October 5


October 1

Canadian Intragency Forest Fire Centre History Slideshow

Keynote: Peter Murphy “Aren’t we There Yet? Reflection on the Forest Fire Management Journey”


October 2

Welcoming and Introduction

Keynote: Karina Pillay-Kinnee “Slave Lake Wildfire: From Crisis to Recovery”


Keynote: Johnny Stowe “Fire in the Southland: The National and Cultural Heritage of Fire in the Southeastern United States”


Concurrent Sessions: People and Fire


Social Perceptions of Fire - Chair: Bonita McFarlane

Judith Kulig - The Impacts of a Wildfire on Families and Children: Reporting on Slave Lake
Steve Sakiyama - The Impacts of Wildfire Smoke and the Western Canada BlueSky Wildfire Smoke Forecasting System
Noemie Gonzalez - Collaboration Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People in the Context of a Wildfire
Louis J. Price - Cottage Owners’ Views on Wildfire Protecting in Cypress Hills Inter-Provincial Park, Alberta
Melissa Holland - A Gap Analysis of a Community on Mitigation Activities in the Wildland Urban Interface


Fire Finances - Chair: Robert Gray

Chris Dallyn - Saskatchewan Wildfire Management: A Risk-Based Approach to Traditional Wildfire Suppression
Brain Stocks - Forest Fire Management in Canada Post-1970: Trends and Analysis
Robert Gray - A Better Understanding and Accounting of Total Wildfire Costs
Lyle Gawalko - British Columbia Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative - Program, Costs, and Variables
Staurt Kelm - Alberta’s Hazardous Fuels Management - Program, Costs, and Variables


Communications: Importance and Evolving Tools - Chair: Alyson Couch

Erin Hueston - An Integrated Information Display for the Forest Fire Response Center
Carol Rice - Emerging Lessons from South of the Border: Succession, Near Misses, Redirected Efforts and Rescued Failures
Geoffrey Driscoll - Changing Times, Changing Ways for Wildfire Education and Behaviour Change
Westley Steed - FireSmart in the Northwest Territories
Alyson Couch - Wildfire and Social Media


Keynote: Jamie Coutts “Overview of the 2011 Slave Lake Wildfire”


Panel Discussion: Jamie Coutts, Caroline Thomson, Denny Garratt, Roland Twinn, Karina Pillay-Kinnee


Plenary Session: Managing Fire in Changing Times: Research and Application Challenges

Cliff White - From Bingo Burns to Bison Corridors: Integrating Fire Management in the Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Bioregion
Brian Stocks - Federal Forest Fire, Research in Canada: An Impressive Past, a Troubled Present, and an Uncertain Future

Opening Remarks from Honourable Diana McQueen


October 3

Keynote: Stew Walkinshaw “FireSmart - It’s a Team Sport: Lesser Slave Lake Regional FireSmart Recovery”


Concurrent Sessions: Living in the Shadow of Fire - FireSmart 2.0

FireSmart 2.0 - Chair: Adam Gossell
Brian McIntosh - The FireSmart Canada Community Recognition Program
Steven Hvenegaard - National Wildland Fuel Management Survey Highlights
Alan Westhaver - Strategy for Expansion of FireSmart Community Protection Initiatives by Wildland Fire Management Agencies
Peter Fuglem - FireSmart Canada World Cafe


Back to Fire Inclusion a Wildfire Story of Southwestern Alberta - Chair: Dave Schroeder

Brad Hawkes - Historic Fire Regimes in the Kananaskis Valley
Jane Park - Balancing Ecological and Opertational Fire Management in Banff National Park
Rick Arthur - Safely Using High Intensity Prescribed Fire Near Communities
Kevin Topolnicki - Kananaskis - Taking Action within Communities


Keynote: Geoff Cary “Near or Far? Importance of Fuel Management Proximity for House Loss in Wildland Fires”


Field Tour: Dave Schroeder - Kananaskis Field Tour


October 4

Keynote: Grahame Gordon “Incident Management in Changing Times”


Concurrent Sessions: Fire Operations

Monitoring and Predicting - Chair: Chris Dallyn

Matt Plucinski - Wildfires - When & Where do they Occur and How Quickly do they Grow? An International Approach
Quazi Hassan - A Remote Sensing-Based Framework for Forecasting Forest Fire Danger Conditions
Josh Johnston - Infra-Red Satellite Data Simulation Using Prometheus
Steve Taylor - Impementing CFFDRS - Based Surface Fire Behaviour and the Crown Fire Initiation Model in PrognosisBC to Predict Fire Behaviour and Effects
Dan Perrakis - Recent Observations of Fire Behaviour: Mountain Pine Beetle Affected Stands


Risk Evaluation and Option Analysis - Chair: Mellisa Holland

Alsan Tsang - Sharing of Fire Fighting Resources
Bill de Groot - Operational Applications of CanFIRE: Predicting Fire Behaviour and Fire Effects
Tim Brown - Monthly to Seasonal Fire Forecasting in the United States
Kris Johnson - The Challenges of Infusing Social Media into Operational Software Development for the Wildland Fire Community: Where is my Web 2.0?
J.D. Carlson - OK-Fire: A Weather-Based Operational Decision Support-System for Wildand Fire Management


Preparedness and Suppression - Chair: John MacDonald

Vera Green - Operational Use of Modis
Devon Barnes - Sprinkler Efficacy Trials: Water Distribution and Fuel Moisture Adsorption Capacity
Jeff Berry - Managing Airtankers for Measurable Performance
Kerry Anderson - Using FIRETEC to Further our Understanding of Fire Science
Mike Etches - After Action Review


Keynote: Mark Heathcott “Canadian Landscape Fire Management in the Past, Present and Future?”


Concurrent Sessions: Fire Across the Landscape


Lessons Learned from Prescribed Fire - Chair: Al Neal

Al Neal - British Columbia Ecosystem Restoration Program: Playing with Fire
Mark Heathcott - Thirteen Prescribed Fire Situations that Shout Watchout
Ian Pengelly - 25 Years of Working with Fire in Banff National Park
Andrew Graystone - Changing Approaches to Fire Management: Land and Fire Management in a Changing World


Planning for Fire-Adapted Landscapes - Chair: Neal McLoughlin

Kevin Gagne - Unleashing the Potential of Stakeholder Participation: R11 Forest Management Plan
Kelly Osbourne - Landscape Fire Management in British Columbia from Concept to Implementation
Neal McLoughlin - Risky Business: Planning for Fire-Adapted Landscapes
Sylvie Gauthier - Assessing the Exposure of Low Productivity Forests to Different Fire Risks with Two Indicators of Vulnerability: An Example from the Eastern Canadian Boreal Forest


Fire, Climate, and Ecosystems - Chair: Sylvie Gauthier

Gregory Greene - Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in Mountain Forests: The Darkwoods of British Columbia
Xianli Wang - Burn Probability of the Thompson-Okanagan Region, British Columbia, in a Changing Climate
Yan Boulanger - Defining Current and Future Homogeneous Fire Regime Zones in Canada
Chris Stockdale - Historical Ecology and Changes in Burn Probability of the Southern Alberta Rocky Mountain, AD 1900 to 2010


Integrating Fire with Land Use Objectives - Chair: Dan Perrakis

Victor Kafka - Monitoring Area Burned Across National Parks with Area Burned Condition Class (ABCC)
Richard Olsen - Landscape Fire Management in Canada’s North
Jed Cochrane - The Canadian BlueSky Playground a Tool to Inform Prescribed Burn Decisions
Justin Podur - What if we Couldn’t Fight Fire?


Panel Discussion: Brian Simpson, Al Tithecott, Hugh Boyd


Closing Remarks: Mike Flannigan and Cordy Tymstra


October 5

Field Tour: Dave Schroeder - Evan Thomas Creek Hike