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The Spence Laboratory | ||||||
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| ualberta.ca | Faculty of Agricultural, Environmental and Life Sciences | Renewable Resources | |||||||
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2007Entomological Society of Canada / Entomological Society of Saskatchewan Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, SaskatchewanEffects of Harvesting on Spider Assemblages in the Canopy of Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and White Spruce (Picea galuca) Stands in the Boreal Forest. Jaime Pinzon, John Spence. (Oral Presentation) Life History and Population Dynamics of Ambermarked Birch Leafminer (Profenusa thomsoni Konow) an Alien Species Infesting Urban Birch (Betula) Forests in Alaska. Chris J K MacQuarrie, David W Langor, John R Spence. (Oral Presentation) Expansion of Pterostichus melanarius Ill. (Coleoptera:Carabidae) in the Edmonton Area over 17 Years. Dustin J. Hartley, John R. Spence. (Oral Presentation) Drilling into the Past: Effect of Long-term Leafminer Defoliation on Growth of Birch Trees 10 Years after the End of an Infestation. Colin Bergeron, Chris JK MacQuarrie. (Poster Presentation) XIII European Carabidologist's Meeting, Blagoevgrad, BulgariaEuropean Intruders in Canada: Carabid Assemblages of Graveyards and Grasslands Across an Urban-Rural Gradient. Matti J. Koivula, Dustin J. Hartley, John R. Spence. (Oral Presentation) Landscape Ecology and Conservation of Carabid Beetles. Colin Bergeron, John Spence, Jan Volney. (Oral Presentation) Adding Fire to Harvested Areas in the Boreal Forest: Is This a Better Emulation of Natural Wildfire? Joshua M. Jacobs, John R. Spence. (Oral Presentation) Recovery of Boreal Carabid Assemblages Subsequent to Variable Retention Harvesting: Early Results from the Emend Experiment. John R. Spence, Joshua M. Jacobs, Timothy T. Work. (Oral Presentation) 6th North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Vancouver, British ColumbiaDoes quantity constitute quality: Implementing sustainable applications of aggregated retention in managed boreal forests. Pyper, M.P., J.R. Spence, D.W. Langor, and F. He (Oral Presentation) Fire History, Insect Outbreaks and Tree Rings in North Western Alberta. Bergeron, C., Spence, J., Volney, J. (Oral Presentation) Decaying Wood: The Rise and Fall of Beetle Empires. Jacobs, J., Spence, J., Langor, D. (Oral Presentation) Alien Species in the Last Frontier: Invasion History, Oviposition Behaviour, and Mortality Factors of Ambermarked Birch Leafminer in Alaska. MacQuarrie, C., Langor, D., Spence, J. (Oral Presentation) Others17th Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Canmore, Alberta. Beta-diversity as a supplement to single species indicators of biodiversity conservation within managed forests. Pyper, M.P., J.R. Spence, and D.W. Langor (Oral Presentation) Awarded best student talk 54th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Alberta, Lethbridge, Alberta. Understanding edge effects: using carabid and staphylinid communities as indicators of biodiversity responses to forest fragmentation. Pyper, M.P., D.W. Langor, and J.R. Spence (Oral Presentation) Entomological Society of Manitoba / Entomological Society of America, North Central Branch Joint Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Impact of Alien Birch Leafmining Sawflies on Urban and Native Forests in North America. MacQuarrie, CJK. (Oral Presentation) 2006Entomological Society of Canada / Société d'entomologie du Quebec Joint Annual Meeting, Montréal, QuebecInvasive species under your nose and in your backyard: the secret wars of ground beetles. John Spence (Oral presentation) Food limitation of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in relation to activity, density, and insect mass. Evan Esch, J. Jacobs, J. R. Spence (Oral presentation) Landscape level association between trees and ground dwelling beetles. Colin Bergeron, J.R. Spence, J. Volney (Oral presentation) A comparison of ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in fields grown under sustainable and conventional farming practices. Stéphane Bourassa, J. R. Spence, H. A. Cárcamo, F. J. Larney (Oral presentation) Mortality factors influencing a newly established invasive species – Profenusa thomsoni in Alaska. Chris MacQuarrie, D. Langor, J. Spence (Oral presentation) Recovery of Carabid communities to variable retention harvesting. Joshua Jacobs, T. Work, J. Spence (Oral presentation) Release and possible establishment of Lathrolestes luteolator as a biological control agent of Ambermarked birch leafminer (Profenusa thomsoni) in Alaska. Chris MacQuarrie, D. Langor, E. Hosten, S. Digweed, A. Soper, J. Spence, J. Kruse (Poster presentation) National Commission on the Science of Sustainable Forestry, Denver, ColoradoPost-fire salvage logging and burn severity affect boreal mixed-wood birds and ground beetles. Koivula, M. (Oral presentation) Post-fire salvage logging and the ecological link between wood-boring beetles and nutrient cycling in burned boreal forests. Tyler Cobb. (Invited oral presentation) North American Forest Insect Work Conference, Asheville, North CarolinaBurn severity, salvage logging and boreal carabid beetles. Koivula, M. (Poster presentation) Distribution and biological control of Ambermarked birch leafminer in Alaska. R Burnside, H Bucholdt, S Digweed, E Holsten, J Kruse, D Langor, CJK MacQuarrie, C Snyder, J Spence. (Poster presentation) Life history and mortality factors affecting an invasive species: The case of Ambermarked birch leafminer in urban Alaska. CJK MacQuarrie, Langor D, Spence J. (Poster Presentation) Post-wildfire logging threatens biodiversity and ecosystem function in the boreal. Cobb, T.P., Spence, J.R., Langor, D.W. OthersThe Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Cairns, Australia. Effects of pond connectedness on three anuran life stages at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dyszy, K., D. Wrubleski, J. Spence, and G. Goldsborough. (Poster). 2006 Postdoc Research Day. Discover the potential of the postdoc research community. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Burn severity, salvage logging and boreal post-fire forest diversity. Koivula, M. (Poster presentation). 2005Entomological Society of Canada / Entomological Society of Alberta Joint Annual Meeting, Canmore, AlbertaPyrophilous arthropods and post-fire salvage harvesting: the ecological implications of an economic reality. Tyler P. Cobb, DW Langor, JR Spence, ID Phillips. President's Prize for best oral presentation.
Breaking down the break-down: The rise and fall of beetle empires. Joshua Jacobs, JR Spence, DW Langor. (Oral Presentation) Demonstration: Canadian arachnologist on-line spider database. David P. Shorthouse. (Oral Presentation) Effects of food limitation and density on carabid populations in forest floor enclosures. Evan Esch, J Jacobs, J Spence. (Oral Presentation) Fire severity, salvage logging and mixed-wood forest ground beetles (Carabidae). Matti J Koivula. (Contributed and reviewed paper) Gerrid diets: specialists for a surface smorgasboard. John R Spence. (Oral Presentation) Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) responses to different weed management practices in corn in southern Alberta. Stéphane Bourassa, JR Spence, HA Cárcamo, RE Blackshaw KD Floate. (Oral Presentation) Ground-dwelling beetle and forest mosaic. Colin Bergeron, JR Spence, WJA Volney. (Oral Presentation) Maintaining saproxylic insects in managed forests. David W Langor, JR Spence, JEH Hammond, J Jacobs, T Cobb. (Oral Presentation) Response of ground beetle assemblages (Carabidae) to cultivation of Bt corn during a 4-yr study. Kevin D Floate, HA Cárcamo, R Blackshaw, B Postman, S Bourassa. (Oral Presentation) Saproxylic beetles and woody debris decomposition in burned boreal forests: linking biodiversity to ecosystem function. Tyler P. Cobb, DW Langor, JR Spence, B Kishchuk. (Oral Presentation) Sericoda (Carabidae) beetles and Antennoseius (Ascidae) mites: the mystery continues. Andrea D. Déchêne, TP Cobb, HC Proctor, JR Spence. (Oral Presentation) Stranger in a strange land: biology of a European birch leafminer in Alaska. Chris MacQuarrie. (Oral Presentation) Temperature and moisture control of egg sacs by female fishing spiders, Dolomedes triton (Pisauridae). Carol Frost, JR Spence. (Oral Presentation) Using core species assemblages and rare carabid taxa to evaluate forest change in Canada. Timothy T Work, JR Spence, DW Langor, M. Koivula, J Sweeney. (Contributed and reviewed paper) Unthreatening forest arthropods: simultaneous management of ‘beezillions’ of small and heterogenous risks. John R Spence, DW Langor, WJA Volney, J Jacobs. (Oral Presentation) Went down to the cemetery looking for beetles. Dustin J. Hartley, JR Spence. (Oral Presentation) Biological control of ambermarked birch leafminer in Alaska. Chris MacQuarrie, D. Langor, E. Holsten, S. Digweed, D. Williams. (Poster Presentation) Dynamics of a Lepidoptera (moth) community in managed boreal forests of northwestern Alberta, Canada. Esther Kamunya, J.R. Spence, W.J.A. Volney. (Poster Presentation) Habitat utilization of the pyrophilous beetle Sericoda quadripuctata (Carabidae) in burned white spruce stands. Joshua Jacobs. (Poster Presentation) Pitfall trap depth in 3 forest habitats. Colin Bergeron, John Spence. (Poster Presentation) The Canadian Arachnologist On-line Spider Database. David P. Shorthouse. (Poster Presentation) North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Aylmer, Quebec.Development, structure and early results of the EMEND experiment Spence, JR, WAJ Volney, SE Macdonald. (Contributed and reviewed paper) 2005 Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Victoria, British ColumbiaDo Humans and Beetles See the Same Forest? Bergeron C., J.R. Spence, W.J.Volney (Oral Presentation) Arthropod diversity of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) Project. Edwards, J.E., J. Spence, J. Volney, T. Work, and D. Shorthouse. (Poster Presentation) 39th Annual Prairie Universities Biological Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.Effects of pond connectivity on Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) abundance, growth and development at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dyszy, K., D. Wrubleski, and J. Spence. (Oral Presentation). Biological control of a birch leafmining sawfly; Update on control effort against Profenusa thomsoni using Lathrolestes luteolator. MacQuarrie CJK. (Oral Presentation). Others10th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network, Ottawa, Ontario. Impacts of pond connectivity on amphibian life stages at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dyszy, K, D. Wrubleski, J. Spence, and G. Goldsborough. (Poster)Coastal Wetlands Workshop, Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Impacts of pond connectivity on amphibian life stages at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dyszy, K, D. Wrubleski, J. Spence, and G. Goldsborough. (Oral Presentation) The Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. Who’s calling where and why: Anuran breeding site selection at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Dyszy, K, D. Wrubleski, J. Spence, and G. Goldsborough. (Oral Presentation) XII European Carabidologists Meeting, Murcia, Spain. Responses of two Sericoda species to time since fire, fire severity, post-fire logging, and smoke and charcoal stimuli. Koivula, M, T Cobb, A Dechene, J Jacobs, JR Spence. (Contributed and reviewed paper) 6th International Woodpecker Symposium, Mekrijarvi, Finland. Salvage logging effects on boreal woodpecker assemblages. Koivula, M, FKA Schmiegelow. (Contributed and reviewed paper) XXII IUFRO World Congress, Brisbane, Australia. Are boreal bird and beetle abundance and richness affected by fire severity, salvage logging, and spatial scale? Koivula M, FKA Schmiegelow, JR Spence. (Contributed and reviewed paper) North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. Quantifying the Impacts of Forest Harvesting on Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Western Canada. Barkway, M., and J. Spence. (Poster Presentation). Ducks Unlimited/IWWR Student Staff Symposium, Oak Hammock Marsh, Manitoba. Effects of pond type on amphibian assemblages at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. D. Wrubleski, Dyszy, K., J. Spence, and G. Goldsborough. (Poster Presentation). Foothills Model Forest, Post-fire Research Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. Saproxylic beetles and the ecological consequences of post-fire salvage logging. T.P. Cobb. (Oral Presentation). |