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Derksen - Publications
In journals
91 Simulations of
droplet coalescence in simple shear flow
Orest Shardt,,
J.J. Derksen, Sushanta K. Mitra, Langmuir, accepted, preprint,
90 Direct simulations of aggregates in
homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Derksen, Acta Mechanica, accepted, preprint,,
89 Lattice
Boltzmann study of mass transfer for two-dimensional Bretherton/Taylor
bubble train flow
Kuzmin, M. Januszewski, D. Eskin, F. Mostowfi, J.J. Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Journal, accepted, preprint 2013.
88 Lattice Boltzmann simulations of a
single n-butanol drop rising in water
Komrakova, D. Eskin, J.J.
Derksen, Physics of Fluids, Vol 25, p042102,
87 Simulations of mobilization of Bingham
in a turbulently agitated tank
Derksen, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol 191, p25,
86 Simulation of a mannequin’s
thermal plume in a small room
Xinli Jia , John B. McLaughlin, Jos Derksen, Goodarz Ahmadi,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA), Vol 65, p287, 2013.
85 Simulations of dilute sedimenting
suspensions at finite-particle Reynolds numbers
Sungkorn, J.J.
Derksen, Physics of Fluids, Vol 24, p123303,
84 Direct simulations of spherical particles
sedimenting in viscoelastic fluids
Goyal, J.J.
Derksen, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol 183-184,
83 Highly resolved simulations of
suspension in a small mixing tank
Derksen, AIChE Journal, Vol 58, p3266,
82 Direct simulations of dense
suspensions of non-spherical particles
Shardt, J.J. Derksen, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol
81 Effect of geometry on the mechanisms for
off-bottom solids suspension in a stirred tank
Ayranci, M.B. Machado,, A.M. Madej, J.J. Derksen, D.S.
Nobes, S.M. Kresta, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol 79, p163,
80 Direct simulations of mixing of
liquids with density and viscosity differences
Derksen, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,
Vol 51, p6948,
79 Modeling
of aerated stirred tanks with shear-thinning power law liquids
Sungkorn, J.J.
Derksen, J.G. Khinast., International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow,
Vol 36, p153, 2012.
78 Euler-Lagrange
modeling of a gas-liquid stirred reactor with consideration of bubble
breakage and coalescence
Sungkorn, J.J.
Derksen, J.G. Khinast., AIChE Journal, Vol 58, p1356, 2012.
77 Lattice Boltzmann simulations of
pinched flow fractionation
Orest Shardt,,
Sushanta K. Mitra, J.J.
Derksen, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol 75, p106,
76 Dense suspensions - solid-liquid
interactions at the particle scale
Derksen, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol 12,p103,
75 Meso-scale simulations of
solid-liquid flow & strategies for meso-macro coupling
Derksen, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol 90, p795,
74 Direct numerical simulations of
aggregation of monosized spherical particles in homogeneous isotropic
Derksen, AIChE Journal, Vol 58, p2589, 2012.
73 Detached eddy simulation on the
turbulent flow in a stirred tank
Gimbun, C.D. Rielly, Z.K. Nagy, J.J.
Derksen, AIChE Journal, Vol 58, p3224, 2012
72 Three-dimensional
binary-liquid lattice
Boltzmann simulation of microchannels with rectangular cross sections
Kuzmin, M. Januszewski, D. Eskin, F. Mostowfi, J.J. Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Journal, Vol 178, p306, 2011
71 Simulations of granular bed erosion due
to laminar shear flow near the critical Shields number
Derksen, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 23, p113303, 2011.
70 Blending of miscible liquids with
densities starting from a stratified state
Derksen, Computers & Fluids, Vol 50, p35, 2011.
69 Simulations
of gravity-driven flow of binary liquids in microchannels
Kuzmin, M. Januszewski, D. Eskin, F. Mostowfi, J.J. Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Journal, Vol 171, p646, 2011.
68 Modeling
turbulent gas-liquid bubbly flows using stochastic Lagrangian model and
lattice-Boltzmann scheme
Sungkorn, J.J.
Derksen, J.G. Khinast., Chemical Engineering Science, Vol 66,
p2745, 2011.
67 Flow-induced
forces in agglomerates
Derksen, D. Eskin, FDMP: Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol
7, p341, 2011.
66 Simulations
of thixotropic liquids
Derksen, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol 35, p1656,
65 Drag and
lift forces on random assemblies of wall-attached spheres in
number shear flow
Derksen, R.A. Larsen, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol
673, p548, 2011.
64 Simulating
turbulent swirling flow in a gas cyclone: a comparison of various
modelling approaches
Gronald, J.J. Derksen, Powder Technology, Vol 205, p160,
63 Direct
simulations of spherical particle motion in Bingham liquids
J.J. Derksen, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol
35, p1200, 2011.
62 Direct flow simulations of thixotropic
liquids in agitated tanks
J.J. Derksen, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol
89, p628, 2011.
61 Simulations
of axial mixing of liquids in a long horizontal pipe for industrial
Zhao, Jos Derksen, Rajender Gupta, Energy & Fuels,
Vol 24, p5844, 2010.
60 Potential
of micro-channel flow for agglomerate breakage
Derksen, D. Eskin, Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol 49, p10633,
J.J. Derksen, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,
Vol 88, p677, 2010.
58 Simulations
of lateral mixing in cross-channel flow
Derksen, Computers & Fluids, Vol 39, p1058, 2010.
57 Turbulent flow of shear-thinning liquids in
stirred tanks -The effects of Reynolds number and flow index
J.J. Derksen, H.E.A van den Akker, Chemical
Engineering Research & Design, Vol 88, p827, 2010.
56 Agitation
and mobilizaton of thixotropic liquids
Derksen, AIChE Journal, Vol 56, p2236, 2010.
55 Flow and
particle motion in scraped heat exchanger crystallizers
Rodriguez Pascual, J.J.,Derksen, G. M. van Rosmalen, G.J. Witkamp,
Chemical Engineering Science, Vol 64, p5153, 2009.
54 Drag
on random assemblies of spheres in shear-thinning and thixotropic
Derksen, Physics of Fluids, Vol 21, p083302-1, 2009.
53 Simulations
of complex flow of thixotropic liquids
Derksen, Prashant, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mechanics, Vol 160, p65, 2009.
52 Large
eddy simulations and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry
measurements in a scraped heat exchanger crystallizer geometry
Rodriguez Pascual, F. Ravelet, R. Delfos, J.J. Derksen, G.J.
Witkamp, Chemical Engineering Science,
Vol 64, p2127, 2009.
51 Solid
particle mobility in agitated Bingham liquids
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,
Vol 48, p2266, 2009.
50 Scalar
mixing with fixed and fluidized particles in micro-reactors
J.J.Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Research & Design, Vol 87, p550, 2009.
49 Mixing
by solid particles
J.J.Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Research & Design, Vol 86, p1363, 2008.
48 Flow
induced forces in sphere doublets
J.J.Derksen, Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 608, p337, 2008.
47 Scalar
mixing by granular particles
AIChE Journal, Vol 54, p1741, 2008.
46 An
applicability study of advanced lattice-Boltzmann techniques for
moving, no-slip boundaries and local grid refinement
Rohde, J.J.Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, Computers & Fluids, Vol.
37, p1238, 2008.
45 Evaluation
of large eddy simulation and Euler-Euler CFD models for solids flow
dynamics in a stirred tank reactor
Guha, P.A. Ramachandran, M.P. Dudukovic, J.J. Derksen, AIChE Journal,
Vol. 54, p766, 2008.
44 Two-way
coupled large-eddy simulations of the gas-solid flow in cyclone
S. Sundaresan, H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal, Vol. 54, p872,
43 Direct
numerical simulations of
dense suspensions: wave instabilities in liquid-fluidized beds
S. Sundaresan, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 587, p303, 2007.
42 Multi-scale simulations of
stirred liquid-liquid dispersions
Derksen, H.E.A. van
den Akker, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, Vol. 85,
p697, 2007.
41 Numerical study on the turbulent
reacting flow in the vicinity of the injector of an LDPE tubular reactor
van Vliet, J.J.
Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, R.O. Fox, Chemical Engineering Science,
Vol. 62, p2435, 2007.
40 Large-eddy simulations of
single-phase flow dynamics and mixing in an industrial crystallizer
Derksen, K.
Kontomaris, J.B. McLaughlin, H.E.A. van den Akker, Chemical Engineering
Research & Design, Vol. 85, p169, 2007.
39 Assessment of the 1-fluid method
for DNS of particulate flows: Sedimentation of a single sphere at
moderate to high Reynolds numbers
Pianet, A. ten Cate,
J.J. Derksen, E. Arquis, Computers & Fluids. Vol. 36, p359,
38 Mixing times in a turbulent
stirred tank by means of LES
Hartmann, J.J.
Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal, Vol. 52, p3696, 2006
37 Application of spectral forcing in
lattice-Boltzmann simulations of homogeneous turbulence
ten Cate, E. van
Vliet, J.J. Derksen, H.E.A. Van den Akker, Computers &
Fluids, Vol. 35, p1239, 2006
36 Numerical simulation of a
dissolution process in a stirred tank reactor
Hartmann, J.J.
Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 61,
p3025, 2006
35 Long-time Solids Suspension
Simulations by Means of a Large-Eddy Approach
J. Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Research and Design, Vol. 84, p38, 2006
34 Simulation of mass-loading
effects in gas–solid cyclone separators
Derksen, S.
Sundaresan, H.E.A. van den Akker, Powder Technology, Vol. 163, p59,
33 A generic, mass conservative
local grid refinement technique for lattice-Boltzmann schemes
Rohde, D. Kandhai, J.
J. Derksen, H. E. A. van den Akker, International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Fluids, Vol. 51, p439, 2006
32 Simulations of confined turbulent
vortex flow
Derksen, Computers
& Fluids, Vol. 34, p301, 2005
31 Turbulent mixing in a tubular
reactor: Assessment of an FDF/LES approach
van Vliet, J. J.
Derksen, H. E. A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal, Vol. 51, p725, 2005
30 Fully resolved simulations of
monodisperse spheres in forced isotropic turbulence
ten Cate, J.J.
Derksen, L.M. Portela, H.E.A. van den Akker, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, Vol. 519, p233, 2004.
29 Macroinstability uncovered in a
Rushton turbine stirred tank by means of LES
Hartmann, J.J.
Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 50, p2383, 2004.
28 Time-resolved, 3D, laser-induced
fluorescence measurements of fine-structure passive scalar mixing in a
tubular reactor
van Vliet, S.M. van
Bergen, J.J. Derksen, L.M. Portela, and, H.E.A. van den Akker,
Experiments in Fluids Vol 37, p1, 2004.
27 Assessment of large eddy
and RANS stirred tank simulations by means of LDA
Hartmann, J.J.
Derksen, C. Montavon, J. Pearson, I.S. Hamill, and H.E.A. van den
Akker, Chemical Engineering Science Vol 59, p2419, 2004.
26 Numerical simulation of solids
suspension in a stirred tank
Derksen, AIChE
Journal Vol 49, p2700, 2003.
25 Separation performance
predictions of a Stairmand high-efficiency cyclone
Derksen, AIChE
Journal Vol 49, p1359, 2003.
24 Interphase drag coefficients in
gas-solid flows
Khandai, J.J.
Derksen, and H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 49, p1060, 2003.
23 An analysis of mixing in a typical
experimental setup to measure nucleation rates of precipitation
Roelands, J. Derksen,
J. ter Horst, H. Kramer, and P. Jansens, Chemical Engineering &
Technology Vol. 26, p296, 2003.
22 Improved bounce-back
methods for no-slip walls in lattice-Boltzmann schemes: Theory and
Rohde, D. Kandhai,
J.J. Derksen, and H.E.A. van den Akker, Physical Review E Vol 67, art.
no. 066703 part 2, 2003.
21 A numerical study on
orthokinetic agglomeration in stirred tanks
Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, H.J.M. Kramer, G.M. van Rosmalen, and H.E.A. van den Akker,
Powder Technology Vol 130, p 169, 2003.
20 Particle imaging velocimetry
experiments and lattice-Boltzmann simulations on a single sphere
settling under gravity
ten cate, C.H.
Nieuwstad, J.J. Derksen, and H.E.A. van den Akker, Physics of Fluids
Vol 14, p4012, 2002.
19 Large eddy simulations of a
stirred tank using the lattice-Boltzmann method on a nonuniform grid
Lu, Y. Liao, D.Y.
Qian, J.B. McLaughlin, J.J. Derksen, and K. Kontomaris, Journal of
Computational Physics Vol 181, p675, 2002.
18 Volumetric method for
calculating the flow around moving objects in lattice-Boltzmann schemes
Rohde, J.J. Derksen,
H.E.A. van den Akker, Physical Review E, Vol 65, art. no. 056701 part
2, 2002.
17 Developing a non-intrusive
measuring technique for determining orthokinetic agglomeration rate
Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, H.J.M. Kramer,and H.E.A. van den Akker, Measurement Science
and Technology, Vol 13, p807, 2002.
16 Population balance modeling of
aerated stirred vessels based on CFD
Venneker, J.J.
Derksen, and H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 48, p673, 2002.
15 Lattice-Boltzmann based
large-eddy simulations applied to industrial processes
Derksen, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Vol 2329, p713, 2002.
14 Confined and agitated swirling flows
with applications in chemical engineering
Derksen, Flow,
Turbulence and Combustion Vol 69, p3, 2002.
13 Assessment of large eddy
simulations for agitated flows
Derksen, Chemical
Engineering Research and Design Vol 79, p824, 2001.
12 A numerical scale-up study for
orthokinetic agglomeration in stirred vessels
Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, L.M. Portela, and H.E.A. van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 47,
p2425, 2001.
11 The microscopic modelling of
hydrodynamics in industrial crystallisers
ten Cate, J.J.
Derksen, H.J.M. Kramer, G.M. van Rosmalen, and H.E.A. van den Akker,
Chemical Engineering Science Vol 56, p2495, 2001.
10 A numerical study on the
coupling of hydrodynamics and orthokinetic agglomeration
Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, O.S.L. Bruinsma, H.E.A. van den Akker, and G.M. van Rosmalen,
Chemical Engineering Science Vol 56, p2531, 2001.
9 Effect of dissolved metal
sulphates on gas-liquid oxygen transfer in agitated quartz and pyrite
Zuidervaart, M.A.
Reuter, R.H. Heerema, R.G.J.M. van der Lans, and J.J. Derksen, Minerals
Engineering Vol 13, p1555, 2000.
8 Simulation of vortex
core precession in a reverse-flow cyclone
Derksen, and H.E.A.
van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 46, p1317, 2000.
7 Oxygen transfer in agitated
silica and pyrite slurries
Derksen, K. Buist,
G. van Weert, and M.A. Reuter, Minerals Engineering Vol 13, p25, 2000.
6 Three-dimensional LDA
measurements in the impeller region of a turbulently stirred tank
Derksen, M.S.
Doelman, and H.E.A. van den Akker, Experiments in Fluids Vol 27, p522,
5 An experimental and numerical
study of turbulent swirling flow in gas cyclones
Hoekstra, J.J.
Derksen, and H.E.A. van den Akker, Chemical Engineering Science Vol 54,
p2055, 1999.
4 Large-eddy simulations on the
flow driven by a Rushton turbine
Derksen, and Harrie
van den Akker, AIChE Journal Vol 45, p209, 1999.
3 Transfer of O-2 from air to
mineral slurries in a Rushton agitated tank
van Weert, D. van der
Werff, and J.J. Derksen, Minerals Engineering Vol 8, p1109, 1995.
2 Hydrodynamics of colloidal
Derksen, and W. van
de Water, Physical Review A Vol 45, p5660, 1992.
1 Light
scattering off Brownian particles in shear flow
J. Derksen, and W. van
de Water, Applied Scientific Research Vol 47, p221, 1990.
refereed conference proceedings
- J.J. Derksen:
Highly resolved simulations of solids suspension in a mixing
tank, Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process
Industries (Melbourne, Australia, December 2012).
- J.J. Derksen:
Direct simulations of flocculation in sedimenting solid-liquid
suspensions, Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and
Process Industries (Melbourne, Australia, December 2012).
- J.-S. Kroll
Rabotin, R. Sungkorn, S.A. Hashemi, J.J. Derksen, R.S. Sanders: Large
eddy simulation of a solid-liquid fluidized bed using the
lattice-Boltzmann method and a soft-sphere collision model, Ninth
International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries
(Melbourne, Australia, December 2012).
- J.J. Derksen, R.
Sungkorn: Highly resolved simulations of solids suspension in a small
mixing tank, 14th European Conference on Mixing (Warsaw, Poland,
September 2012).
- J.J. Derksen:,
Highly resolved simulations of solids suspension in a small mixing
tank, CFD2012, Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (Canmore,
Alberta, May 2012).
- Orest Shardt and
Jos Derksen: Direct simulations of dense suspensions of non-spherical
particles. Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint
Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (Hamamatsu, Japan, July 2011).
- Jos Derksen:
Direct simulations of incipient erosion of solid particle beds due to
shear flow. Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint
Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (Hamamatsu, Japan, July 2011).
- Jos Derksen:
Turbulent mixing with density differences. Proceedings of
ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (Hamamatsu,
Japan, July 2011).
- Alexandr Kuzmin,
Dmitry Eskin and Jos Derksen: Lattice-Boltzmann microchannel
simulations via binary liquid model. Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and
Process Industries (Trondheim, Norway, June 2011).
- Jos Derksen:
Dense suspensions - The richness of solid of solid-liquid interactions
at the particle scale. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on CFD in Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries
(Trondheim, Norway, June 2011).
- Robyn
Larsen, Dmitry Eskin and Jos Derksen: Lift and drag on
agglomerates attached to walls. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference
on Multiphase Flow ICMF2010 (Tampa-Florida, May/June 2010).
- Jos Derksen and
Orest Shardt: Hindered settling in thixotropic liquids. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference
on Multiphase Flow ICMF2010 (Tampa-Florida, May/June 2010).
- Jos Derksen and
Dmitry Eskin: Flow-induced forces in agglomerates. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference
on Multiphase Flow ICMF2010 (Tampa-Florida, May/June 2010).
- Stefan
Radl, Radompon Sungkorn, Daniele Suzzi, Jos Derksen and Johannes G.
Khinast: High performance simulation of bubbly blows: pushing the limit
by using conventional CFD and LBGK. Multi-Scale Modelling Symposium, a
CSIRO cutting edge symposium (Melbourne, December 2009).
- J.J.
Derksen: Meso-scale simulations of solid-liquid flows & avenues to
the macro scale. Multi-Scale Modelling Symposium, a
CSIRO cutting edge symposium (Melbourne, December 2009).
- J.J.
Derksen: Simulations of thixotropic liquids. Seventh International
Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (Melbourne,
December 2009).
- J.J.
Derksen: Scalar mixing with particles in microreactors. Proceedings of
the 13th European Conference on Mixing (London, April 2009).
- M.
Rodriguez Pascual, F. Ravelet, R. Delfos, J.J. Derksen and G.J.
Witkamp: Computational fluid dynamics and measurement of flow field and
wall temperature distribution in a scraped heat exchanger crystallizer.
Proceedings of
the 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization,
pp.1889-1896 (Maastricht, September 2008).
- M. Rodriguez
Pascual, J.J.,Derksen and G.J. Witkamp:
Particle-flow lattice-Boltzmann simulations and experimental
visualization in scraped heat exchanger crystallizers. Proceedings of
the 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization,
pp.413-422 (Maastricht, September 2008).
- J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker: Turbulent liquid-liquid
dispersions. (Leipzig, July 2007).
- J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker: Multi-scale simulations of stirred
liquid-liquid dispersions. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference
on Mixing (Bologna, June 2006).
- E.
van Vliet, J.J. Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker and R.O. Fox: Numerical
study on the turbulent reacting flow in the injector region of an LDPE
tubular reactor. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Mixing
(Bologna, June 2006).
- J.J.
Derksen: Simulation of mass-loading effects in gas-solid cyclone
separators. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, 929-938 (Sardinia,
- J.J.
Derksen and S. Sundaresan: DNS of dense suspensions: planar wave
instabilities in liquid-fluidized beds. Proceedings of the 11th
Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, CD-Rom (Merseburg, 2005).
- J. Derksen and S.
Sundaresan: A numerical study of planar
wave instabolities in liquid fluidized beds. IUTAM Symposium on
Computational Approaches in Multiphase Flow, 89-98 (Argonne, 2004).
- E. van Vliet, R.O.
Fox, J.J. Derksen, S.B. Pope: Treatment
of fast chemistry in FDF/LES: in situ adaptive tabulation. 5th
International Symposium on Computational Technologies for
Fluid/Thermal/Chemical Systems with Industrial Applications, volume
491-II, 51-58 (San Diego/La Jolla, 2004).
- J.J. Derksen:
Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling of solid-liquid
flow in turbulently stirred tanks. Third International Symposium on
Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, CD-Rom (Pisa, 2004).
- J.J. Derksen: Solid
particle dispersion in agitated tanks
based on LES. 3rd International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow
Phenomena, 621-626 (Sendai, 2003).
- J.J. Derksen: LES of
swirling flow in separation devices.
3rd International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena,
911-916 (Sendai, 2003).
- J.J. Derksen:
Simulation of solid particle dispersion in
agitated tanks. 11th European Conference on Mixing, 121-128 (Bamberg,
- H. Hartmann, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker: An LES
investigation of the flow macro-instabilities in a Rushton turbine
stirred tank. 11th European Conference on Mixing, 285-292 (Bamberg,
- J.J. Derksen:
LES-based separation performance predictions
of a Stairmand cyclone. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Two-Phase
Flow Predictions, 217-226 (Merseburg 2002).
- J.J. Derksen:
Lattice-Boltzmann based large-eddy
simulations applied to industrial flows. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computational Science, part 1, 713-722
(Amsterdam 2002).
- J.J. Derksen:
Large-eddy simulations on confined swirling
flow. 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling
and Measurement, 907-916 (Mallorca 2002).
- H.P. Kritzinger, B.C.
Deelder, C.R. Kleijn, J.J. Derksen
and H.E.A. Van Den Akker: Turbulent flow in a stirred tank with
permeable impeller blades, Forum on Fluid Mechanics of Mixing Phenomena
II Fundamental & Industrial Applications, Proceedings of the
2002 ASME Joint U.S.-European Fluids Conference, 6 pages on CD
(Montreal 2002).
- M. Signorino, G.
Baldi, A. A. Barresi, M. Cournil, J.J.
Derksen, F. Gruy, E.D. Hollander, M. Kraume, D. Marchisio, A.
Paschedag, M. Vanni, H.E.A. Van den Akker and A.M. Varone:
Agglomeration in PRATSOLIS project. Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants,
341-371 (Alba 2002).
- A. ten Cate, C.H.
Nieuwstad, J.J. Derksen and H.E.A. van
den Akker: PIV measurements and lattice-Boltzmann simulations of a
single sphere settling under gravity. Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Multiphase Flow, CDRom (New Orleans 2001).
- J.J. Derksen:
Applications of lattice-Boltzmann based
large-eddy simulations. ASME/PVP 342-2 (Computational Technologies for
Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems with Industrial
Applications), p1 (Atlanta 2001).
- H.P. Kritzinger, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Simulation and measurement of the turbulent flow in a monolithic
stirred tank. ASME/PVP 342-2 (Computational Technologies for
Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems with Industrial
Applications), p27 (Atlanta 2001).
- E. van Vliet, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Modelling of parallel competitive reactions in isotropic homogeneous
turbulence using a filtered density approach for large-eddy
simulations. ASME/PVP 342-2 (Computational Technologies for
Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems with Industrial
Applications), p35 (Atlanta 2001).
- P. Wilders, B.J.
Boersma, J.J. Derksen, A.W. Heemink, B.
Niceno, M.Pourquie and C. Vuik: An overview of ParCFD activities at
Delft University of Technology. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD
Conference, 3-20 (Egmond aan Zee 2001).
- D. Kandhai, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of inter-phase momentum transfer in
gas-solid flows. Proceedings of the Parallel CFD Conference, 199-206
(Egmond aan Zee 2001).
- A.J. Hoekstra, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Cyclone optimisation based on CFD. Vortex Separation (5th International
Conference on Cyclone Technologies), p53 (Warwick 2000).
- J.J. Derksen and
H.E.A. van den Akker: Large eddy
simulation on the flow in a reverse-flow cyclone. Vortex Separation
(5th International Conference on Cyclone Technologies), p187 (Warwick
- E. van Vliet, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Four-dimensional laser induced fluorescence measurements of micromixing
in a tubular reactor. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on
Mixing, p45 (Delft 2000).
- E.D. Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, O.S.L. Bruinsma, G.M. van
Rosmalen and H.E.A. van den Akker: A numerical investigation into the
influence of mixing on orthokinetic agglomeration. Proceedings of the
10th European Conference on Mixing, p221 (Delft 2000).
- A. ten Cate, S.K.
Bermingham, J.J. Derksen and H.J.M.
Kramer: Compartmental modelling of an 1100L DTB crystallizer based on
large-eddy flow simulation. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference
on Mixing, p255 (Delft 2000).
- E. van Vliet, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Measurements of micro mixing in a tubular reactor using a
four-dimensional laser induced fluorescence technique. Proceedings of
the 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to
Fluid Mechanics, CDRom (Lisbon 2000).
- J. Derksen: Large-eddy
simulations of agitated flow systems
based on lattice-Boltzmann discretization. Proceedings of the Parallel
CFD Conference, p425 (Trondheim 2000).
- Jos Derksen and Harry
van den Akker: Large eddy simulations
of stirred tank flow. 4th International Symposium on Engineering
Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, p257 (Corsica 1999).
- A.J. Hoekstra, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker: A CFD
study on the performance of a high efficiency gas cyclone. ASME/PVP
379-1 (Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical
Systems with Industrial Applications), p219 (Boston 1999).
- E.D. Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, H.E.A. van den Akker, O.S.L.
Bruinsma, and G.M. van Rosmalen: A numerical study on the coupling of
hydrodynamics and agglomeration. Proceedings of the 14th International
Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, CDRom (Cambridge 1999).
- A. ten Cate, H.J.M.
Kramer, J.J. Derksen, J. Grievink, and
G.M. van Rosmalen: The micro scale modelling of hydrodynamics in
crystallization processes using the lattice-Boltzmann method.
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Industrial
Crystallization, CDRom (Cambridge 1999).
- A.J. Hoekstra, J.J.
Derksen and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Simulation of unsteady confined vortex flow. Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics '99, CDRom
(Bremen 1999).
- J.J. Derksen and
H.E.A. van den Akker: Parallel simulations
of turbulent fluid flow in a mixing tank. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 1401 (Proceedings of the HPCN Europe 1998 Conference), p96
(Amsterdam 1998).
- J.J. Derksen and
H.E.A. van den Akker: Large eddy
simulation of stirred tank flow by means of a lattice-Boltzmann Scheme.
ASME/PVP 377-2 (Computational Technologies for
Fluid/Thermal/Structural/Chemical Systems with Industrial
Applications), p11 (San Diego 1998).
- J.J. Derksen, M.S.
Doelman and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Phase-resolved three-dimensional LDA measurements in the impeller
region of a turbulently stirred tank. Proceedings of the 9th
International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid
Mechanics, p14.5.1 (Lisbon 1998).
- J.J. Derksen and J.L.
Kooman: Lattice-Boltzmann simulations
for industrial flow problems. High Performance Computing on Hewlett
Packard Systems (published by ETH Zürich), p161
(Zürich 1998).
- A.J. Hoekstra, A.T.
Israel, J.J. Derksen and H.E.A. van den
Akker: The application of laser diagnostics to cyclonic flow with
vortex precession. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on
Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, p4.3.1 (Lisbon
- A.J. Hoekstra, E. van
Vliet, J.J. Derksen and H.E.A. van
den Akker: Vortex core precession in a gas cyclone. Fluid Mechanics and
its Applications 46 (Advances in Turbulence VII), p289 (Saint-Jean Cap
Ferrat 1998).
- E.D. Hollander, J.J.
Derksen, O.S.L. Bruinsma and H.E.A.
van den Akker: Measuring the effect of hydrodynamics on agglomeration.
Proceedings of the AIChE Annual Meeting, p156 (Miami Beach 1998).
- J.J. Derksen, J.H.
Stockmann and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Three-dimensional laser Doppler anemometry in a stirred tank. Recent
Progres en Genie des Procedes, No. 51, Volume 11 (Proceedings of the
9th European Conference on Mixing), p81 (Paris 1997).
- J.J. Derksen, J.L.
Kooman and H.E.A. van den Akker:
Parallel fluid flow simulations by means of a lattice-Boltzmann scheme.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1225 (Proceedings of the HPCN Europe
1997 Conference), p524 (Vienna 1997).
- J.J. Derksen, R.J.M.
van Heijningen and H.E.A. van den
Akker: PIV experiments in the turbulent impeller region of a stirred
tank. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laser Anemometry - Advances
and Applications, p237 (Karlsruhe 1997).
- M.G.D. Fokke, V.H.F.
Kleijn, J.J. Derksen and H.E.A. van
den Akker: Laser Doppler experiments on a high speed gas-particle jet
from a venturi nozzle. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Laser
Anemometry - Advances and Applications, p705 (Karlsruhe 1997).
- J.J. Derksen, J.L.
Kooman and H.E.A. van den Akker: Cluster
computing for direct numerical flow simulation. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1067 (Proceedings of the HPCN Europe 1996
Conference), p952 (Brussels 1996).
- J.J. Derksen,
J.L. Kooman and H.E.A. van den Akker: A
parallel DNS implementation for confined swirling flow. Proceedings of
the EUROSIM 1996 International Conference, p237 (Delft 1996).
The lattice-Boltzmann method for
multiphase fluid flow simulations and Euler-Lagrange large-eddy
Derksen in Multiphase Reacting Flows: Modelling and Simulation, D.L.
Marchisio & R.O Fox (eds). Springer, Wien, New York , 2007
Mesoscopic Methods in
Engineering and Science
Jos Derksen, Dmitry Eskin,
Li-Shi Luo, Manfred Krafczyk, Computers and Mathematics with
Applications, Special Issue ICMMES-2010, Vol 65, p127, 2013.
Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics
for Industrial Processes
Dmitry Eskin,
Derksen (guest editors), Series of Featured Articles in the Canadian
Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011.
Proceedings of the
10th European Conference on Mixing
H.E.A. van den Akker and
Derksen (editors) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000.
Light scattering experiments on
Brownian motion in shear flow and in colloidal crystals
Derksen, PhD thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1991.