Fine Art
Jul 3, 2018
A few week a go, I painted an Iris flower in watercolour. One of the subscribers suggested that I try it in acrylics as well. A good idea, I thought a chance to compare watercolors to acrylics for florals
This is the finished watercolor version
sFor the Acrylic version, I need to prepare my birch panels (5 ply birch) anything less than 0.5in thick has a tendency to warp, so I use 0.5" thick panels.
Even though the store bought panels are already primed with Gesso, the coat is very thin, so I first seal both sides with "GAC 100" an acrylic medium which seals the surface so no impurities from the surface will make their way into the painting. I apply two coats of gesso, each coat one day apart. (I also do the same for the store bought stretched canvas).. I prepare these panels in large batches to last me a while. The photograph shows the panels being prepared.
Once dry, I selected an 11inx14in panel and drew the flower (the pencil lines have been enhanced to show on the photograph).
I will follow up the progress in my next blog.
Hopefully the painting will be completed by Thursday July 5th, so that I can show it at the Whyte Avenue Art Walk in Edmonton.
The 2018 Whyte Avenue Art Walk is scheduled for Friday July 6th, Sat July 7th. and Sunday July 8th. I will be at the "Forge On Whyte", 10549 82 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 2A3. Come visit if you can
Would be interested in your opinion as to which you prefer, watercolor or acrylic? just drop a note.
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Mohamed Hirji