Arash Baladi

Amin Valiei
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Your profile – the WHO, the WHAT and the WHY


Getting my B.Sc. degree in Materials Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (Iran, 2007), and graduating in my M.Sc. studies in Nanotechnology Engineering from Tarbiat Modares University as the top student (Iran, 2010), I aimed to continue my graduate studies on Materials Engineering abroad, in a well-known research group and highly ranked university.

I joined Dr. Thundat's group in February 2012, doing research on thermoelectric materials and devices as my PhD projects. The aim of this project is to provide clean, silent, durable, and efficient energy source for personal portable electronic devices, such as laptops, cell phones, tablets, etc. Current chemical batteries with low power/weight ratio, unsatisfactory energy/size, and toxicity of wastes may no longer be the only choice for powering the mentioned devices!