Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Watercolour Paintings

Watercolour is considered the masters medium. It is difficult to execute a clean and dazzling watercolour painting.  As a result most artists avoid this medium. If however executed skilfully, there is no better medium to portray luminosity and delicacy of the subject. It is therefore very well suited for depicting florals, clouds, snow and other soft delicate objects. 

What follows on this page are the original watercolor paintings. They are almost all painted on Arches 140 lbs watercolour paper using archival materials and artists grade pigments. Almost all of them, except the rare ones painted on canvas, require to be framed under glass.

To ease the selection,  my watercolor gallery has been categorized in several subsections. Just scroll down to view the various sections.

 Florals & Still life

Snow & Mountains

Trees & Fields


Skies & Buildings

All images are copyright ©