One:carepath Awards

Dr. Sara Davison and her team received funding to work with primary care to adapt, scale and extend the Conservative Kidney Management (CKM) Pathway to other areas of chronic illness. One:carepath, a disease-inclusive approach to integrating supportive care, was implemented in partnership with primary care physicians across Alberta. The Kidney Supportive Care Research group is proud to have the provincial initiative recognized for its quality, importance and relevance to patient care.

Reviewers' Choice Award

Highlighting Research in Family Medicine

The One:carepath Project Team was excited to receive the Reviewers' Choice First Place Award for a poster presentation at the 2024 Alberta College of Family Physicians' Research Showcase which recognizes important research taking place in primary care.

Photo supplied by the Alberta College of Family Physicians courtesy of Peakline Films.

Conservative Kidney Management Pathway Awards

Dr. Sara Davison and her team received a three year grant to develop a Provincial Conservative Kidney Management (CKM) Pathway to provide sustainable, high-quality, evidence-based care for patients unlikely to benefit from dialysis. Implementation of the pathway was piloted in four Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Clinics in the Northern Alberta Renal Program (NARP). The Kidney Supportive Care Research Group is proud to have both the initiative and clinic staff recognized for their positive impact on patient care.

President's Excellence Award

Outstanding Achievement in Innovation and Research Excellence

The CKM Project Team and the CKD clinics were selected as a recipient of the 2019 AHS President's Excellence Award to recognize their outstanding improvements to patient outcomes, care and experience. You can read more about the recipients here.

Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) Patient Experience Award

Celebrating Initiatives that Improve Patient Experiences

Dr. Davison and the Conservative Kidney Management Pathway initiative were selected as a recipient of the 2018 HQCA Patient Experience Awards to recognize and celebrate the project's positive impact on patients in Alberta.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) Great Teams. Great Care Award

Celebrating Teams Who Make Exceptional Care Possible

The CKD clinics piloting the Conservative Kidney Management (CKM) Pathway received the 2017 AHS Great Teams. Great Care Award for their diligent work to improve patient outcomes.

To view more events and newsletters related to the CKM Pathway please visit www.CKMCare.com.

Vision: To help people enjoy life while living with advanced chronic kidney disease by becoming a world leader in kidney supportive care research and clinical innovation.

Kidney Supportive Care Research Group (KSCRG)  l  Mailing Address: 8-105 Clinical Sciences Building, University of Alberta, 11350 83 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G3  l  Email: kscrg@ualberta.ca  l  Phone: (780) 492-0926 l  Fax: (780) 407-8117

Dr. Sara Davison and her team received funding to work with primary care to adapt, scale and extend the Conservative Kidney Management (CKM) Pathway to other areas of chronic illness. One:carepath, a disease-inclusive approach to integrating supportive care, was implemented in partnership with primary care physicians across Alberta. The Kidney Supportive Care Research group is proud to have the provincial initiative recognized for its quality, importance and relevance to patient care.

Dr. Sara Davison and her team received funding to work with primary care to adapt, scale and extend the Conservative Kidney Management (CKM) Pathway to other areas of chronic illness. One:carepath, a disease-inclusive approach to integrating supportive care, was implemented in partnership with primary care physicians across Alberta. The Kidney Supportive Care Research group is proud to have the provincial initiative recognized for its quality, importance and relevance to patient care.