Naresh Miriyala

Amin Valiei
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Your profile – the WHO, the WHAT and the WHY

I did B. Tech from JNTU (2006) In Metallurgy and Materials Technology and M. Tech from IIT Bombay (2008) with Materials Science as specialization. After a stint of corporate experience as an Application engineer for Mask inspection at Applied Materials, I have focused on research in Microelectromechanicalsystems (MEMS) and semiconductors. I worked as a Senior research associate in Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao's (IIT Bombay) group in Bio MEMS project. Having expertise right from the extraction of materials to advanced applications of them I would like to serve common man through science and technology.

Research Interests:

  • Investigation of nanomaterials and nanotechnology for medical
  • diagnosis (Lab on chip) and therapy
  • Investigation of Advanced and smart materials for MEMS applications
  • Energy harvesting using Micro and Nano technology