Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Blogs Page 3

Rural Scene In Romania - Part 1

Oct 2, 2018

The Following is a brief description of creation of a painting from start to finish.

A friend of mine from Romania wanted me to paint for her, a scene that she had grown up with. A farmer in a a rural countryside in Romania tilling his field.

She brought to me some reference images of the equipment and the harness that would be used on the oxen.

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Rural Scene In Romania - Part 2

Oct 7, 2018

In the last newsletter, I discussed some steps in creation of a painting for a friend from Romania. In this newsletter, I will conclude the process.

1951 Chevy- Part 1

Oct 13, 2018

This 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe was a common sight on the roads after the war.  I had however not seen one for many decades. As it happened, the other day I was walking around my neighbourhood and saw this parked on the driveway of a house barely a block from my home.

Oct 27, 2018

1951 Chevy- Part 2

My previous blog dealt with how I came about meeting the owner of the antique 1951 Chevy, while sketching the car.

While chatting with the owner, I realized that he is a avid cyclist, loves the mountains in the Rockies. At the age of 67 years, he and a friend cycled all the way from

1951 Chevy- Part 3

Nov 9, 2018

Now the fun begins!! Painting the car. As is my usual practice, I applied two additional coats of Gesso to the stretched gallery canvas. Each coat was allowed to dry for 24 hours. Once both coats were dry, I applied CAG 100 on both sides. GAC 100 is an acrylic polymer that

1951 Chevy- Part 4- Completed Painting

Nov 21, 2018

The last three blogs have dealt with how I met the owner of this 1981 Chevy, received a commission to paint it for him, how I came up with a design and the block in of the car.

Now the background had to be done convincingly such that the car would appear to be parked at the Rockies.

The 1966 Pontiac Parisienne

Jan 17, 2019

Those of you who followed my blog on painting the 1951 Chevy will recollect that the owner had another antique car that he commissioned me to paint. He wanted me to paint his 1966 Pontiac Parisienne. 

As previously, I took several photographs decided that the size

The 1932 Ford Model A

Jan 21, 2019

Yes! I agree this car was manufactured way before we were born, but I am confident some if not most of us have witnessed its imposing presence either on the road or in the museums.

I took several photographs of the car and decided on this view to complement the other 2 paintings. All these three paintings were going to be hanging together as a Triptych. Since this was such a unique car,

The Book Cover Part 1

Feb 15, 2019

A few years ago, an Edmonton photographer/writer, Ray Belcourt was planning to write an illustrated book about Canada. In summary, the book was supposed to celebrate the diversity and unity of Canada with its different geography, cultural mix, languages, diets etc.

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

A couple of years ago, a lady where we practice approached me for a commission. She wanted to surprise her boyfriend Jason with a gift of a watercolour painting. It happens that she and Jason are avid fisher persons, spending their (recreation) leisure time together fly fishing for Trout.

The Bear And His Dog

Jul 3, 2016

The Perfect Fit

Jul 29, 2016

A Fish Out Of Water

The Book Cover Part 2

Feb 28, 2019

In part 1 of this discussion I explained how the project was born. In summary, the book was supposed to celebrate the diversity and unity of Canada with its different geography, cultural mix, languages, diets etc. A page of the book was going to be devoted to each province or territory

This acrylic Painting of the bear and his dog was commissioned by an adult individual who had these two stuffed animals and a small squirrel as his childhood bedtime companions. In fact after more than 35 years,  he still has them. 

To immortalize them,  he wanted a painting of them hanging in his bedroom

This is a an acrylic painting commissioned by an colleague of mine at work . She, who has a shoe fetish  had just bought a place of her own and was in the process of decorating it.  Amongst other finer things in life,  she loved shoes, clothes and wildlife. She gave me the photograph of the shoe that she wanted in the painting,

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