To get the current news , brief spiritual and faith reflections and events

consider joining the email list and get a weekly update sent to your inbox.

Send an email to and ask to be put on the DUCS list.

Weekly Events  


Free home cooked Dinner , Thursdays 5 - 7 pm

         SUB  3- 02 Interfaith Centre  turn left off the elevator                                   
        Begins  Thursday September 3, 2015

 Pause Booth   Wednesdays 12 - 2
You are invited to stop by the booth on campus to take
ONE  minute for YOU.
Each week there will be a different activity to help you to change perspective, reset your attitude and just generally feel better.
Locations vary around campus
for current activities and locations follow us on twitter @FaithLiftUof A

Rainbow Welcome
Religion Gender and Sexuality  12 - 1.30  
Tuesday September 21
    a multifaith conversation

Interfaith Dialogue  
Wednesdays 1x/month
12 - 1 pm

September 23   presenters: Wiccan /

October 21  Presenters : Christian /

November 25  Presenters  TBA

Location TBA.

for locations and activities
follow twitter account at Deniseuccm@FaithLift
In a church close to campus:
Day 5  St Paul's United Church      76 Ave and 116 St    
 learn about and discuss various topics.
Thursdays 7.30 - 900 pm.
( located 2 blocks west of bellgravia LRT stop) for details go to












students and hosts eating dinner together


























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