G. E. Swaters – Publications
Swaters, G. E., Introduction
to Hamiltonian fluid dynamics and stability theory.
Chapman&Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure & Applied Mathematics 102,
274 pp, 2000. ISBN 1-5848-8023-6.
Refereed Journal Articles (A pdf of the paper can be obtained by clicking the
hyperlink attached to the image)
1. Swaters,
G. E., Ekman layer dissipation in an eastward-traveling modon. J. Phys.
Oceanogr. 15, 1212-1216, 1985.
2. Swaters,
G. E., Derivation and analysis of a McPhee-like damping term for inertially
oscillating sea ice drift. J. Eng. Math.19, 251-259, 1985.
3. Swaters,
G. E., & L. A. Mysak, Topographically induced baroclinic eddies near a
coastline, with applications to the Northeast Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr.
15(11), 1470-1485, 1985.
4. Swaters,
G. E., A nonlinear stability theorem for baroclinic quasigeostrophic flow. Phys.
Fluids 29(1), 5-6, 1986.
5. Swaters,
G. E., Barotropic modon propagation over slowly varying topography. Geophys.
Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 36, 85-113, 1986.
6. Swaters,
G. E., Stability conditions and a priori estimates for equivalent-barotropic
modons. Phys. Fluids 29 (5), 1419-1422, 1986.
7. Swaters,
G. E., Critical-layer absorption of neutral ageostrophic vorticity wave
perturbations of baroclinic jets. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 43,
1-41, 1988.
8. Swaters,
G. E., Resonant three-wave interactions in nonlinear hyperelastic fluid-filled
tubes. J. Appl. Math. Physics (ZAMP) 39, 668-681, 1988.
9. Swaters,
G. E., Viscous modulation of the Lamb dipole vortex. Phys. Fluids 31(10),
2745-2747, 1988.
10. Swaters,
G. E., & R. P. Sawatzky, Viscoelastic modulation of solitary pressure
pulses in nonlinear fluid-filled distensible tubes. Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math.
42, 213-237, 1989.
11. Swaters,
G. E., A perturbation theory for the solitary drift-vortex solutions of the
Hasegawa-Mima equation. J. Plasma Physics 41, 523-539, 1989.
12. Moodie,
T. B., & G. E. Swaters, Nonlinear waves and shock calculations for
hyperelastic fluid-filled tubes. Quart. Appl. Math. XLVII,
705-722, 1989.
13. Wilson,
J. D., G. E. Swaters & F. Ustina, A perturbation analysis of turbulent flow
through a porous barrier. Quart. J. Royal Meteorol. Soc. 116,
989-1004, 1990.
14. Swaters,
G. E., & G. R. Flierl, Dynamics of ventilated coherent cold eddies on a
sloping bottom. J. Fluid Mech. 223, 565-588, 1991.
15. Swaters,
G. E., Dynamical characteristics of decaying Lamb couples. J. Appl. Math.
Physics (ZAMP) 42, 109-121, 1991.
16. Wilson,
J. D., & G. E. Swaters, The source area influencing a measurement in the
planetary boundary layer: The footprint and the distribution of the time since
surface contact. Boundary layer Meteorology 55, 25-46, 1991.
17. Swaters,
G. E., On the baroclinic instability of cold-core coupled density fronts on a
sloping continental shelf. J. Fluid Mech. 224, 361-382, 1991.
18. Cree,
W. C., & G. E. Swaters, On the topographic dephasing and amplitude
modulation of nonlinear Rossby wave interactions. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid
Dynamics 61, 75-99, 1991.
19. Wilson,
J. D., T. K. Flesch & G. E. Swaters, Dispersion in sheared Gaussian
homogeneous turbulence. Boundary layer Meteorology 62, 281-290,
20. Swaters,
G. E., Nonlinear stability of intermediate baroclinic flow on a sloping bottom.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 442, 249-272, 1993.
21. Swaters,
G. E., On the baroclinic dynamics, Hamiltonian formulation and general
stability characteristics of density-driven currents and fronts over a sloping
continental shelf. Phil. Trans.
R. Soc. Lond. A 345, 295-325, 1993.
22. Ropchan,
C. B., & G. E. Swaters, The role of negative energy waves in linear and
nonlinear shear flow instability in hyperelastic fluid-filled tubes. Q. Jl.
Mech. Appl. Math. 46, 657-681, 1993.
23. Swaters,
G. E., On stationary equivalent-modons in an eastward flow. Phys. Fluids
6, 118-123, 1994.
24. Ek,
N. R., & G. E. Swaters, Geostrophic scatter diagrams and the application of
quasi-geostrophic free mode theory to a Northeast Pacific blocking episode. J.
Atmos. Sci. 51(4), 563-581, 1994.
25. Primeau,
F. W., & G. E. Swaters, The effect of along-shore topographic variation and
bottom friction on shelf wave interactions. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 24(5),
1021-1039, 1994.
26. Swaters,
G. E., On stationary baroclinic planetary dipole-vortices in a continuously
stratified fluid of finite depth. J. Appl. Math. Physics (ZAMP) 45,
638-657, 1994.
27. Swaters,
G. E., A Hamiltonian structure for hyperelastic fluid-filled tubes. Can.
Appl. Math. Quart. 2(4), 551-584, 1994.
28. Karsten,
R. H., G. E. Swaters & R. E. Thomson, Stability characteristics of deep
water replacement in the Strait of Georgia. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 25(10),
2391-2403, 1995.
29. Yonemitsu,
N., G. E. Swaters, N. Rajarantnam & G. A. Lawrence, Shear instabilities in
arrested salt-wedge flows. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 24(B), 173-182,
30. Karsten,
R. H., & G. E. Swaters, Nonlinear stability of baroclinic fronts in a
channel with variable topography. Stud. Appl. Math. 96, 183-199,
31. D'Alessio,
S. J. D., T. B. Moodie, J. P. Pascal & G. E. Swaters, Gravity currents
produced by a sudden release of a fixed volume of heavy fluid. Stud. Appl.
Math. 96, 359-385, 1996.
32. Karsten,
R. H. & G. E. Swaters, A note on the stability theory of buoyancy-driven
ocean currents over a sloping bottom. J. Appl. Math. Physics (ZAMP) 47,
28-38, 1996.
33. Mooney,
C. J., & G. E. Swaters, Finite amplitude baroclinic instability of a
mesoscale gravity current in a channel. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics
82, 173-205, 1996.
34. D'Alessio,
S. J. D., T. B. Moodie, J. P. Pascal & G. E. Swaters, Intrusive gravity
currents. Stud. Appl. Math. 98, 19-46, 1997.
35. Timko,
P., & G. E. Swaters, On the dissipation of internal solitons in coastal
seas. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 85, 163-194, 1997.
36. Slomp,
C. G., & G. E. Swaters, Finite-amplitude waves and modulational instability
of a stable geostrophic front. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 86,
149-172, 1997.
37. Moodie,
T. B., J. P. Pascal & G. E. Swaters, Sediment transport and deposition from
a two-layer model of gravity currents on a sloping bottom. Stud. Appl. Math.
100, 215-244, 1998.
38. Swaters,
G. E., Numerical simulations of the baroclinic dynamics of density-driven
coupled fronts and eddies on a sloping bottom. J. Geophys. Res. 103,
2945-2961, 1998.
39. Swaters,
G. E., Dynamics of radiating cold domes on a sloping bottom. J. Fluid Mech. 364,
221-251, 1998.
40. Poulin,
F. J., & G. E. Swaters, Sub-inertial dynamics of density-driven flows in a
continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. I. Model derivation and
stability characteristics. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 445, 2281-2304,
41. Poulin,
F. J., & G. E. Swaters, Sub-inertial dynamics of density-driven flows in a
continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. II. Isolated eddies and
radiating cold domes. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 445, 2305-2329, 1999.
42. Poulin,
F. J., & G. E. Swaters, Sub-inertial dynamics of density-driven flows in a
continuously stratified fluid on a sloping bottom. Part 3. Nonlinear stability
theory. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 7 (1), 49-69, 1999.
43. Reszka,
M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Eddy formation and interaction in a baroclinic
frontal geostrophic model. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 29, 3025-3042,
44. Swaters,
G. E., On the evolution of near-singular modes of the Bickley jet. Phys.
Fluids 11(9), 2546-2555, 1999.
45. Karsten,
R. H., & G. E. Swaters, A unified asymptotic derivation of two-layer,
frontal geostrophic models including planetary sphericity and bottom
topography. Phys. Fluids 11(9), 2583-2597, 1999.
46. Reszka,
M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Numerical investigation of baroclinic instability
in the Gaspé current using a frontal geostrophic model. J. Geophys.
Res. 104, 25,685-25,696, 1999.
47. Choboter,
P. F., & G. E. Swaters, On the baroclinic instability of axisymmetric
rotating gravity currents with bottom slope. J. Fluid Mech. 408,
149-177, 2000.
48. Karsten,
R. H., & G. E. Swaters, Nonlinear effects in two-layer, large-amplitude,
geostrophic dynamics. Part 1. The strong beta case. J. Fluid Mech. 412,
125-160, 2000.
49. Karsten,
R. H., & G. E. Swaters, Nonlinear effects in two-layer, large-amplitude,
geostrophic dynamics. Part 2. The weak beta case. J. Fluid Mech. 412,
161-196, 2000.
50. Swaters,
G. E., On the finite-amplitude development of near-singular modes of the
Bickley jet. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 8, 387-413, 2000.
51. Choboter,
P. F., & G. E. Swaters, Modelling equator-crossing currents on the ocean
bottom. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 8, 367-385, 2000.
52. Swaters,
G. E., On the collision between deep anticyclones and seamounts. Eur. J.
Mech., B/Fluids 20, 471-488, 2001.
53. Reszka,
M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Dynamics of bottom-trapped currents with
application to the Strait of Georgia. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 9,
127-157, 2001.
54. Reszka,
M. K, G. E. Swaters & B. R. Sutherland, Instability of abyssal currents in
a continuously stratified ocean with bottom topography. J. Phys. Oceanogr.
32, 3528-3550, 2002.
55. Choboter,
P. F., & G. E. Swaters, Two-layer models of abyssal Equator-crossing flow. J.
Phys. Oceanogr. 33, 1401-1415, 2003.
56. Swaters,
G. E., Baroclinic characteristics of frictionally destabilized abyssal
overflows. J. Fluid Mech. 489, 349-379, 2003.
57. Swaters,
G. E., Spectral properties in modon stability theory. Stud. Appl. Math. 112,
235-258, 2004.
58. Reszka,
M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Evolution of initially-axisymmetric buoyancy jets:
a numerical study. J. Fluid Mech. 501, 355-377, 2004.
59. Choboter,
P. F., & G. E. Swaters, Shallow-water modelling of Antarctic Bottom Water
crossing the Equator. J. Geophys. Res. 109, C03038, doi:
10.1029/2003JC002048, 2004.
60. Sutherland,
B. R., J. Nault, K. Yewchuk & G. E. Swaters, Rotating dense currents on
slopes. Part I: Stability. J. Fluid Mech. 508, 241-264, 2004.
61. Pavec,
M., X. Carton & G. E. Swaters, Baroclinic instability of geostrophic
currents over a slope. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 911-918, 2005.
62. Ha,
Seung-Ji, & G. E. Swaters, Finite-amplitude baroclinic instability of
time-varying abyssal currents. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 36, 122-139, 2006.
63. Swaters,
G. E., The meridional flow of source-driven abyssal currents in a stratified
basin with topography. Part I. Model development and dynamical properties. J.
Phys. Oceanogr. 36, 335-355, 2006.
64. Swaters,
G. E., The meridional flow of source-driven abyssal currents in a stratified
basin with topography. Part II. Numerical simulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 36, 356-375, 2006.
65. Swaters,
G. E., On the frictional destabilization of abyssal overflows dynamically
coupled to internal gravity waves. Geophys.
Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 100, 1-24, 2006.
66. Swaters,
G. E., Perturbations of soliton solutions to the unstable nonlinear Schrödinger
and sine-Gordon equations. Stud.
Appl. Math. 118, 99-116, 2007.
67. Turnbull, M. R., & G. E. Swaters, Evolution of solitary marginal
disturbances in baroclinic frontal geostrophic dynamics with dissipation and
time-varying background flow. Proc. R. Soc. A 463, 1749-1769, 2007.
68. Swaters,
G. E., Mixed bottom-friction-Kelvin-Helmholtz destabilization of source-driven
abyssal overflows in the ocean. J. Fluid
Mech. 626, 33-67, 2009.
69. Wilson,
J. D., W. J. Massman & G. E. Swaters, Dynamic Response of the thermometric
net radiometer. Agric. Forest Meteorol.
149, 1358-1364, 2009.
70. Swaters,
G. E., Ekman destabilization of inertially-stable baroclinic abyssal flow on a
sloping bottom. Phys. Fluids 21, 086601(1-10), 2009.
71. Swaters,
G. E., Modal interpretation for the Ekman destabilization of inviscidly-stable
baroclinic flow in the Phillips model. J.
Phys. Oceanogr. 40, 830-839, 2010.
72. Swaters,
G. E., H. V. Dosser & B. R. Sutherland, Conservation laws, Hamiltonian
structure, modulational instability properties and solitary wave solutions for
a higher-order model describing nonlinear internal waves. Stud. Appl. Math. 128,
159-182, 2011.
73. Swaters,
G. E., Perturbation theory for the solitary wave solutions to a Sasa-Satsuma
model describing nonlinear internal waves in a continuously stratified fluid. Stud. Appl. Math. 178,
420-432, 2012.
74. Swaters,
G. E., Flow of grounded abyssal ocean currents along zonally-varying topography
on a rotating sphere. Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dynamics 107, 564-586,
75. Somayaji,
C. R., & G. E Swaters, Kelvin-Helmholtz
instability of a bottom-intensified jet in a stratified fluid. Can. Appl. Math. Quart. 21, 355-377, 2013.
76. Kim, A., G. E Swaters & B. R.
Sutherland, Cross-equatorial flow of grounded abyssal ocean currents. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 108, 363-386, 2014.
77. Swaters, G. E., Midlatitude-equatorial
dynamics of a grounded deep western boundary current. Part I. Midlatitude flow
and the transition to the equatorial region. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 45,
2457-2469, 2015.
78. Swaters, G. E., Midlatitude-equatorial
dynamics of a grounded deep western boundary current. Part II. Cross-equatorial
dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 45, 2470-2483, 2015.
79. Swaters, G. E., Internal dissipative
boundary layers in the cross-equatorial flow of a grounded deep western
boundary current. Geophys.
Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 111,
91-114, 2017.
80. Swaters, G. E., Meridional dynamics of grounded
abyssal water masses on a sloping bottom in a mid-latitude beta-plane. J.
Fluid Mech. 841, 674-701, 2018.
81. Swaters,
G. E., Hamiltonian structure and a variational principle for grounded abyssal flow on a sloping bottom in
a mid-latitude beta-plane. Stud. Appl.
Math. 141,
247-263, 2018.
82. Gervais, A. D., G. E. Swaters, T. S. van
den Bremer & B. R. Sutherland, Evolution and stability of
two-dimensional anelastic internal
gravity wavepackets. J. Atmos. Sci. 75, 3703-3724, 2018.
83. Deepwell, D., R. Sapede, L. Buchart, G.
E. Swaters & B. R. Sutherland, Particle transport and resuspension by
shoaling internal solitary waves. Phys.
Rev. Fluids 5, 054303 (1-21),
84. Gervais, A. D., Q. Ede, G. E. Swaters,
T. S. van den Bremer & B. R. Sutherland, Propagation and breaking of
three-dimensional Boussinesq wavepackets with rotation. Phys. Rev. Fluids 6 044801 (1-20), 2021.
85. Gervais, A. D., G. E. Swaters & B.
R. Sutherland, Transmission and reflection of
three-dimensional Boussinesq internal gravity wave packets in nonuniform
retrograde shear flow. Phys. Rev.
Fluids 7 114802 (1-24),
Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings and Technical Report
86. Gaskill,
H., R. Lopez & G. E. Swaters, Free drift of sea ice: a comparison of
models. Centre for Cold Oceans Resources Engineering, 1980, 132 pp.
87. Swaters,
G. E., & G. R. Flierl, Ekman dissipation of a barotropic modon. In Mesoscale/Synoptic
coherent structures in geophysical turbulence, 149-165, edited by J. C. J.
Nihoul & B. M. Jamart, Elsevier Press, 1989.
88. Swaters,
G. E., Propagation of two-dimensional solitary drift vortices in a viscous
rotating fluid or plasma. In Continuum mechanics and its applications,
779-796, edited by C. Graham & S. Malik, Hemisphere Publishers, 1989.
89. Swaters,
G. E., Morphology of vorticity-stream function scatter diagrams and the
emergence of coherent vortices during the destabilization of a two dimensional
jet. In Ocean waves mechanics, Computational fluid dynamics and Mathematical
modelling, 117-128, edited by M. Rahman, Computational Mechanics
Publications, 1990.
90. Ropchan,
C., & G. E. Swaters, Shear-flow instability and explosive three-wave
interactions in hyperelastic fluid-filled tubes. In Ocean waves mechanics,
Computational fluid dynamics and Mathematical modelling, 129-138, edited by
M. Rhaman, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1990.
91. Swaters,
G. E., A survey of the mathematical theory of modons. In Nonlinear
dispersive wave systems, 461-479, edited by L. Debnath, World Scientific
Publishing Company, 1992.
92. Swaters,
G. E., The February 1989 Pacific block as a coherent structure. In Modelling
of oceanic vortices, 207-215, edited by G. J. F. van Heijst, Verhandeligen
Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen (KNAW), North Holland, Elsevier, 1994.
93. Swaters,
G. E., Mathematical modelling of solitary oceanographic vortices. In Fluid
Vortices, 575-616, edited by S. I. Green, Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1995.
94. Mooney, C. J., & G. E. Swaters, On the
finite amplitude instability of gravity currents on a sloping bottom. In 10th Conference on Atmospheric
and Oceanic Waves and Stability, 23-24, American Meteorological Society,
95. Karsten, R. H., & G. E. Swaters, On the
stability of two layer geostrophic fronts on a beta plane. In 10th Conference on Atmospheric
and Oceanic Waves and Stability, 49-50, American Meteorological Society,
96. Swaters, G. E., Numerical simulations of
the low-frequency dynamics for gravity currents, cold pools and coherent
density-driven eddies on a sloping bottom in a channel. In 10th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and
Stability, 123-125, American Meteorological Society, 1995.
97. Slomp, C. G., & G. E. Swaters, On
the finite-amplitude stability of geostrophic fronts. In 10th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and
Stability, 210-211, American Meteorological Society, 1995.
98. Reszka, M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Some
analytical and numerical results for buoyancy-driven fronts over a sloping
bottom. In 11th Conference on
Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 135-139, American Meteorological
Society, 1997.
99. Karsten, R. H., & G. E. Swaters,
Nonlinear destabilization of large-scale oceanic fronts. In 11th Conference on Atmospheric
and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 147-151, American Meteorological Society, 1997.
100. Poulin, F. J., & G. E. Swaters,
Mesoscale cold-pools within a continuously stratified fluid overlying a sloping
continental shelf. In 11th
Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 157-161, American
Meteorological Society, 1997.
101. Choboter,
P. F., & G. E. Swaters, Modelling the dynamics of abyssal equator-crossing
currents. In Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean
Dynamics, 125-130, edited by P. F. Hodnett, Kluwer Academic Publishing,
102. Reszka,
M. K., & G. E. Swaters, Baroclinic instability of bottom-dwelling currents.
In Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, 209-214,
edited by P. F. Hodnett, Kluwer Academic Publishing, 2001.
103. Swaters,
G. E., Evolution of near-singular jet modes. In Advances in Mathematical
Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, 251-258, edited by P. F.
Hodnett, Kluwer Academic Publishing, 2001.
104. Swaters,
G. E., Generation of internal gravity waves by unstable overflows, 91-102, In Nonlinear
Processes in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, edited by O. U. Velasco Fuentes,
J. Sheinbaum & J. Ochoa, Kluwer Academic Publishing, 2003.
105. Reszka, M. K., & G. E. Swaters,
Simple frontal models of baroclinic instability. In 14th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics,
83-88, American Meteorological Society, 2003.
106. Sutherland, B. R., J. Nault, K. Yewchuk
& G. E. Swaters, Stability and evolution of dense currents on sloping
topography. In 14th Conference
on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, 71-74, American Meteorological
Society, 2003.
107. Swaters, G. E.,
On the meridional flow of source driven abyssal currents on a continental
slope, In Advances in Fluid Mechanics V, 119-128, edited by C. A. Brebbia,
A. C. Mendes & M. Rahman, WIT Press, 2004.
108. Swaters, G. E.,
Finite amplitude evolution of frictionally destabilized abyssal overflows in a
stratified ocean. In Advances in Fluid Mechanics VI, 185-191, edited
by M. Rahman & C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press, 2006.
109. Swaters, G. E.,
Stability of meridionally-flowing grounded abyssal currents in the ocean. In Advances
in Fluid Mechanics VII, 93-100, edited by M. Rahman
& C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press, 2008.
110. Swaters, G. E.,
Meridional flow of grounded abyssal currents on a sloping bottom in spherical
geometry. Advances in Fluid Mechanics IX, 313-320, edited
by M. Rahman & C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press, 2012.
111. Swaters, G. E., The equatorial
meandering of abyssal ocean currents. Advances in Fluid Mechanics X, 339-347, edited by C. A. Brebbia, S. Hernandez & M. Rahman,
WIT Press, 2014.
Submitted Manuscripts
Manuscripts in Preparation
G. E., Meridional dynamics of barotropic geostrophic flow over a sloping bottom in a mid-latitude beta-plane.