Conference, workshop organization
- (Jan 2026) Geometric and category-theoretic approaches to conformal field theory
- BIRS, Chennai Math Institute, India
organized with Angela Gibney, Florencia Orosz Hunziker, Shashank Kanade and Swarnava Mukhopadhyay
- (Dec 2025) RIMS satellite seminars
- Research Institute in Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan
organized with Shashank Kanade, Shunsuke Tsuchioka and Hiroshi Yamauchi
- (Feb, March 2024) Mini-workshop on VOAs
- University of Alberta, Canada
organized with Shigenori Nakatsuka and Thomas Creutzig
Seminar organization
- (Fall 2024) Geometry-Algebra-Physics (GAP) seminar - University of Alberta
- (Winter 2024) Aspects of Mathematical Physcis Seminar - University of Alberta
- organized with Räphael Belliard and Reinier Kramer
- (Fall 2018, Spring 2019) Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics Seminar - UIUC
- organized with Collen Robichaux and Alex Yong
- (2016-17) CoNTRA - Combinatorics, Number Theory, Rep. Theory and Algebra Seminar, IIT Kanpur
- organized with Akshat Mudgal, Nihar Gargava and Yash V. Singh
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