Notes/Slides of Research talks
- Rigidity of VOAs and Hopf extensions:
- AMS sectional, San Antonio (Sept 2024)
- Mini-workshop, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (June 2024)
- Rigidity of extensions:
- SLmath, Quantum Symmetries seminar (July 2024) [video]
- VOAs, tensor categories and related topics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (June 2024)
- CMS summer meeting, U. Saskatoon (May 2024)
- New direction in conformal field theory, Fields institute (March 2024)
- On unimodular comodule algebras:
- On unimodular module categories:
- Filtered Frobenius algebras in monoidal categories: [slides], [notes]
- On non-counital Frobenius algebras: [slides]
Expository talks
- Skein modules and quantum character varieties [notes] (given in APM seminar, U Alberta)
- Introductory talk on TQFTs [notes] (given in Current Mathematics Seminar, Rice)
- Introductory talk on Hopf algebras and Quantum Symmetries [slides] (given at Google X)
Old reading group talks can be found here.
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