October 7
Welcome and Conference Introduction
Keynote: Keith Barr “The Miramichi fire of 1825”
Keynote: Yan Boucher “Historical Fire Regime and Ecosystem-based Forest Management”
Highlighted Speaker: Ken Strahan “Emergency Management Post-Black Saturday: Attitudes and Behaviour of Individuals in Bushfire prone Areas”
Concurrent Sessions
Natural Resources - Chair: Barry Geddes
Gregory Nowacki - Mapping Pyrophilic Percentage Across the Northeastern United States Using Witness Trees, with Focus on Four National Forests
Robert Walker - Fire Management in the Greater Victoria Water Supply Area: Balancing Risk, Water Quality and Landscape Restoration in a Regional Drinking Water Supply Area
Sonja Leverkus - Conserving Biodiversity Through Shifting Mosaics
Dave Schroeder - Development of a Canadian Fuel Management Database
Steven Hvenegaard - Measuring Equipment Productivity in Forest Fuel Treatments
David Patriquin - A Rare, Fire-Dependent Pine Barrens at the Wildland-Urban Interface of Halifax
History - Chair: Martin Giradin
Justin Waito - A Multi-Millennial Fire History from the Southern Boreal Forest of Central Canada Reconstructed from Tree-rings and Lake Sediments Charcoal Records
Eric Earle - Historical Pattern of Natural Disturbances in the Forests of Newfoundland
Rick Kubian - Characterizing the Mixed-Severity Fire Regime of the Kootenay Valley, Kootenay National Plan
Emma Davis - Using a Multi-Proxy Approach to Characterize the Historical Fire Regime of Jasper, AB, During the Late Holocene
Cecile Remy - Vegetation Dynamics and Biomass Burning in Canadian Boreal Forest: An insight from Lacustrine Deposits
Lori Daniels -Historic Fire Regimes of the Western Canadian Cordillera
October 8
Keynote: Monica Emelko “Forests, Wildfire, and Drinking Water Security: A Mandate for Active Source Water Protection”
Keynote: Matt Davies “Fire Regime on Temperate Peatlands - Why We Worry About Moss”
Concurrent Sessions:
Risk - Chair: Dan Thompson
Anne-Claude Pepin - Fire Behaviour in Shrubland Fuel Type
Uldis Silins - Management of Wildfire Risk in Forested Regions of Alberta to Downstream Municipal Drinking Water Treatment
Dan Perrakis - Validating Fire Behaviour in Mountain Pine Beetle Attacked Stands in British Columbia
Alice A. Ou - An Example of Extreme Fire Behaviour Associated with a Dry Cold Front Passage: The 2012 Zama Wildfire Complex in Northwestern Alberta
Elisabeth Beaubien - With Leaves Comes Rain! Predicting the End of Spring Fire Season
Ellen Whitman - Integrating Fire and Climate Refugia in Forest Management
Didier Davignon - Performance Analysis of FireWork for Summer 2013 and Summer 2014 Using Surface Observation over the USA and Canada
Steve Sakiyama - BlueSky Canada Wildfire Smoke Forecasting System
Brigitte Leblon - Developing Improved Predictions of Organic Layer Fuel Moisture with Satellite Radar in Boreal Ecosystems for Fire Danger Assessment
Joshua Johnston - Measuring Byram’s Fire Intensity from Infrared Remote Sensing Imagery
Gavin Hough - Vision Systems for Wildfire Detection
Keynote: Bruce Shindler “Building Partnerships, Building Trust”
Panel Discussion: David Martell, Judy Beck, Bruce Shindler, Ray Ault
Society - Chair: Amy Christianson
Michael Lewis - Return to Flame: A Case Study of Aboriginal Burning and its Implication in Lytton, British Columbia
Val Charlton - Transitioning from FireWise to LandWorks: Fire Adapted Communities in South Africa
Timothy Brown - Extremes in Fire: The Intersection of Climate, Fuels and People
Kitchen Party
October 9
Keynote: Judy Beck “Strategic Directions in Canadian Wildland Fire Management to 2020”
Concurrent Sessions
Society - Chair: Amy Christianson
Shayne Mintz - East to West, North to South: NFPA Resources Cover Fire Safety
Toddi A. Steelman - Best Practices in Public Communications on a Wildfire
Molly Mowery - Wildfire Partners: How to Engage Homeowners in Taking Meaningful Action
Steve Taylor - Coarse-scale Assessment of the Canadian Wildand Urban Interface
Accountability - Chair: Stephanie Maragna
Cordy Tymstra - Extremes in Fire: The Intersection of Climate, Fuels and People
Brian Stocks - Trends in Wildland Fire Load and Fire Management Expenditures in Canada 1970-2012
Brian Simpson - A Climate Change Action Plan for Wildfire Management in British Columbia
Colin McFayden - Analyses Supporting Ontario’s Proposed Wildland Fire
Kris Johnson - A Review of the Wildland Fire Behaviour Specialist Course: 1995 -2014
Den Boychuk - Problems with Performance Measures for Wildland Fire Management
Marie-Pierre Rogeau - Fire Regimes, Dynamics at the Ecotone Between the Mountain and Foothills Landscapesof Southern Alberta
Dan Perrakis - Use of wildfire photographs for validating fire behaviour models
Daniel Poirer - Performance Indicators for the Wildfire Prevention Program
Kelly Johnston - FireSmart: Local Solutions for a National Priority
Colin McFayden - A Decision Support System for Daily Aerial Detection Planning in Ontario
Mike Tucker - Risk-based Wildfire Management Planning at the Lac La Biche Fire Centre, Alberta
Hardi Shahadu - Adaptive Fire Management in Western Canada: The Role of Innovation in Institutional Adaptiveness and Resiliency