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Section 4.2 Terminology and notation

\(\nth[(i,j)]\) entry of a matrix

the entry in the \(\nth[i]\) row and \(\nth[j]\) column of a matrix

size (or dimensions) of a matrix

the number of rows and columns in a matrix, usually written \(m \times n\) to mean \(m\) rows and \(n\) columns

equal matrices

matrices with the same size, and the same numbers in corresponding entries

matrix addition

the new matrix obtained from two old matrices of identical sizes by adding corresponding entries

scalar multiple

the new matrix obtained from an old matrix obtained by multiplying every entry by the same number \(k\text{;}\) the common scale factor \(k\) is called a scalar

Remark 4.2.1.

We will encounter the geometric origin of the word scalar in ChapterĀ 12.

zero matrix

a matrix where every entry is zero, written \(\zerovec\)

column vector

a matrix consisting of a single column

row vector

a matrix consisting of a single row

vector of unknowns

a column vector containing all of the variables in a system

vector of constants

a column vector containing all of the constants from the right-hand sides of the equations in a system

square matrix

a matrix with the same number of columns as rows

main diagonal

the diagonal of entries in a square matrix from top left to bottom right


the new matrix obtained from an old matrix by turning rows into columns and columns into rows; we usually write \(\utrans{A}\) to mean the transpose of the matrix \(A\)