Harshit Yadav
Max Wyman Assistant Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Mathematics
Email: hyadav3 [at] ualberta.ca
Curriculum Vitae (last update: August 12, 2024)
My research interests are Hopf algebras, Frobenius algebras, finite tensor categories, fusion categories and vertex operator algebras.
I received my PhD from Rice University in May 2023, advised by Dr. Chelsea Walton.
I spent the first three years of my graduate life at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Earlier, in May 2017, I graduated from IIT, Kanpur with a Bachelors in Mathematics and Scientific Computing.
Apart from mathematics, I enjoy watching and playing football and chess.
Here are some pictures with my football friends form IIT Kanpur.
- Commutative exact algebras and modular tensor categories [arxiv],
joint with K. Shimizu.
- On unimodular module categories [arxiv] [journal]
Advances in Mathematics - Frobenius monoidal functors from (co)Hopf adjunctions [arxiv] [journal]
Proceedings of the AMS - On non-counital Frobenius algebras [arxiv] [journal],
joint with A. Hernandez, C. Walton.
Journal of Algebras and its Applications - Filtered Frobenius algebras in monoidal categories [arxiv] [journal],
joint with C. Walton.
International Math Research Notices - Equivariant cohomology, Schubert calculus, and edge-labeled tableaux [arxiv] [journal],
joint with C. Robichaux, A. Yong.
Facets of Algebraic Geometry: A Vol. in Honour of William Fulton's 80th Birthday, LMS Lecture Note Series - The A.B.C.Ds of Schubert calculus [arxiv] [journal],
joint with C. Robichaux, A. Yong.
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire - Autoequivariant Network Search via Group Decomposition [arxiv],
joint with S. Basu, A. Magesh, L. Varshney.
presented at SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS24), Atlanta, GA, 21-25 October 2024