Fine Art
Sep 29, 2018
In my previous blogs, I have discussed the boring and the interesting shapes. You may wish to refer to them first, if you are a new subscriber.
To conclude, I am going to discuss a painting of mine, "The Telus World Of Science", previously called the "Edmonton Space And Sciences Centre". This is an Iconic building in Edmonton. Although we take it for granted, once analyzed, the shapes in this building are very interesting. This is largely due to the design adopted by the architect and in part to my choice of location during the painting and the time of the day which cast appropriate shadows to make the patterns compelling.
A detailed discussion follows:
A The roof, If I had painted the building by moving further to the right, it would look like a diagonal line and had I moved to the left the roof would look almost like a circle, both boring shapes.
B & J The projections (incidents) on the roof and from the triangular arms of the building further modify the elliptical shape of the roof and the triangular arms making them interesting.
C The rectangular pillars are all different in height and width, some are also brightly lit with the sun and the others are in shadow. Differences in a repetitive pattern makes it interesting.
D The unusual shaped flange make it interesting especially since a similar flange F is seen end on and therefore a different shape.
E The oblique sides of the building are all different sized quadrilaterals. Some in shadow and some well lit.
G The Square sides of the building would have been a boring shape except for the triangular cast shadow H breaking the square and the difference in width of these shapes.
I The triangular projections jutting outwards have incidents J at their ends which breaks up the triangular shape. Also form every place each one looks different than the other due to the circular shape of the building.
The trees and the bushes are different in sizes, shapes and colours. The grassy patches and the tree shadows are also variable.
There are several other minor shapes that are interesting. See if you can now spot them.
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Mohamed Hirji