Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

The Book Cover Part 1

Feb 15, 2019

A few years ago, an Edmonton photographer/writer, Ray Belcourt was planning to write an illustrated book about Canada. In summary, the book was supposed to celebrate the diversity and unity of Canada with its different geography, cultural mix, languages, diets etc.

Ray would travel all over the country. snapping representative scenes which had some artistic appeal and provide the photographs to a local, talented artist chosen by him in the respective province and let them interpret his photograph and paint the scenes in their own vision. A couple of pages of the book were going to be devoted to each province or territory where the artist would paint the scenes and provide a write up regarding the significance of the painting as it related to the above theme.

I was honored that Ray chose me to paint the cover of the book. He contacted me to paint a charming building, housing a bed and breakfast that had attracted him.

Country Wildflowers Bed & Breakfast .

Ray selected me as the artist to paint the cover because, by mere coincidence. I had painted that very building previously for the owners,Barb & Bert, who happen to be my friends. This painting is now framed and decorating their home and the B & B

My Previous Painting Of The Building

The Framed Painting Hanging On The Wall

As I discussed the project with Ray, we came upon an idea that in order to portray the diversity of the country, I could paint the building in multiple sections, each section on a separate panel painted in a different style and medium. Also, each section or panel would depict a different season in Canada and one of these sections would be a photographic reproduction rather than the painting. The building would act as the unifying factor.

With this in mind. I decided to paint one of the panels in watercolour, the second one would be a photographic reproduction, the third panel would be painted in acrylic on a crackled base and the fourth and the final panel would be in oil. Each of the panels would be about 36"long and 15"wide, so the final painting would be about 36 inches in length and 60 inches in width.

Follow me on the next blog as I conclude with the creation of the book cover.

I would be interested in your opinions regarding the blog and answering any questions you may have. What other art related topics would you like me to tackle? Just drop me an email. If you enjoy this blog, please forward it to your friends and contacts.

Mohamed Hirji