Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

The Iris - Watercolour 2

Jun 13, 2018

Initially, I thought of painting the iris in acrylic. But acrylic although much easier to handle and paint with is not as luminous as watercolor, moreover I realized there is a lot of colour blending and therefore settled on watercolors.

I have an Arches watercolour block with the paper size of 11inX14in. So I chose to paint it on the block (No stretching of paper required)

Watercolour Block (stack of watercolour papers glued togather)

Next was the tedious process of drawing. This requires a fairly accurate drawing and not much erasing as erasing damages the sizing on the watercolor paper.

Here is a faint pencil drawing of the iris on the paper.

Pencil Drawing Of The Iris

Follow along for the next step of blocking in the painting, hopefully I will get some time tomorrow to block the shapes in.

If you like it,  share this with your friends and contacts. Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Mohamed Hirji