Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

The Iris - Watercolour 1

Jun 11, 2018

Well its spring time, the weather outside in Edmonton is awful, its very windy and has been raining for the last couple of days. Luckily, just before the rains there were several warm, sunny days. 

While the weather was decent, I traded the treadmill for my daily walks outdoors. I notice flowers starting to bloom in my neighbours gardens. After the long winter, they are a blessing. I could not resist taking some photographs of various flowers.

I find floral photography challenging. It requires perfect light, perfect technique (which I still need to acquire), little or no wind to sway the flower while being photographed etc. Of the several dozen photos that I snapped, I like this one of the iris the most.

I think I am going to try and paint it.

Photograph Of The Iris

Now I have to decide which medium I should use to paint it and the size? Any suggestions?

Hopefully I will have decided in the next day or two. Just follow along to see how it all proceeds

Fell free to share this with your friends and contacts. Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Mohamed Hirji