Single molecule force spectroscopy study of the alteration of structural fluctuations of α-synuclein due to a pathogenic mutation, K Neupane, A Solanki, MT Woodside, In preparation.
Observing diffusive dynamics within the transition states in biomolecular folding, K Neupane, N Hoffer, MT Woodside, In preparation.
Complex dynamics under tension in a high-efficiency frameshift stimulatory structure, MTJ Halma, DB Ritchie, TR Cappellano, K Neupane,MT Woodside, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116, 19500 (2019).
Measuring the average shape of transition paths during the foldign of a single biological molecule, N Hoffer, K Neupane,MT Woodside, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116, 8125 (2019).
Transition path properties of folding reactions in the limit of small barriers, Andrew GT Pyo, NA Hoffer, K Neupane, and MT Woodside, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 115101 (2018).
Testing kinetic identities involving transition-path properties using single-molecule folding trajectories, K Neupane, NA Hoffer, and MT Woodside, J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 11095 (2018).
Measuring the local velocity along transition paths duing the folding of single biological molecules, K Neupane, NA Hoffer, and MT Woodside, Phys. Rev. Lett 121, 018102 (2018).
Direct measurements of sequence-dependent transition path times and conformational diffusion in DNA duplex formation, K Neupane, F Wang, MT Woodside, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, 1329 (2017).
Quantifying instrumental artifacts in folding kinetics measured by single-molecule force spectroscopy, K Neupane and MT Woodside, Biophys. J. 111, 283 (2016).
Pharmacological chaperone reshapes the energy landscape for folding and aggregation of the prion protein, K Neupane*, AN Gupta*, N Rezajooei, LM Cortez, VL Sim, & MT Woodside, Nature Communications 7, 12058 (2016).
Folding trajectories of a single protein molecule reveal protein folding is a one-dimensional diffusive process, K Neupane, AP Manuel, J Lambert, MT Woodside, Nature Physics 12, 700 (2016).
Direct observation of transition paths during the folding of protein and nucleic acids, K Neupane, DAN Foster, D Dee, H Yu, F Wang, MT Woodside, Science 352, 239 (2016).
Slippery ribosomes prefer shapeshifting mRNAs, JD Dinman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116, 19225 (2019).
University of Alberta researchers worked to address deadly misfolded proteins, Edmonton Journal, June 27 2016.
Moments of excitment: direct measurements of protein folding paths agree with theoretical predictions, Science 352, 150 (2016).
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Watching biomolecules fold and unfold, Physics Today, News, April 21, (2016).
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Optical tweezers extract biomolecules folding secrets, News, Chemistry World.
New findings about the physics of biomolecular folding attaract international attention, Department of Physics, University of Alberta.
Transition-path probability as a test of reaction-coordinate quality reveals DNA hairpin folding is a one dimensional diffusive process, K Neupane, AP Manuel, J Lambert, MT Woodside, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 1005 (2015).
Single-molecule force spectroscopy of rapidly-fluctuating, marginally-stable structures in the intrinsically-disordered protein α-synuclein, K Neupane*, A Solanki*, MT Woodside, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 158103(2014).
Diverse Metastable Structures Formed by Small Oligomers of α-Synuclein Probed by Force Spectroscopy, K Neupane, A Solanki, I Sosova, M Belov, MT Woodside, PLoS One 9, e86495 (2014). supporting information
Single-molecule assays for investigating protein misfolding and aggregation, A Hoffmann, K Neupane, MT Woodside, PhysChemChemPhys 15, 7934 (2013).
Energy landscape analysis of native folding of the prion protein yields the diffusion constant, transition path time, and rates, H Yu, AN Gupta, X Liu, K Neupane, AM Brigley, I Sosova, MT Woodside, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 14452 (2012).
Transition path times for nucleic acid folding determined from energy landscape analysis of single-molecule trajectories, K Neupane, DB Ritchie, H Yu, DAN Foster, F Wang, MT Woodside, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 068102 (2012). supplementary information
Editor's choice, and Transition path times for DNA and RNA folding from force spectroscopy, G Hummer & WA Eaton, Physics 5, 87 (2012).
Direct observation of multiple misfolding pathways in a single prion protein molecule, H Yu, X Lu, K Neupane, AN Gupta, AM Brigley, A Solanki, I Sosova, MT Woodside, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 5283 (2012). supplementary information
Experimental validation of free-energy-landscape reconstruction from non-equilibrium single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements, AN Gupta, A Vincent, K Neupane, H Yu, F Wang, MT Woodside, Nature Physics 7, 631 (2011). supplementary information
Single-molecule force spectroscopy of the add adenine riboswitch relates folding to regulatory mechanism, K Neupane, H Yu, DAN Foster, F Wang, MT Woodside, Nucleic Acids Res. 39, 7677 (2011). supplementary information
Elasticity, viscosity, and orientational fluctuations of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycate, S Zhou*, K Neupane*, YuA Nastishin, AR Baldwin, S Shiyanovskii, OD Lavrentovich, and S Sprunt, Soft Matter 10, 6571 (2014).
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Light scattering studies of orientational order in liquid crystalline tetrapodes and lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals, K Neupane, PhD Dissertation, Department of Physics, Kent State University, (2009).
Observation of a possible tetrahedratic phase in a bent-core liquid crystal, D Wiant*, K Neupane*, S Sharma, N Pradhan, JT Gleeson, A Jákli, G Iannacchione, and S Sprunt. Phys. Rev. E 77, 061701 (2008).
High field magneto-optical studies of liquid crystals and complex fluids, SN Sprunt, JT Gleeson, A Jákli, D Wiant, K Neupane, MAG LAB REPORTS 14, 38 (2007).
Dynamic light scattering study of biaxial ordering in a thermotropic liquid crystal, K. Neupane, SW Kang, S Sharma, D Carney, T Meyer, GH Mehl, DW Allender, S Kumar, and S Sprunt. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97,207802 (2006).
Critical behavior at the isotropic-to-nematic phase transition in a bent-core liquid crystal, D Wiant, S Stojadinovic, K Neupane, S Sharma, K Fodor-Csorba, A Jákli, JT Gleeson, and S Sprunt. Phys. Rev. E (R) 73, 030703 (2006).
One nanosecond photon correlation spectroscopy on smectic liquid crystal films, S Sharma, K Neupane, A Adorjan, A R Baldwin, and S Sprunt. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 067801 (2005).
Unsolicited Republication: Virtual Journal of NanoScience and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue 8.
Tools of the Trade, BioTechniques: The International Journal of Life Science Methods, Feb 26 2014.
Taking the Wrong Path,V Vinson, Science 336, 393 (2012).
Physicists unravel prion misfolding mystery, Department of Physics, Univerisity of Alberta.
Single molecule experiments: Out of equilibrium, C Jarzynski, Nature Physics 7, 591 (2011).
*equivalent first author