J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci
9(3) Sep. - Dec. 2006
ISSN: 1482-1826 |
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A free and open access
peer-reviewed online journal since 1998—the first in the field.
Fakhreddin Jamali
Drug Disease Interactions: Role of Inflammatory Mediators in Depression and Variability in Antidepressant Drug Response
Kenneth M. Kulmatycki and Fakhreddin Jamali USA, CANADA
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- Expanding the Scope of Crystal Form Evaluation in Pharmaceutical Science
Matthew L. Peterson, Magali B. Hickey, Michael J. Zaworotko and Örn Almarsson USA
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- Multiparticulate Formulation Approach to Colon Specific Drug Delivery: Current Perspectives
Laila Fatima Ali Asghar and Sajeev Chandran INDIA
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- Applications Of Thermo-Reversible Pluronic F-127 Gels In Pharmaceurical Formulations
J. J. Escobar-Chávez, M. López-Cervantes, A. Naïk, Y. N. Kalia, D. Quintanar-Guerrero, A. Ganem-Quintanar. MEXICO, FRANCE
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- Stability considerations in liquid dosage forms extemporaneously prepared from commercially available products.
Beverley D Glass and Alison Haywood. AUSTRALIA
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Evaluation of synthetic polymeric micelles as a stabilization medium for the handling of membrane proteins in pharmaceutical drug discovery
Olga V. Trubetskoy, Moshe Finel, Thomas J. Burke and Vladimir, Trubetskoy USA, FINLAND
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Anti-Hyperlipidemic and Hypoglycemic Effects of Gynostemma pentaphyllum in the Zucker Fatty Rat
Samer Megalli, Neal M. Davies, and Basil D. Roufogalis USA, AUSTRALIA
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Evaluation of in vitro-in vivo correlation and anticonvulsive effect of carbamazepine after cogrinding with microcrystalline cellulose
Mohammad Barzegar-Jalali1, Alireza Mohajjel Nayebi, Hadi Valizadeh1, Jalal Hanaee, Azim Barzegar-Jalali, Khosro Adibkia, Mahdieh Anoush, Mohammad Sistanizad IRAN
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Single Dose Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability of Butyryl Glucosamine in the Rat
Ali Aghazadeh-Habashi, Alyaa Ibrahim, John Carran, Tassos Anastassiades and Fakhreddin Jamali CANADA
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Atorvastatin attenuating down- regulation of peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor gamma in preventing cardiac hypertrophy of rats in vitro and in vivo
Ping. Ye, Li. Sheng, Cheng. Zhang and Yongxue Liu CHINA
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The Merits of a Robot: a Dutch Experience
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Endoglin expression in hyper-cholesterolemia and after atorvastatin treatment in apoE-deficient mice.
Nada Pospisilova, Vladimir Semecky, Gabriela Jamborova, Katerina Pospechova, Dagmar Solichova, Ctirad Andrys, Petr Zdansky and Petr Nachtigal CZECH REPUBLIC
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Prevalence of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions and its Associated Factors In a Brazilian Teaching Hospital.
Joice Mara Cruciol-Souza and João Carlos Thomson BRAZIL
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A free and open access
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Published by the Canadian Society
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Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences