Manuscripts (in English),
together with a cover letter
from the author responsible for
all correspondence, should be
submitted via the
online submission process,
as a file saved in Microsoft
Word (.doc). Spelling, punctuation,
sentence structure, spacing,
length, and consistency of usage
in form and descriptions should
be checked before submission.
Please also check References for
accuracy. Ensure that all
figures and tables are mentioned
in the text, and that all
references are cited in the
Type of Manuscripts:
The Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPPS)
publishes research articles,
research reports, technical
notes, scientific commentaries,
news, views and review articles
in the physical, chemical,
biological, biotechnical,
clinical, and
regulatory aspects of the
pharmaceutical sciences.
P lease
submit a single Word.doc
version of your manuscript that
includes all tables and figures
at appropriate locations.
The file name should include
your last (family) name and a
keyword from the title of your
manuscript. The file name
cannot be longer than 30
characters, and should contain
only letters or numbers. Do not
use punctuation or symbols in
the file name. The file size
cannot exceed 8MB.
For each section, the sub-title
appears as BOLD CAPITAL,
and subsequent titles as Bold
Sentence and then, if
required, Bold Italic
Sentence. Text should be
set in Times New Roman font, 11
point. Leave only one (1) space
after periods. Start new
paragraphs with an indent except
for the first paragraph after a
title. Do not use spaces
to create indents. Use line
returns only at the end of
paragraphs and do put blank
lines between paragraphs. Use the Symbol font
for symbols and special
characters. Do not use
equation editors or footnoting
utilities in your files.
Equations should be numbered
consecutively with Arabic
numerals in parentheses on the
right hand side of the page.
Number pages (bottom, centre).
Use proper Superscripts
and Subscripts, not
raised or lowered text.
Title Page:
title page should include the
title of the article, author's
name with full first name (no
degrees), and author’s
affiliation. The affiliation
should comprise the department,
institution (usually university
or company), city, and state (or
nation) and should be typed as a
footnote to the author's name.
For office purposes, the title
page should include the name and
complete mailing address
including country, and email
address of the one author
designated to review proofs. The
title page should start below
the top margin, be
single-spaced, and no space left
before the Abstract.
structured abstract of fewer
than 300 words is required of research articles
and reports and should be
arranged, in one paragraph,
under the following headings:
CONCLUSIONS. Review articles
also require an abstract, which
need not be organized under
these headings. The purpose of a
structured abstract is to assist
authors in organizing their
thoughts - not only to highlight
their work, but also to aid
readers to grasp quickly the
essence of the paper.
The Main Body of the Manuscript:
This section must contain Introduction,
Methods, Results
not combine Results
and Discussion.
state the novelty of the work.
Ethics in Animal and Clinical
Investigations using
experimental animals must adhere
to the ''Guide to the Care and
Use of Experimental Animal Care"
Council on Animal Care
guidelines, 1984).
All papers containing animal
data must Include a statement
from your university's Animal
Ethics Committee approving your
Investigations with human
subjects must follow the
Declaration of Helsinki
guidelines (1964) and
be approved by the institutional
human experimentation committee,
or equivalent, and have signed
in-formed consent.
Ethics Approval for Animal and
Human Studies:
Statement that approval has been
received must be
included under the METHODS
Statistical Approach:
The number of repeat
measurements (‘n’) and the
variance of the means must be
clearly depicted in the texts
and in the illustrations.
Reasonable significant figures
must be used as elaborated in
Levy G. Significant figures or
significant nonsense? Clin
Pharmacol Ther, 59:363, 1996.
Figures :
Figures should be numbered in
one consecutive series of Arabic
numerals in the order in which
they are cited in the text, and
designed to fit the column or
page size of the Journal. All
parts of a figure must be
“grouped” with no segmented text
box. Left justify the title
below the figure (bold font).
Keys to symbols should be a part
of the figure, and not a part of
the caption. Use the same
typeface for all figures. Labels
should be in
title case. Figure
legends should be informative
and self-explanatory.
Tables should be numbered
consecutively (with Arabic
numerals), referred to by number
in the text and designed to fit
the column or page size of the
Journal. Prepare numerical
illustrations (e.g., tables)
using the "table" function (rows
and columns). Do not make table
using text functions such as
tabs, spaces or lines. Hide lines except under the column
headings. Left justify the title
above the table (bold font).
Captions should be typed
separately. Table legends should
be informative and
Footnotes should be avoided.
When their use is necessary,
footnotes should be numbered
consecutively using Arabic
numerals and should be typed at
the bottom of the page to which
they refer. Place a line above
the footnote, so that it is set
off from the text.
Try to use abbreviations
sparingly. When used
extensively, provide a list of
all non-standard abbreviations on a separate page before the
reference section. Use the
metric system for all
measurements without periods
(cm, ml, s). Define all symbols
used in equations and formulas.
When symbols are used
extensively, include a list of
all symbols in the notation
section. Do not abbreviate the
word "Figure" or "Table" in
titles or text.
References: References should be numbered
consecutively in the order in
which they are cited in the
text. Cite in the text by the
appropriate Arabic numeral
enclosed in parentheses, e.g.,
(1) or (2-5), not super or sub
scripted. References to
unpublished personal
communications should be
avoided. Use ( ) for reference
citation in the text. Place
punctuation AFTER the reference.
For each reference, use a single
continuous paragraph with no extra space or line break.
Do not use "add-ins" such as
EndNotes. Abbreviations for journal names
should conform to those in the
Bibliographic Guide for Editors
and Authors (American Chemical
Society, Washington, D.C.). The
references should conform to the
following style and punctuation:
Journal Article:
Neal M. Davies and Fakhreddin
Jamali. COX-2 selective
inhibitors cardiac toxicity:
Getting to the heart of the
matter. J Pharm Pharm Sci,
7:332-336, 2004.
Mutschler, E.; Derendorf, H.,
Drug Actions, Basic Principles
and Therapeutic Aspects.
CRC, Ann Arbor, MI,
USA, 1995.
Contribution to a Book:
Jamali, F., Stereochemically
Pure Drugs: An Overview, in
Wainer IW: Drayer D (eds), Drug
Stereochemistry: Analytical
Methods and Pharmacology. 2nd
Marcel Dekker, INC,
New York, NY, pp 375-384, 1993.
acknowledgments (including those
for grant and financial support)
should be typed in one paragraph
directly preceding the reference
section. Authors of manuscripts
submitted to JPPS are requested
to state the source of all
funding that enabled the
research described to be
Manuscript Submission :
Manuscripts will be received by
Online Submission.
Manuscripts are reviewed
anonymously by independent
Authors should suggest the names
of three expert reviewers, but
selection remains a prerogative
of the editorial office.
To facilitate the review
process, the authors should
submit supplementary material
such as a cited accepted (but
not published) paper, which may
be required for assessment of
the submitted manuscript.
Careful preparation of
manuscripts and subsequent
review of page proofs are
essential, as the authors are
responsible for all statements
and content.
Copyright and Reference Citation:
Submitted manuscripts must not
be published previously or be
currently under consideration
for publication elsewhere.
Acceptance of a manuscript for
publication in the Journal will
automatically transfer all
copyrights of the manuscript
content to the Canadian Society
for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Authors must cite the source of
any quotation or statement
inserted in the manuscript.
Authors must obtain permission
from publisher for any
illustration and table copied or
adapted from a published
material. Such permissions must
arrive in the Journal office via
direct e-mail or fax from the
publisher or original letter
before the manuscript can be
Submit o ne (1) electronic file
of manuscript including all
text and images, in
Word.doc format. The file name
cannot be longer than 30
characters, and should contain
only letters or numbers. Do
not use punctuation or symbols
in the file name. The file size
cannot exceed 8MB.
Names and email addresses of
three expert reviewers.
Statement of ethics approval
for animal and human data.
Manuscript has been proofread
and spellchecked.
Manuscript includes title,
authors' complete first and
last (family) name,
address (including city,
province or state, country),
and email address.
Online Submission
JPPS has joined the Open Journal System (OJS). The new system is very efficient and user friendly. All users both past and new are required to create a new account on the online submission system.
If this is your first time
using the NEW system, please click here to create a new account.
If you have an existing
account on the NEW system , please
log in here .
Be sure you have read all the
above instructions before you
To access the old JPPS system please click here
Proprietary Rights Notice for
the Journal of Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Persons using JPPS may view,
reproduce or store copies of the
Journal providing the
information be not used for
for-profit purposes.
Copies of this Journal, in whole
or in part, must include the
copyright notice.
Any use of this Journal in whole
or in part should include
customary bibliographic
citation, including author
attribution, date, article
title, Journal for Pharmacy &
Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the
URL http://www.cspscanada.org.
Use of illustrations in other
publications is only permitted
with prior permission of the
Canadian Society for
Pharmaceutical Sciences.

A free and
open access peer-reviewed online journal since 1998—the first in the
Published by the
Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Copyright © 1997 by the
Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences.