Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Commissioned Paintings: Page 2

Below are some examples of the commissions that I have undertaken.

Jan 17, 2019

Those of you who followed my blog on painting the 1951 Chevy will recollect that the owner had another antique car that he commissioned me to paint. He wanted me to paint his 1966 Pontiac Parisienne. 

As previously, I took several photographs decided that the size

Jan 21, 2019

Yes! I agree this car was manufactured way before we were born, but I am confident some if not most of us have witnessed its imposing presence either on the road or in the museums.

I took several photographs of the car and decided on this view to complement the other 2 paintings. All these three paintings were going to be hanging together as a Triptych. Since this was such a unique car,

A Fish Out Of Water

May 23, 2024

A couple of years ago, a lady where we practice approached me for a commission. She wanted to surprise her boyfriend Jason with a gift of a watercolour painting. It happens that she and Jason are avid fisher persons, spending their (recreation) leisure time together fly fishing for Trout.

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May 23, 2024

The Project

This post will provide the readers a rare glimpse into the artists mind as a painting evolves from its concept to its conclusion.
This project is a commission and is going to be the largest paintings thatI have painted.

The Massive Wave - Part 2

May 23, 2024

Starting To Paint

My first challenge came when I realized that despite owning one of the largest easels on the market, it was not capable of holding all the three panels together. I had to either paint with the canvases on the floor which I tried and failed or paint on one panel at a time. I decided on the latter.

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The Massive Wave - Part 3

May 23, 2024

The Conclusion

The first two posts on this subject dealt with designing and composing the project as well as dealing with the challenges posed by the large size of the painting on the three separate panels.

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The Massive Wave - Part  4

May 23, 2024

The Massive Wave Questions & Answers
In the last three posts, I enlightened the subscribers in a step by step manner regarding the creation of the entire painting from its conception, planning and implementation. I also discussed the problems encountered and their solutions.
Today I will briefly address some questions posed by the readers of the newsletter regarding the painting.

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