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Stretching upward while sittingLinks > Tools > Yoga @ Your Desk

People who work at their desks all day tend to stay in one position for a long time. The exercises in these videos are designed to counter the effects of sitting at your desk.

We suggest that you start with Part 1 below and then move on to Parts 2 and 3. Each video short enough to use during your work breaks, lunch hour or active breaks.

You may view the Yoga @ Your Desk video by using YouTube or streaming video (.mov), or saving the file (.wmv).


What’s in This Section for You?

videos on YouTube
Part 1: Introducing the Exercises (10 minutes) part 1
(14 MB)
Part 2: Linking the Exercises to Your Breath (12 minutes) part 2a
part 2b
(16 MB)
Part 3a: Varying the Exercises (10 minutes) part 3a
(14 MB)
Part 3b: Varying the Exercises (9 minutes) part 3b
(11 MB)
To play the .MOV files, download a free version of QuickTime, Real Player or VideoLan.

To play the .WMV files, use Windows Media player. With a high speed connection, it will take about 30 seconds to download one file.

Yoga Instructor

Yoga Instructor 
Marcia Langenberg’s yoga practice during the last 20+ years and her teaching during the last 15+ years have enhanced her sense of well-being. Over the years, she has studied with different teachers through  Yoga Association of Alberta workshops, but primarily she has studied with Teddy Hyndman (Edmonton, AB), Sandra Sammartino (White Rock, BC) and Rosemary Antze (Toronto, ON).

She teaches at the University of Alberta through the Campus Recreation Program , at various corporations and privately. The purpose of her teaching is to help others to improve their quality of life.


Becoming more physically active is very safe for most people, but if you aren't sure, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start.

Information on this site should not be used in the place of medical advice.

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