
Academic Program



Group Projects





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Group Projects

Students participating in the summer program will be working in groups on problem-solving projects. Groups will be formed at the start of the summer school. Each group will consist of 4-5 participants with a mixture of Canadian and international students. Towards the end of the program, each group will give a 20 minutes presentation of their project.

Group projects are designed to provide students with hands-on experience of collaborative learning and problem-solving, and an opportunity for culture exchange.

The following is a list of problems for selection.

  1. A Taste of Dynamics, by Professor Arno Berger
  2. Wavelets for image processing, by Professor Bin Han
  3. Wavelets for computer graphics, by Professor Bin Han
  4. Statistical machine learning I (zip), by Professor Linglong Kong
  5. Statistical machine learning II (zip), by Professor Linglong Kong
  6. Optimal transport (two projects) by Professor Brendan Pass
  7. Flight formation of drones (A reference) by Professor Michael Li
  8. The Willmore Conjecture by Professor Eric Woolgar
  9. The curve shortening flow by Professor Eric Woolgar
  10. Compound matrices and differential equations by Professor James Muldowney