October 5
Welcoming and Introduction - Rob McAlpine
Opening remarks from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Keynote: Thomas Homer-Dixon - Global Perspectives and Pressures on Natural Resource Management in Canada
Plenary Session: Fire Management in Canada Today and Tomorrow - The Director's View
Ralph Wheeler - Ontario Fire Director: State of Wildfire Policy
Walter Fanning - Nova Scotia Fire Director: Challenges and Opportunities
Brian Simpson - British Columbia Fire Director: British Columbia’s Wildfire Reality
Plenary Session: On the Fireline - Chair: Kris Johnston
Chuck Bushey - On the Fireline: Past, Present and some Emerging Trends
Thomas Garvey - Out of the Box and Into the Fire: How Product Innovation is Possible by Design
Dennis Hulbert - Organizational Culture in Aviation Fire Suppression: A Lessons Learned Overview of Emerging of Emerging Issues and Challenges in a Multi-Agency Aviation Fire Suppression Program
Concurrent Sessions on the Fireline
Safety, Risk and Organizational Culture - Chair: Tim Greer
Darren Toner - An Occupational Health and Safety Journey
Tim Greer - High Reliability Organizations and a Culture of Mindfulness
Greg Baxter - Firefighter Survival Zones
Larry Freemont - Protecting a Gold Mine from Wildfire “Lessons Learned”
Bob Bale - Overtraining for High Reliability: Increasing Organizational Resilience
Fuels and Fire Behaviour - Chair: Bill Droog
Al O’Connor - Climate Change and Weather Damaged Fuels: Challenges to Ontario Fire Management Staff
Dave Schroeder - Fire Behaviour in Insect Damaged Stands
Susan Kidnie - Southern Ontario Tallgrass Prairie
Jonathan Large - Fire Behaviour in Mulched Fuel Types
Anne-Claude Pepin - Predicting Fire Behaviour in Shrub Vegetation Assemblage
New and Emerging Technology - Chair: Jim Thomasson
•Daniel Moser - A Comparative Analysis of Mark III Water Pump Carriage Systems
Katie Godfrey - Kestrel Pocket Weather Meters on the Fireline
Richard Wilson - Moisture Matters! Wiltronics
Aaron Tweedy - SEI Industries: Leader in Ignition Technology for Aerial & Ground Prescribed Burning
Tetyana Andriychuk - Night-Vision Aided Aerial Forest Fire Detection: Experience in a Control Test Grid
Dennis Hulbert - Wildfire Warfare: Night Ops
October 6
Plenary Session: In the Response Centre - Chair Cordy Tymstra
Keynote: Tim Brown - "Centering a U.S. Wildlife Response - Perspectives on the Second Decade of the 21st Century
Concurrent Sessions: In the Response Centre
Fire Weather Forecasting and Fire Occurrence - Chair: Mick Rice
Mick Rice - Meteorological Case Study for Strong Winds Observed on 3rd April 2010
Normand Gagnon - Ensemble Forecasting at the Canadian Meteorological Centre
Kerry Anderson - Extended-range Fire Weather Products within the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System
Daniel Poirier - Challenges Facing the use of Mid-range Meteorological Ensemble Models to Develop Wildland Fire Management Decision-supporting Tools
New Information Technology and Systems - Chair: Susan Reany-Iskra
Franco Nogarin - SPARCS 2010: Spatial Precipitation and Risk Calculation System
Peter Englefield - Advancement in GIS-based Fire Modeling Applications
Steve Sakiyama - BlueSky Western Canada Smoke Forecasting System Pilot Project
Colin McFayden - Digital Wildfire Reporting: OPS Ideas & Innovation Fund Project
Susan Reany-Iskra - Precision Information Environments Concept
The Future of Resource Sharing - Chair: Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor - Canadian Fire Resource Demand System
Dennis Brown - Resource Sharing in Canada: CIFFC Perspective
Graham Gordon - Resource Sharing An Agency Perspective
Brian Stocks - Forest Fire Management Resource-Sharing in Canada: The Need for an Expanded & More Effective Capability
Zoning and Appropriate Response - Chair: David Milne
Philippa Rodrigues and Rick Moore - Development of an Integrated Wildland Fire Economic Framework for Alberta
Vera Lindsay - Values at Risk: The Spatial Precipitation and Risk Calculation System
David Milne - Yukon Fire Zone Policy and the Minto Mine Fire of 2010: A Case Study
Keynote: Sophie D’Amours - “Canada’s Shift from Forest Management to Value Chain Management”
Plenary Session: On the Landscape - Chair: Bill de Groot
Rick Sneeuwjagt - Management of Fire in Southwest of Western Australia
Alan Westhaver - Landscape Fire Management Canada’s National Parks
Concurrent Sessions: On the Landscape
Forest Communities in the Fire-Prone Forest - Chair: Paul Maczek
Lyle Gawalko - British Columbia’s Strategic Wildfire Prevention Program
Adam Gossell - FireSmart Landscapes: Safer Communities & Healthier Forests
Colleen Mooney - Fuelbreak Effectiveness in Canada’s Boreal Forests: A Synthesis of Current Knowledge
Rick Sneeujagt - Lessons Identified from Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission Inquiry into Black Saturday Bushfires
Brad Hawkes - Effectiveness Monitoring of Fuel Treatments
Fire in Parks and Wilderness Areas - Chair: Mike Etches
Dave Heaman and Lisa Solomon - Ontario Parks Fire Management Planning: Two Different Parks Distinct Plans
Beth McEwen and Jennifer Gibb - Oak Savannah Restoration in Toronto: A Progress Report
Jed Cochrane - Using Landsat Images to Determine Burn Severity in Western Canadian Landscapes
Leonardo Cabrera - Fire History, Ecology and Management in Point Pelee National Park
Fire in the Commercial Forest - Chair: David Martell
David Andison - The Healthy Landscape Approach to Landscape Management Planning
Karl Peck - Consideration of Forest Management Values During Escaped Fire Priority Setting
Dave Schroeder - Industry and Wildfire Management
Dave Manol - Fire in the Commercial Forest “An Incident Commander’s Perspective”
Remote Sensing of Fire Prone Landscapes - Chair: Tim Lynham
Nancy French - The Wildland Fire Emissions Information System: A Web-base Regional Scale Approach to Mapping Fire Emissions in North America
Brian Simpson - Characterizing Boreal Forest Fuels with Operational Airborne LiDAR Data
Justin Podur - Incorporating a Spread Event Model Defined by MODIS Hot Spots into Fire Growth Modeling
Doug McRae - Insights on the Statistical Variability of Experimental Fire Behaviour Data Using Airborne-Infrared
Tim Lynham - The Fire Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting System (FireMARS) in Support of National Forest Carbon Accounting
October 7
Concurrent Sessions: Fire Management and the Fire Community in the 21st Century
Building Community and Public Engagement - Chair: Adam Gossell
Bonita McFarlane and Tara McGee - Lessons Learned: Engaging Homeowners and
Neighbourhoods in Wildfire Mitigation
Rob Harris - Beyond Brochures: Using Social Marketing to Reduce Human Caused Wildfires
Alan Westhaver - Lessons in Gaining Public Acceptance of Wildfire Mitigations: A Field Perspective
Understanding Risk and Uncertainty - Chair: Judi Beck
Hayley Hesslin - Evaluating the Role of Geospatial Technology in Risk Reduction
Al Tithecott - Risk Management in Operational Fire Management
Paul Kovacs - The Emerging Role of Insurance in Wildfire Risk
Brian Stocks - Emerging Trends/Issues in Global Fire Management: Implications for Canada?
Systems Approach to Fire Management - Chair: Mark Johnston
Mike Flannigan - Forest Fire Activity in Canada During the 2030s to 2050s
Juha Metsaranta - Fire, Forest Management, and the Carbon Dynamics of Canada’s Managed Forest over the 21st Century
Lyle Gawalko - Fire, Fuel, and Carbon Management in Fire-Prone Forests
Norma Griffin - A Balancing Act
Plenary Session: Fire Management and the Fire Community in the 21st Century - Chair: Paul Ward
Peter Fuglem - Who is the Fire Community?
Tim Sheldan - Forest Fires in Canada: The Federal Government’s Changing Role
Closing Remarks