The United Church of Canada


The United Church of Canada is the largest Protestant denomination in Canada. We minister to close to 3 million people in over 3500 congregations across the country. Ours is a rich history closely entwined with the development of Canada itself.

Created by an act of parliament in 1925 the United Church of Canada brought togetherthe Methodist, Congregationalist and most of the Presbyterian churches in Canada.

Later 1930 the church approved the union of the Synod of The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Bermuda with The United Church of Canada.

The Twenty-second General Council of The United Church of Canada (1966) approved the Plan of Union whereby the Canada Conference of The Evangelical United Brethren Church became part of The United Church of Canada, effective January 1st, 1968.

In addition, over the years various individual congregations from other Christian communions have joined the United Church.


To find out more about the beliefs , activities and how the United Church of Canada supports others through out the world and across Canada go to it's website.

United Church of Canada









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