What does the D stand for? Over the years there have been different answers to this question the most recent explanation comes from our current student president Kelsey Earle. The D is the best letter to add to the acronym UCCS (clearly not desirable),
and of course it has a double meaning which we have fun with.
We think everyone needs a yellow rubber duck and we have one waiting just for you.
This group welcomes anyone who is interested in discussing a wide variety of topics. Listening respectfully is just as important as feeling free and safe to give your opinion.
DUCS meet weekly on Thursdays 5- 6.30 p.m. in HUB Chaplain's Centre 169
The gather consists of a free home cooked dinner for good healthy food and conversation. Usually the topices of religion, faith and/ or spirituality pop up at some point.
From time to time the group plans movie nights.
Last year we had our first ever retreat on the snowiest coldest weekend of the winter. This winter the retreat will be held in January 2012.
DUCS also will be joining with others to prepare and serve a meal at the Mustard Seed Church this year Saturday, October 1, 2011, 3.30 - 7.00 p.m.
and Saturday February 4, 2012.
(Location : 96 Ave and 96 St)
If you would like to have regular contact about the groups activities please contact the chaplain and get put on the DUCS NEWS Contact List at uccm@ualberta.ca
You can also follow the events on Bear Tracks.
Dinner group with hosts from Millwoods United Church Cathy and Linda.