Before You Start > Benefits of Physical Activity @ Work > Why Be Active?Being active is important for a healthy body and a healthy mind. Many of us sit much of the day, working at the computer, driving the car, watching television or playing video games. We can learn to take opportunities during the day to get the activity our body and mind need. Physical activity will help you:
How Much Activity Do I Need to Get Health Benefits?Physical activity doesn’t have to be hard to make a difference to your health. You might be surprised how little bits of activity can add up. Do
activities you enjoy for at least 10 minutes at a time, building up to
at least Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and Type 2 diabetes by as much as 50 per cent. Public Health Agency of Canada How Can I Stay Active?You may want to be active (and even know how much and what to do) yet feel you lack the time or energy to follow through. But you don’t have to find a chunk of time at the end of a busy day to get your daily dose of activity. You can energize your day with 10-minute bouts of activity during breaks or in your trip to and from work. The best activity is the one you’ll keep doing. Find an activity that matches your interests and you’re likely to do it more often. Staying active is easier when:
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