
Publications 2000 - present |
Pinzón, J. & J. R. Spence. 2010. Bark-dwelling spider assemblages (Araneae) in the boreal forest: dominance, diversity, composition and life-histories Journal of Insect Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s10841-010-9273-7.
Pinzón, J. & J. R. Spence. 2008. Performance of two arboreal pitfall trap designs in sampling cursorial spiders from tree trunks. Journal of Arachnology, 32(2): 280-286.
Cobb, T.P., Hannam, K.D., Kishchuk, B.E., Langor, D.W., Quideau, S.A.
and Spence, J.R. 2009. Wood-feeding beetles and soil nutrient cycling in
burned forests: implications of post-fire salvage logging. Agricultural
and Forest Entomology (Pre-print). Volume not available: page numbers not available.
Bourassa, S., Carcamo, H.A., Larney, F.J. and Spence, J.R. 2008. Carabid assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in a rotation of three different crops in Southern Alberta, Canada: A comparison of sustainable and conventional farming. Environmental Entomology 37(5): 1214-1223
Esch, E., Jacobs, J.M., Bergeron, C., and Spence, J.R. 2008. Correcting for detection biases in the pitfall trapping of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). In Back to the Roots or Back to the Future? Towards a New Synthesis between Taxonomic, Ecological and Biogeographical Approaches in Carabidology: Proceedings of the XIII European Carabidologists Meeting, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 20–24 August 2007. Edited by L. Penev, T. Erwin, and T. Assmann. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. Pp. 385-395.
Langor, D.W., Hammond, H.E.J., Spence, J.R., Jacobs, J.M. and Cobb, T.P. 2008. Saproxylic insect assemblages in Canadian forests: diversity, ecology and conservation. Canadian Entomologist 140: 453-474.
Phillips, I.D., Cobb, T.P. and Spence, J.R. 2008. Salvage logging and edge effects on pill beetle abundance (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae).
Colleopterists Bulletin 62(2): 324-327.
MacQuarrie CJK, Langor DW, Sperling FAH. (2007) Mitochondrial DNA variation in two invasive birch leafmining sawflies in North America. The Canadian Entomologist, 139: 545-553
Snyder C, MacQuarrie CJK, Hard J, Kruse J, Zogas K. (2007) Invasive species in the Last Frontier - Distribution and phenology of Birch Leaf Mining sawflies in Alaska. Journal of Forestry, 105: 113-119
Jacobs, J., J. R. Spence, D. W. Langor, (2007) Influence of boreal forest succession and dead wood qualities on saproxylic beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 9: 2-15.
Jacobs, J., J. R. Spence, D. W. Langor, (2007) Variable Retention Harvest of White Spruce Stands and Saproxylic Beetle Assemblages. Canadian Journal of Forest Research (in press).
Cobb, T.P., Langor, D.W. and Spence, J.R. 2006. Biodiversity and the cumulative effects of disturbance: boreal forest ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) responses to wildfire, harvesting and herbicide. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1310-1323
Langor, D.W., Hammond, H.E.J., Spence, J.R., Jacobs, J.M. and Cobb, T.P. 2006. Saproxylic beetle assemblages in Canadian forests: diversity, ecology and conservation. Canadian Entomologist (accepted)
Philips, I.D., Cobb, T.P., Spence, J.R. and Brigham, R.M. 2006. Salvage logging, edge effects and carabid beetles: connections to conservation and sustainable forest management. Environmental Entomology 35: 950-957.
Phillips, I.D. and Cobb, T.P. 2005. Effects of habitat structure and lid transparency on pitfall catches. Environmental Entomology 34: 875-882.
Langor, D.W., Spence, J.R., Hammond, H.E.J., Jacobs, J.M. and Cobb, T.P. 2005. Maintaining saproxylic insects in extensively managed boreal forests: the Canadian Experience. In: Hanula, J. and Grove, S. (eds.). Insect Biodiversity and Dead Wood: Proceedings of a Symposium for the 22nd International Congress of Entomology. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report SRS-93.
Koivula, M.; Cobb, T.; Déchêne, A.; Jacobs, J.; Spence, J. R. 2006. Two Sericoda Kirby, 1837 species in the boreal mixed-wood post-fire environment. – ENTOMOLOGICA FENNICA 17: 315-324.
Serrano, J., Koivula, M. & Lövei, G. L. 2006: Preface. – ENTOMOLOGICA FENNICA 17: 193-194.
Schmiegelow, F. K. A., Stepnisky, D. P., Stambaugh, C. A. & Koivula, M. 2006: Reconciling salvage logging of boreal forests with a natural disturbance management model. – CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 20: 971-983.
Koivula, M. 2006: Effects of forest roads on the spatial distribution of boreal carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). – COLEOPTERISTS BULLETIN 59 (4/2005): 465-487.
Pihlaja, M., Koivula, M. & Niemelä, J. 2006: Boreal carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) responses to clear-cutting and top-soil preparation. – FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 222: 182-190
Koivula, M; Vermeulen, H. 2005. Highways and forest fragmentation - effects on carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY 20 (8): 911-926.
Koivula, M; Kotze, DJ; Salokannel, J. 2005. Beetles (Coleoptera) in central reservations of three highway roads around the city of Helsinki, Finland. - ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI 42 (6): 615-626.
Koivula, M; Kotze, DJ. 2005. Carabid beetles in median strips of three highways around the city of Helsinki, Finland. -- In: Lövei, G. & Toft, S. (eds.): European Carabidology 2003. Proceedings of the 11th European Carabidologist Meeting, University of Århus, Denmark. Pp. 151-161.
Koivula, M; Hyyryläinen, V; Soininen, E. 2004. Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) at forest-farmland edges in southern Finland. - JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION 8: 297-309.
Lehvävirta, S; Rita, H; Koivula, M. 2004. Wear affects the spatial distribution of tree saplings in urban woodlands. - URBAN FORESTRY AND URBAN GREENING 3: 3-17.
Koivula, M. 2003. Forest roads - a landscape element affecting the spatial distribution of boreal carabid beetles. - In: Szyszko, J., Den Boer, P. J. & Bauer, T. (eds.): How to protect or What we know about Carabid Beetles. Proceedings of X European Carabidologists Meeting, Warsaw Agricultural University Press, Warsaw. Pp. 287-299.
Koivula, M; Niemelä, J. 2003. Gap felling as a forest harvesting method in boreal spruce forests - responses of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - ECOGRAPHY 26: 179-187.
Koivula, M; Kotze, DJ; Hiisivuori, L; Rita, H. 2003. Pitfall trap efficiency: do trap size, collecting fluid and vegetation structure matter? - ENTOMOLOGICA FENNICA 14: 1-14.
Battigelli, JP; Spence, JR; Langor, DW; Berch, SM. 2004. Short-term impact of forest soil compaction and organic matter removal on soil mesofauna density and oribatid mite diversity. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE 34 (5): 1136-1149.
Work, TT; Shorthouse, DP; Spence, JR; Volney, WJA; Langor, D. 2004. Stand composition and structure of the boreal mixedwood and epigaeic arthropods of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) landbase in northwestern Alberta. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE 34 (2): 417-430.
Hammond, HEJ; Langor, DW; Spence, JR. 2004. Saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera) using Populus in boreal aspen stands of western Canada: spatiotemporal variation and conservation of assemblages. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE 34 (1): 1-19.
Work, TT; Spence, JR; Volney, WJA; Morgantini, LE; Innes, JL. 2003. Integrating biodiversity and forestry practices in western Canada. FORESTRY CHRONICLE 79 (5): 906-916.
Graham, AK; Buddle, CM; Spence, JR. 2003. Habitat affinities of spiders living near a freshwater pond. JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 31 (1): 78-89.
Kishi, M; Harada, T; Spence, JR. 2002. Adult flight in a water strider exposed to habitat drydown in the larval stages. NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 89 (12): 552-554.
Work, TT; Buddle, CM; Korinus, LM; Spence, JR. 2002. Pitfall trap size and capture of three taxa of litter-dwelling arthropods: Implications for biodiversity studies. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY 31 (3): 438-448.
Spence, JR. 2001. The new boreal forestry: adjusting timber management to accommodate biodiversity. TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 16 (11): 591-593.
Gandhi, KJK; Spence, JR; Langor, DW; Morgantini, LE. 2001. Fire residuals as habitat reserves for epigaeic beetles (Coleoptera : Carabidae and Staphylinidae). BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 102 (2): 131-141.
Sousa, JM; Spence, JR. 2001. Host age and parasitism by Tiphodytes gerriphagus (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae), an egg parasitoid of water striders (Heteroptera : Gerridae). ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 94 (5): 681-685.
Hammond, HE; Langor, DW; Spence, JR. 2001. Early colonization of Populus wood by saproxylic beetles (Coleoptera). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE 31 (7): 1175-1183.
Langor, DW; Digweed, SC; Williams, DJM; Spence, JR; Saunders, C. 2000. Establishment and spread of two introduced parasitoids (Ichneumonidae) of the birch leafminer, Fenusa pusilla (Lepeletier) (Tenthredinidae). BIOCONTROL 45 (4): 415-423.
Sousa, JM; Spence, JR. 2000. Effects of mating status and parasitoid density on superparasitism and offspring fitness in Tiphodytes gerriphagus (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae). ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 93 (3): 548-553.
Klingenberg, CP; Spence, JR; Mirth, CK. 2000. Introgressive hybridization between two species of waterstriders (Hemiptera : Gerridae : Limnoporus): geographical structure and temporal change of a hybrid zone. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 13 (5): 756-765.
Buddle, CM; Spence, JR; Langor, DW. 2000. Succession of boreal forest spider assemblages following wildfire and harvesting. ECOGRAPHY 23 (4): 424-436.
Harada, T; Spence, JR. 2000. Nymphal density and life histories of two water striders (Hemiptera : Gerridae). CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST 132 (3): 353-363.
Vepsalainen, K; Spence, JR. 2000. Generalization in ecology and evolutionary biology: From hypothesis to paradigm. BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY 15 (2): 211-238.