Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Blogs Page 5

Blog 5

Spring Thaw

At last. Yes!! At last it is spring in Edmonton. A few days ago, a good friend of mine, Jackie, took some snap shots of the partly frozen Whitemud Creek and sent some pictures to me. I was captivated by one of the pictures, in particular the photograph shown below.

A Curious Pair

Along the cowboy trail hosting the ranches of Southern Alberta, one notices miles of pasture dotted with cattle farms and some cowboys herding the cattle.  If you approach one of the cattle farms, more often than not ……

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Geometric Perspective

Perspective in art refers to “the representation of three dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface so as to give the correct impression of their height, width, depth and position”.

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Atmospheric  Perspective

Leonardo Da Vinci is generally credited with development of Aerial or Atmospheric perspective. Essentially we are all aware from our  observations that objects in the distance appear less distinct , …..

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Sky Over Terwillegar Park

The principles of both the geometric and atmospheric perspectives have beed utilized to provided  sense of depth or distance and a three dimension look to a two dimensional image.

This combination gives a tremendous depth to the picture. The shapes and the sizes of the clouds getting smaller in size, decreased in contrast and detail as they extend from the zenith to the horizon creates an illusion of depth  (geometric perspective). The colour of the sky altering from deep blue to turquoise and then to vary pale blue from the zenith to the horizon also augments the sense of distance (atmospheric perspective).

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