Solutions to the Practice Problems#

But First, What is a Node?#

  1. Node<Integer> node1 = new Node<>(100);
    Node<Integer> node2 = new Node<>(15);
    Node<Integer> node3 = new Node<>(150);
    Node<Integer> node4 = new Node<>(75);
  2. node2.setNext(node4);
  3. node2.getNext().getNext().getNext().getValue()
  4. Use your own name, but here is a solution for “Rosanna”:

    Node<Character> node1 = new Node<>('R');
    Node<Character> node2 = new Node<>('o');
    Node<Character> node3 = new Node<>('s');
    Node<Character> node4 = new Node<>('a');
    Node<Character> node5 = new Node<>('n');
    Node<Character> node6 = new Node<>('n');
    Node<Character> node7 = new Node<>('a');

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The Linked List Data Type#

  1. public Node<V> getHead(){
       return head;
  2. public Node<V> getTail(){
       return tail;
  3. public int getSize(){
       return size;

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Operations (Methods) for a Linked List#

  1. LinkedList<String> favFoods = new LinkedList<>();
    favFoods.addFirst("fresh garden salad");
    favFoods.addFirst("vanilla ice cream");
    favFoods.addFirst("pepper steak");
    System.out.println("My favorite foods are: " + favFoods);
  2. public class CourseMark {
       private String course;
       private double mark;
       public CourseMark(String course, double mark){
          this.course = course;
          this.mark = mark;
       public String toString(){
          return course + " " + mark;
    } //class CourseMark
    //In main, or somewhere else:
    LinkedList<CourseMark> myMarks = new LinkedList<>();
    myMarks.addFirst(new CourseMark("AUCSC 112", 97));
    myMarks.addFirst(new CourseMark("AUMAT 116", 85));
    myMarks.addFirst(new CourseMark("AUMAT 120", 92));
    myMarks.addFirst(new CourseMark("AUIDS 101", 78));
    System.out.println("My courses and marks: " + myMarks);
  3. /**
     * Finds the average of the integer values in a linked list.
     * @param intList - Linked List made of Integers
     * @return - the average of the integers in the list.  NOTE: if the
     *           list is empty, returns 0.
     public static double findAvLL(LinkedList<Integer> intList){
        Node<Integer> cursor = intList.getHead();
        double sum = 0;
        if (cursor == null){ //nothing in list
           return 0;
        while (cursor != null){
           sum = sum + cursor.getValue();
           cursor = cursor.getNext();
        return sum / intList.getSize(); 
  4. /**
     * Add a node onto the end of the list, with node containing
     * the value given.
     * @param aValue - value to put into the node to add
    public void addLast(V aValue){
       Node<V> aNode = new Node(); 
       if (size == 0){
          head = aNode;
       tail = aNode;       
  5. /**
     * Adds a node into the linked list, the node has 1st value and
     * is inserted right after the node with the 2nd value.
     * @param addValue - insert a node with this value
     * @param addAfterValue - right after a node with this value
     * NOTE:  if the 2nd value is not in the linked list, nothing is
     *        done but an error message is printed.
    public void addAfter(V addValue, V addAfterValue){
       Node<V> location = findNode(addAfterValue);
       if (location == null){
          System.out.println("ERROR - value " + addAfterValue + " not found");
          Node<V> newNode = new Node(addValue);
          if (tail == location){ //adding at the end
              tail = newNode;

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Other Kinds of Linked Lists#

  1. public class DNode<V> {
       //Instance Fields ===========================
       private V value;
       private DNode<V> next;
       private DNode<V> previous;
       //Constructors ==============================
       public DNode(V inValue, DNode<V> toNode, DNode<V> fromNode) {
          value = inValue;
          next = toNode;
          previous = fromNode;
       public DNode(V inValue) {
          this(inValue, null, null);
       public DNode() {
          this(null, null, null);
       //Getters ====================================
       public V getValue() {
          return value;
       public DNode<V> getNext() {
          return next;
       public DNode<V> getPrevious() {
          return previous;
       //Setters =====================================
       public void setValue(V value) {
          this.value = value;
       public void setNext(DNode<V> next) {
 = next;
       public void setPrevious(DNode<V> previous) {
          this.previous = previous;
  2. /**
      * Adds a node with an element to the "front" of the list.
      * @param value - the new information to store in the new node
     public void addFirst(V value) {
         if (size == 0) { //if list is empty, then this node is the only node
             entry = new DNode<V>(value); 
             entry.setNext(entry); //circle on itself        
         else { //put node in at entry, list has at least 1 node already
             DNode<V> newNode = new DNode<V>(value); 
             entry = newNode;
  3. public void addLast(V aValue){
       DNode<V> aNode = new Node(); 
       if (size == 0){
          head = aNode;
          tail = aNode;
       tail = aNode;       
  4. End of double: \(\theta(1)\)
    End of single: \(\theta(1)\)

  5. \(\theta (n)\) as we would have to find the middle

  6. A doubly linked circular list

    Advantage: can traverse easily in both directions.
    Disadvantage: extra memory required for the 2nd link.

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