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Links > Resources: Walking Programs

Wearing pedometerBenefits of Walking

  • UWALK: Ways to increase the number of steps you take every day.

  • Walking Handbook: This handbook from the BC Parks and Recreation Association (BCRPA) discusses the benefits of walking and offers safety tips. It also discusses how much walking is enough and ways to find time during the day to walk. You’ll also find stretching diagrams and descriptions.

  • Why 10,000 Steps a Day?: Information from Queensland Health (Australia) about the benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day and ways to increase the number of steps you take each day.

Setting Up a Walking Program at Work

  • BCRPA Walking Program Resources:

    • Walking Program Resource Guide
      (for communities/worksites/individuals interested in creating and enhancing a walking program in their community)
    • Walk Leader Handbook (resource for people leading the walks)
    • Walking Handbook (distributed to participants of walking programs, for use on walks)
    • Pedometer Handbook (helps walkers in choosing a pedometer and using it effectively)

  • Start! American Heart Association’s Walking Program: A campaign calling on all employees and their employers to create a physical activity culture at the workplace through walking programs.
  • Walking: The Activity of a Lifetime: A printable resource with information on the benefits of walking, tips for planning a walking program and walking stretches. This resource also includes information on the number of steps you should take per day, a sample walking program, and a walking log.

Using Pedometers

  • Alberta Centre for Active Living, Pedometer Information Sheet: A pedometer is a simple device used to measure the number of steps you take in a day. This information sheet from the Alberta Centre for Active Living shows you how to use a pedometer to track your steps.
  • Get Walking: Information on how walking improves your health, how much you need to do every day and tips on how to fit walking into your daily life. You’ll also find information on how to use a pedometer.


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