1. Direct observation of transition paths during the folding of biomolecules, K Neupane, Association of Nepali Physicists in America (2019).

  2. Direct observation and characterization of transitions and during the folding of biomolecules, K Neupane, Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct 05, 2018.

  3. Direct measurement of sequence-dependent transition path times and conformational diffusion in DNA duplex formation, K Neupane, and MT Woodside, Biophys J, 112,465a, (2017).

  4. Direct observation of transition-state dynamics during folding reactions, NQ Hoffer, K Neupane and MT Woodside, Biophys J,112,166a, (2017).

  5. Direct observation of transition paths during the folding of proteins and nucleic acids, K Neupane, DAN Foster, DR Dee, H Yu, F Wang and MT Woodside, Biophys J, 3,517a, (2016).

  6. Testing the physical theories as diffusive motion over an energy landscape using transition path analysis of single molecule folding trajectories, K Neupane, AP Manuel, J Lambert and MT Woodside, Biophys J, 3,194a, (2016).

  7. Anti-prion ligand binding promotes native PrP folding over misfoldign at the single molecule level, K Neupane, AN Gupta, N Rezajooei, and MT Woodside, Biophys J, 108,204a, (2015).

  8. Invited Talk: Protein folding, misfolding, and aggregation study using single-molecule force spectroscopy, K Neupane, Department of Physics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (Feb 22, 2013).

  9. Poster: Force Spectroscopy of  α-Synuclein Oligomers Reveals Rapid Formation of Stable Structures, K Neupane, A Solanki, I Sosova, M Belov, and M Woodside, Biophys J, 102,629a, 2012 (doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2011.11.3429), 56th annual biophysical society conference, San Diego, CA, (March 2012), USA.

  10. Poster: Reconstruction of the Energy Landscape Profile for Native Folding of the prion Protein from Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy, X Liu, H Yu, AN Gupta, K Neupane, AM Brigley, I Sosova, and M Woodside, Biophys J, 102,54a, 2012 (doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2011.11.324), 56th annual biophysical society conference, San Diego, CA, (March 2012), USA.

  11. Poster: Force Spectroscopy of Add Adenine Riboswitch Aptamer Folding Reveals Multiple Intermediate and Misfolded States, K Neupane, H Yu, DAN Foster, F Wang, MT Woodside, Biophys J, 100,483a, 2011 (DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2010.12.2830 ), 55th annual biophysical society conference, Baltimore, MD (Feb 2011), USA.

  12. Poster: Experimental validation of free energy landscape reconstructions from non-equilibrium single-molecule pulling experiments, A Vincent, A N Gupta, K Neupane, H Yu, MT Woodside, Biophys J, 100,484a, 2011 (DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2010.12.2836), 55th annual biophysical society conference, Baltimore, MD (Feb 2011), USA.

  13. Poster: Force Spectroscopy of Add Adenine Riboswitch Aptamer Folding Reveals Multiple Intermediate and Misfolded States, K Neupane, H Yu, DAN Foster, F Wang, MT Woodside, Single Molecule Biophysics ASPEN Conference, Aspen, CO, USA (2011).

  14. Attendence: 54th annual biophysical society conference, San Francisco, USA (Feb, 2010).

  15. Oral: Elasticities and viscosities of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal. K. Neupane, Y. Nastishin, A. Baldwin, O. Lavrentovich, and S. Sprunt. APS March Meeting 2009, Pittsburg PA USA (X15.00008).

  16. Oral: Viscoelastic parameters and flexoelectric effect in a bent-core liquid crystal studied by Dynamic Light Scattering. M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli and S. Sprunt. APS March Meeting 2009, Pittsburg PA USA (Y15.00013).

  17. Poster: Light Scattering Study of Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystal Tetrapodes. K. Neupane, S.W Kang, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S Sprunt. International Symposium on Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals, Kent State University, Oct. 27-28, 2008, USA.

  18. Poster: Light Scattering Study of a Lyotropic Chromonic Nematic Liquid Crystal. K. Neupane, Yu. A. Nastishin, A. R. Baldwin, O. D. Lavrentovich, and S. Sprunt. Liquid crystal day, September 19, 2008, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH 44242, USA.

  19. Poster: Investigation of Flexoelectricity in a Bent-core Nematic Liquid Crystal by Dynamic Light Scattering. M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, and S. Sprunt. Liquid crystal day, September 19, 2008, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH 44242, USA.

  20. Poster: Light Scattering Study of Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystal Tetrapodes. K. Neupane, S.W Kang, S. Sharma, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S Sprunt. 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Korea, June 29 - July 4, 2008. (PHA32)

  21. Poster: Light Scattering Study of Lyotropic Chromonic Nematic. Yu. A. Nastishin, K. Neupane, A. R. Baldwin, O. D. Lavrentovich, and S. Sprunt. 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, June 29 - July 4, 2008. (LY09)

  22. Poster: Flexoelectric effect in nematic bent-core liquid crystals measured by Dynamic Light Scattering. M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli and S. Sprunt. 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Korea, June 29 - July 4, 2008. (PHA33)

  23. Poster: Understanding recent Light Scattering Data on Smectic Films through a Discrete Model of Layer Dynamics. K. Neupane, I. Oliveira, S. Sharma, A. Baldwin, and S. Sprunt. 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Korea, June 29 - July 4, 2008. (DYN25)

  24. Oral: Light Scattering Study of Biaxiality in Nematic Liquid Crystal Tetrapodes. K. Neupane, S.W Kang, S. Sharma, D. Carney, T. Meyer, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S Sprunt. APS March Meeting 2008, New Orleans, USA (V8.00005).

  25. Oral: Flexoelectric effect in a bent-core liquid crystal measured by Dynamic Light Scattering. M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli and S. Sprunt. APS March Meeting 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (W8.00006).

  26. Oral: Light Scattering Study of Biaxial Nematic Phases in Thermotropic Liquid Crystals. K Neupane,  S. W. Kang, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S. Sprunt. Liquid crystal day, October 12, 2007, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH 44242, USA.

  27. Poster: Flexoelectric effect in a bent-core liquid crystal measured by Dynamic Light Scattering, M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, and S. Sprunt. Liquid crystal day, October 12, 2007, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH 44242, USA.

  28. Poster: Dynamic Light scattering study of biaxial nematic ordering in thermotropic liquid crystalline Tetrapodes, K. Neupane, S. W. Kang, T. Meyer, G. H. Mehl, D. W. Allender, S. Kumar, and S. Sprunt. Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, June 10-15, 2007, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA.

  29. Poster: Dynamic Light Scattering Study of Flexoelectric Effect in a Bent-Core Liquid Crystal, M. Majumdar, K. Neupane,J. T. Gleeson, A. Jákli, and S. Sprunt. Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, June 10-15, 2007, Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA.

  30. Oral: Observation of a possible tetrahedratic phase in bent-core Liquid Crystals, D. Wiant, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, A. Jákli, J. Gleeson , and  S. Sprunt. APS March Meeting 2007, Denver, Colorado USA, (H30.00005).

  31. Oral: Giant Flexoelectricity of bent-core nematic liquid crystals, J. Harden, B. Mbanga, M. Majumdar, K. Neupane, N. Eber, K. Fodor-Csorba, S. Sprunt, J. T. Gleeson and A. Jákli. APS March Meeting 2007, Denver, Colorado USA, (H30.00006).

  32. Poster: Fluctuation in liquid crystal films probed by sub-nanosecond photon correlation spectroscopy, S. Sharma, K. Neupane, A. Baldwin, and S. Sprunt. 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, 2006, Keystone, Colorado USA, (DFCT-23).

  33. Poster: Light scattering study of biaxial nematic phases reported in thermotropic liquid crystals, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, S. W. Kang, G. H. Mehl, S. Kumar, and S. Sprunt. 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, 2006, Keystone, Colorado USA, (BIAXP-5).

  34. Poster: Critical behavior at the isotropic to  nematic phase transition in a bent-core liquid crystal, D. Wiant, S. Stojadinovic, K. Neupane, S. Sharma, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli, J. Gleeson, and S. Sprunt. 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference 2006, Keystone, Colorado USA, (FERRP-53).

  35. Oral: The nature of phases, phase transitions, and defects in achiral bent-core and Ge-tetrapodic mesogens exhibiting the biaxial nematic phase. S. W. Kang, K. Neupane, V. Pandya, L. Joshi, Q. Wang, S. Sharma, S. Sprunt,  S. Kumar, G. H. Mehl, V. Prasad. 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference 2006, Keystone, Colorado USA (BIAX-O4).

  36. Poster: Critical behavior at the isotropic to nematic phase transition in a bent-core liquid crystals, D. Waint, K. Neupane, S. Stojadinovic, S. Sharma, K. Fodor-Csorba, A. Jákli, J. T. Gleeson,  and S. Sprunt. APS March Meeting, 2006, (J1.00202).

  37. Poster: Dynamics of Freestanding Smectic Films Studied by Ultrafast Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, S. Sharma, K. Neupane, A. Baldwin, and S. Sprunt. Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, June 19-24, 2005, Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA.

  38. Poster: One Nanosecond Photon Correlation Spectroscopy on Smectic Liquid Crystal Films, S. Sharma, K. Neupane, A. Baldwin, and S. Sprunt. Liquid crystal day, April 22, 2005, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH 44242, USA.

  39. Oral: One Nanosecond Photon Correlation Spectroscopy on Smectic Liquid Crystal Films, S. Sprunt, S. Sharma, K. Neupane, A. Baldwin, and S. Sprunt. 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference, July 2-7, 2004, Liubljana, Slovenia.