyet,
Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Robust
Designs for Wavelet Approximations of Regression Models; Journal of
Nonparametric Statistics, 12, 837-859.
51. Zhide Fang, Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Integer-Valued,
Minimax Robust Designs for Estimation and Extrapolation in Heteroscedastic,
Approximately Linear Models; Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 95, 807-818.
52. Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Robust
Weights and Designs for Biased Regression Models: Least Squares and Generalized
M-estimation; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 83,
53. Zhiyi Du, Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Jackknifing,
Weighting, Diagnostics and Variance Estimation in Generalized M-Estimation;
Statistics and Probability Letters, 46, 287-299.
54. Zhide Fang, Douglas P. Wiens; 1999; Robust
Extrapolation Designs and Weights for Biased Regression Models With Heteroscedastic
Errors; The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 27, 751-770.
55. Douglas P. Wiens, Julie Zhou; 1999; Minimax
Designs for Approximately Linear Models With AR(1) Errors; The Canadian
Journal of Statistics, 27, 781-794.
56. Douglas P. Wiens; 1998; Minimax
Robust Designs and Weights for Approximately Specified Regression Models With
Heteroscedastic Errors; Journal of the American Statistical Association,
93, 1440-1450.
57. Douglas P. Wiens, Eden K.H. Wu, Julie Zhou; 1998; On
the Trimmed Mean and Minimax Variance L-estimation in Kolmogorov Neighbourhoods; The Canadian Journal of Statistics,
26, 231-238.
58. Shawn X. Liu, Douglas P. Wiens; 1997; Robust
Designs for Approximately Polynomial Regression; Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference, 64, 369-381. With addendum.
59. Douglas P. Wiens, Julie Zhou; 1997; Robust
Designs Based on the Infinitesimal Approach; Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 92, 1503-1511.
60. Douglas P. Wiens; 1996; Asymptotics of Generalized M-estimation of Regression and
Scale With Fixed Carriers, in an Approximately Linear Model; Statistics
and Probability Letters, 30, 271-285.
61. Douglas Wiens, Julie Zhou; 1996; Minimax
Regression Designs for Approximately Linear Models With Autocorrelated
Errors; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 55,
62. Mike Bokalo, Stephen J. Titus, Douglas P. Wiens;
1996; Sampling
With Partial Replacement Extended to Include Growth Projections; Forest
Science, 42, 328-334.
63. Douglas P. Wiens; 1996; Robust,
Sequential Designs for Approximately Linear Models; The Canadian Journal
of Statistics, 24, 67-79.
64. Douglas Wiens, Julie Zhou; 1994; Bounded
Influence Rank Estimation in the Linear Model; The Canadian Journal of
Statistics; 22, 233-246.
65. C.A. Field, Douglas P. Wiens; 1994; One-step
M-estimators in the Linear Model, With Dependent Errors; The Canadian
Journal of Statistics; 22, 219-232.
66. Douglas P. Wiens; 1994; Robust
Designs for Approximately Linear Regression: M-estimated Parameters; Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference; 40, 135-160.
67. Douglas P. Wiens; 1993; Designs
for Approximately Linear Regression: Maximizing the Minimum Coverage
Probability of Confidence Ellipsoids; The Canadian Journal of Statistics;
21, 59-70.
68. Douglas P. Wiens; 1992; On
Moments of Quadratic Forms in Non-Spherically Distributed Variables; Statistics;
23, 265-270.
69. Shongming Huang, Stephen J. Titus, Douglas P.
Wiens; 1992; Comparisons
of Nonlinear Height-Diameter Functions for Major Alberta Species; Canadian
Journal of Forest Research; 22, 1297-1304. With addendum.
70. Yu Wang, Douglas Wiens; 1992; Optimal,
Robust R-estimators and Test Statistics in the Linear Model; Statistics
and Probability Letters; 14, 179-188.
71. Douglas P. Wiens; 1992; Minimax
Designs for Approximately Linear Regression; Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference; 31, 353-371.
72. Douglas P. Wiens; 1992; A
Note on the Computation of Robust, Bounded Influence Estimates and Test
Statistics in Regression; Computational Statistics & Data Analysis;
13, 211-220. With addendum.
73. Douglas P. Wiens; 1991; Designs
for Approximately Linear Regression: Two Optimality Properties of Uniform
Designs; Statistics and Probability Letters; 12, 217-221.
74. Douglas P. Wiens, K.H. Eden Wu; 1991; Distributions
Minimizing Fisher Information for Scale in Kolmogorov Neighbourhoods;
The Canadian Journal of Statistics; 19, 179-190.
75. John W. Haines, Keith R. Thompson, Doug P. Wiens; 1991; The
Detection of Coastal-Trapped Waves; Journal of Geophysical Research,
96, 2593-2597.
76. Douglas P. Wiens, K.H. Eden Wu; 1990; Asymptotic
Minimax Properties of M-estimators of Scale; Statistics and Probability
Letters; 10, 363-368.
77. M. Hlynka, J.N. Sheahan,
D.P. Wiens; 1990; On
the Choice of Support of Re-Descending Psi-Functions in Linear Models With
Asymmetric Error Distributions; With addendum.
Metrika; 37, 365-381.
78. Douglas P. Wiens; 1990; Robust,
Minimax Designs for Multiple Linear Regression; Linear Algebra and Its Applications,
Second Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics; 127, 327 -
79. Douglas P. Wiens; 1990; Minimax
Variance L- and R- Estimators of Location; The Canadian Journal of
Statistics; 18, 47 - 57.
Awarded the 1990 CJS Award.
80. Douglas P. Wiens; 1989; On the Busy
Period Distribution of the M/G/2 Queueing System; Journal of Applied
Probability; 26, 858 - 865.
81. John Collins, Douglas Wiens; 1989; Minimax
Properties of M-, R-, and L- estimators of Location in Lιvy
Neighbourhoods; The Annals of Statistics; 17,
327-336. With addendum.
82. Douglas Wiens; 1988; The
Non-Null Distribution of the Beta Statistic in the Test of the Univariate
General Linear Hypothesis, When the Error Distribution is Spherically Symmetric;
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference; 19, 245-252.
83. Douglas P. Wiens; 1987; Robust
Weighted Cramιr-von Mises Estimators of Location,
with Minimax Variance in epsilon-contamination Neighbourhoods;
The Canadian Journal of Statistics; 15, 269-278.
84. Subhash C. Kochar,
Douglas P. Wiens; 1987; Partial
Orderings of Life Distributions With Respect to Their Aging Properties; Naval
Research Logistics; 34, 823-829.
85. David Hamilton, Douglas Wiens; 1987; Correction
Factors for F-ratios in Nonlinear Regression; Biometrika;
74, 423-425. With addendum.
86. Doug Wiens; 1986; Minimax
Variance M-estimators of Location in Kolmogorov Neighbourhoods;
The Annals of Statistics; 14, 724-732.
87. D. P. Wiens, Z. Zheng; 1986; Robust
M-estimators of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence of Asymmetry;
The Canadian Journal of Statistics; 14, 161-176.
88. John R. Collins, Douglas P. Wiens; 1985; Minimax
Variance M-estimators in epsilon-contamination Models; The Annals of
Statistics; 13, 1078-1096.
89. Doug Wiens; 1985; Asymptotic
Distribution of Some Multivariate Success Run' Renewal Processes, Applied to
a 2-i.i.d. Unit Repairable System; Naval Research and Logistics
Quarterly; 32, 589-593.
90. Douglas P. Wiens; 1985; On
Some Pattern Reduction Matrices Which Appear in Statistics; Linear Algebra
and its Applications, Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics; 67,
91. Doug Wiens; 1985; Ellipsoidal
Confidence Regions for a Normal Covariance Matrix; Communications in
Statistics A; 14, 1405-1411.
92. R. Dawson, G. Gabor, R. Nowakowski, D. Wiens;
1985; Random
Fibonacci-type Sequences; Fibonacci Quarterly; 23, 169-176.
93. D.P. Wiens; 1983; Some
Distributions for a 2-Identical Unit System; Math. Operationforsch.
U. Statist., Ser. Optimization; 14, 607-616.
94. Doug Wiens; 1981; Analysis
of a Hot-Standby System With 2 Identical Dependent Units and a General Erlang Failure Time Distribution; IEEE Transactions
on Reliability; R30, p. 386 and Supplement.
95. J.P. Jones, D. Sato, H. Wada, D. Wiens; 1976; Diophantine
Representation of the Set of Prime Numbers; American Mathematical
Monthly; 83, 449-464. Awarded the 1977 MAA Lester
R. Ford Award.
Conference Proceedings
96. Doug Wiens; September 2017;
presentation materials for the Second International Symposium
on Magic Squares, Prime Numbers and Postage Stamps, in celebration of Emeritus
Professor George P. H. Styans 80th
97. Linglong Kong, Douglas P. Wiens;
2015; Nonlinear
Quantile Regression Design; JSM
Proceedings; Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 3602-3609.
98. Douglas P. Wiens; 2009; Asymptotic
Properties of a Neyman-Pearson Test for Model
Discrimination, with an Application to Experimental Design;
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary
Statistics and Combinatorics, U. of North Carolina at
Greensboro, October 12 - 14, 2007; Journal of Statistical Theory and
Practice, 3, 419-427.
99. Oleg Michailovich, Douglas Wiens; 2007; On
Separation of Signal Sources using Kernel Estimates of Probability Densities;
International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal
Separation; London, UK, September 9-12, 2007. In Independent
Component Analysis and Signal Separation: Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer, pp. 81-88.
Julian Cheng, Douglas P. Wiens, Norman
C. Beaulieu; 2003; An
Asymptotic Study of Generalized Moment Estimators of the Nakagami
Fading Parameters; The 2003 Canadian Workshop on Information Theory;
Waterloo, Ontario, pp. 63-66, May 18-21, 2003.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2001; Robust
Designs for Approximate Regression Models With Correlated Errors; 2002
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, [CD-ROM], Alexandria,
VA: American Statistical Association.
Douglas P. Wiens; 1998; Minimum
Variance Unbiased Weights and Designs for Biased Regression Models; Proceedings
of the Third St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation; eds. S.M. Ermakov, Y.N. Kashtanov, V.B. Melas, St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press, pp.
Book Chapters
Douglas P. Wiens; 2015; Optimal
Designs for Nonlinear and Spatial Models: Introduction and Historical Overview,
Chapter 12 of Handbook of Design and
Analysis of Experiments, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2015; Robustness
of Design, Chapter 20 of Handbook of
Design and Analysis of Experiments, Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Bias
Constrained Minimax Robust Designs for Misspecified Regression Models; Selected
Proceedings of the Third St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation; 117-133, Birkhauser, Boston.
Book Reviews
Review of
"Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods: Substantially Improving Power
and Accuracy", by R.R. Wilcox; Biometrics; 57,
Work in progress
Douglas P. Wiens; 2025; To ignore
dependencies is perhaps not a sin. With Matlab code.
Future directions? Work that was started but for one reason or another was never completed,
or was merely contemplated. Let me know if any of this interests you.
108. Minimax Prediction Designs, Robust Against Misspecified Response and Error Structures. See here for a spatial application by Selvakkadunko Selvaratnam, U. Toronto.
109. Robust Design for Clinical Trials.
110. Maximum Entropy Designs.
111. Robust Bayesian Design.
112. Cluster, Dont Replicate. See here for a follow-up study by Daniel Burmaster, Brock U.
113. Design and M-estimation.
114. Minimax Efficient Bounded Bias Designs. An interesting problem with an uneventful solution.
Donev, Jesϊs Lσpez-Fidalgo, Douglas P. Wiens; 2017; Editorial
to the Computational Statistics & Data Analysis Special
Issue on Design of Experiments.
P. Wiens; May 2015; Liaison announcement re the winner of the CRM-SSC
Doug Wiens; March 6 2010; National
Post: Sage pronouncements that only a statistician could make.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2004; Editorial,
The Canadian Journal of Statistics; 32, 1-2 and Editor's Reports for
Doug Wiens; 2006; CJS: Coming
Attractions, Liaison; 20.1,
Doug Wiens; 2005; CJS: Coming Attractions,
Liaison; 19.1,
Doug Wiens; 2004; CJS: Coming
Attractions, Liaison; 18.2,
Y. Tian, D. P. Wiens; 2004; The
Equalities of Ordinary Least Squares Estimators and Best Linear Unbiased
Estimators for the Restricted Linear Model, University of Alberta
Statistics Centre Technical Report Series; #04.05.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2003; Optimal
Robust Methods for Prediction and Design in Spatial Studies, University
of Alberta Statistics Centre Technical Report Series; #03.03.
D. P. Wiens; 2003; Program,
2003 Annual SSC Meeting.
D. P. Wiens; 2002; Letter
to the Editor, IMS Bulletin; 31, 9.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2000; Designs
for Clinical Trials, University of Alberta Statistics Centre Technical
Report Series; #00.06.
Douglas P. Wiens et al. Numerous other technical reports.
Wiens; Sept 10 2024; Edmonton Journal; Keep
e-bikes, pedestrians apart.
Wiens; Nov 30 2023; The Globe and Mail; Other Options.
Wiens; Nov 7 2023; Edmonton Journal; Ditch the deadbeats.
Wiens; Apr 6 2022; The Globe and Mail; Who knew what.
Wiens; Oct 2 2021; The Globe and Mail; Calendar change.
Wiens; Oct 2 2021; Edmonton Journal; Rein in the unvaxxed.
Wiens; Sept 8 2021; Edmonton Journal; Non-vaxxed missing the point.
Wiens; Feb 12 2020; The Globe and Mail; Justice Done?.
Wiens; May 24 2019; Edmonton Journal; Jason
Kenney what a guy.
Wiens; July 17 2017; The Globe and Mail; Omar
Khadr: And now we pay.
Wiens; February 19 2013; Edmonton Journal; Cyclists safer if theyre seen.
Wiens; October 24 2012; The Globe and Mail; Big-boy story time.
Class Lecture Notes
Douglas P. Wiens; 2009 - present; STAT
312, Mathematical
Methods in Statistics.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2005 - present; STAT
368/501, Introduction
to Design and Analysis of Experiments.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2002 - present; STAT
479/503, Time
Series Analysis I.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2002 - present; STAT
512, Techniques
of Mathematics for Statistics.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2012 - present; STAT
568, Design
and Analysis of Experiments.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2011 - present; STAT
575, Multivariate
Douglas P. Wiens; 2007 - present; STAT
578, Regression
Analysis with Appendix.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2002 - present; STAT
665, Asymptotic
Methods in Statistical Inference.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2009 - present; STAT
679, Time
Series Analysis II.
Douglas P. Wiens; 2010 - present; STAT
766, Seminar
Series in Robustness.
Graduate theses
D. P. Wiens; 1982; Ph.D. (Statistics); Robust
Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scale in the Presence of Asymmetry.
D. P. Wiens; 1979; M.Sc. (Statistics); Distributions
for a Two-Unit Repairable System
D. P. Wiens; 1974; M.Sc. (Mathematical
Logic); Diophantine
Characterizations of the Perfect Numbers.
Graduate theses and projects supervised
Jiang Yin;
2017; M.Sc. project (co-supervised,
with N.G.N. Prasad); Analysis
of a Bladder Cancer Clinical Trial Using a Shared Frailty Model.
Nadezda Frolova; 2016; M.Sc. thesis (co-supervised, with Ivor Cribben); Estimation
of Extreme Value Dependence: Application to Australian Spot Electricity Prices.
Hu; 2016; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Designs for Model Discrimination and Prediction of a Threshold Probability.
Nie; 2015; M.Sc. thesis; Robust Active Learning.
Amber; 2015; M.Sc. project; A
Statistical Analysis for Genes and Environmental Factors Involved in Blood
Pressure Variation.
Gao; 2014; M.Sc. project; A
Study of Factors Which Affect Migration.
Zhichun Zhai; 2014; M.Sc. thesis; Robust
Sampling Designs for Model-Based Stratification.
Xiaozhou Wang; 2014; M.Sc. thesis; V-Robust
Designs for AR(1) Processes.
Dengdeng Yu; 2013; M.Sc. thesis; Comparison
of Three Methods of Generating Robust Statistical Designs.
Daemi; 2012; M.Sc. thesis; Minimax
Design for Approximate Straight Line Regression.
Jamil Karami;
2011; M.Sc. thesis; Designs
for Nonlinear Regression With a Prior on the Parameters.
Kate Yaraee;
2011; M.Sc. thesis; Functional
Data Analysis With Application to MS and Cervical Vertebrae Data.
Xiao Guo;
2011; M.Sc. project; Longitudinal
Data Analysis in Social Science Data.
Ya Meng; 2011; M.Sc.thesis;
Application of Gene Set Analysis for a Comparison of Two Groups.
M. Wang; 2006; M.Sc. project; A
Comparative Study of Robust Regression Designs.
A. Adewale;
2006; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Integer-Valued Designs for Generalized Linear Models.
X. Xu; 2006; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Prediction and Extrapolation Designs, with Applications to Accelerated Life
D. Metes; 2005; Summer NSERC student
report; Visual,
Unit Root and Stationarity Tests and Their Power and Accuracy.
F. Ackah;
2004; M.Sc. project; Robust
Assignment Probabilities for Clinical Trials.
J. Baser; 2003; M.Sc. project; A
Kalman Filter Analysis of Particulate Matter Using an
AR(1) Model.
A. Adewale;
2002; M.Sc. thesis; Robust
Designs for Approximate Regression Models with Two Interacting Regressors.
S. Hossain; 2002; M.Sc. project; Implementation
of Robust Designs for Straight Line Regression.
X. Wu; 2000; M.Sc. project; A
Comparative Study of Various Allocation Schemes in a Clinical Trial.
Z. Fang; 1999; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Extrapolation Designs for Linear Models.
Q. Wang; 1999; M.Sc. thesis; Approximations
to the Distributions of Some Robust Test Statistics.
G. Heo; 1998;
Ph.D. thesis; Optimal
Designs for Approximately Polynomial Regression Models.
J. O'Connor; 1998; M.Sc. project; An
Analysis of Hearing Loss in Goldminers.
A. Oyet;
1997; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Designs for Wavelet Approximations of Nonlinear Models.
J. Zhou; 1995; Ph.D. thesis; Robust
Experimental Designs for Linear Models.
Z. Du; 1995; M.Sc. thesis; Jackknife
Methods in Robust Regression.
J. Zhou; 1992; M.Sc. thesis; Bounded
Influence R-estimators in the Linear Model.
T. Feng; 1992; M.Sc. project; An
Analysis of Geographical Data.
T. Leung; 1992; M.Sc. project; Using
Measurement Error Models to Study the Shelter Effect.
H. Van Nguyen; 1992; M.Sc. project; Application
of Some Multivariate Techniques in Analysing
Biological Data.
Y. Wang; 1992; M.Sc. thesis; Optimal
Robust Rank-Based Estimators in the Linear Model.
E. Wu; 1990; Ph.D. thesis; Asymptotic
Minimax Properties of M-estimators of Scale.
Recreational Statistics/Probability/Mathematics problems solved
2003, Problem 02.3.2: Badly
Weighted Least Squares; Econometric Theory; 19, 701-703.
2003, Problem 02.1.2: A
Particular Symmetric Idempotent Matrix; Econometric Theory; 19,
2000, Problem 17: Chance
of Having a Saddlepoint; Chance; 13,
1992, Problem E3386: The
Longest Expected World Series; American Mathematical Monthly; 99,
1988, Problem 6524: An
Alternating Sum of Products of Beta Random Variables; American
Mathematical Monthly; 95, 562-564.
1988, Problem 6522: Persistence
of a Distribution Function; American Mathematical Monthly; 95,
360-362 .
1985, Problem 266: Numbers Which Equal Their Logarithms; The College
Mathematics Journal; 16, 311.
A provisionally accepted article (subject to payment); certainly not
refereed by any of MY peers
P. Wiens; 2024; A
Note on the Linguistic and Statistical Equivalence of MSF and DWB; London Journal of Research in Science:
Natural and Formal. An amusing foray into the
world of predatory publishing.