Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Acrylic Paintings

Acrylic is extremely popular medium to paint with these days, especially amongst hobbyists. It is a very forgiving, quick drying medium which lends itself to corrections in case of errors. It is water soluble and so does not require any special media for cleaning brushes. It is suitable for detailed work. However due to its quick drying properties the edges of the passages do not blend as well.

The following original acrylic paintings are painted either on artists grade stretched canvas or they have been painted on archival panels using artists grade pigments. They have also been protected with uv grade varnish. The paintings on canvas may be hung without a frame.

To discuss or purchase any painting you may contact me

In case the painting does not meet your expectations, you may return it within 30 days for a full refund.

Acrylic Paintings

All images are copyright ©