Congratulations to Chester Lau, who received an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Camille Huang, who received a Bell McLeod Educational Fund Graduate Entrance Scholarship.
Congratulations to Teresa Kumblathan, who received a Dean's Doctoral award and an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship.
Congratulations to Xiaojian Chen, who successfully defended her MSc thesis and completed her MSc program in October 2022.
Congratulations to Jordan Schofield, who successfully defended MSc thesis and completed MSc program in September 2022.
Congratulations to Wei (Claire) Feng, who successfully defended her PhD thesis and completed her PhD program in August 2022.
Congratulations to Jingyang Xu, who was awarded an Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (CGS D) renewal.
Congratulations to Jeffrey Tao, who was awarded an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship Doctoral (PGS-D) renewal.
Congratulations to Wei (Claire) Feng, who was awarded an Andrew Stewart Graduate Research Prize.
Dr. Jessica Boyd gave an invited presentation in the Analytical and Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series, titled “The clinical toxicology laboratory and how I ended up there”. Dr. Boyd is the Medical Director, Urine Toxicology and Trace and Toxic Elements, at University of Utah/ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City.
Students and postdoctoral researchers in Our Division of Analytical and Environmental Toxicology delivered 14 oral presentations and 5 posters at the 105th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference (CCCE2022), held in Calgary on June 13-18, 2022. Congratulations to everyone for excellent presentations and professional communications.
Congratulations to Teresa Kumblathan who received the best graduate student oral presentation award in the Environment Division.
Congratulations to Chester Lau who received the best poster award in the Analytical Chemistry Division.
Congratulations to Wei (Claire) Feng who received the 2022 CIC Analytical Chemistry Division Ryan-Harris Graduate Award.
Congratulations to Wei (Claire) Feng, who received the 2022 CIC Analytical Chemistry Division Ryan-Harris Graduate Award in honor of Douglas E. Ryan. Claire will present her award lecture at the 105th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference, to be held in Calgary on June 13-18, 2022.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who has been appointed as a Clinical Biochemistry Fellow at the University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Jagdeesh Uppal, who received an Andrew Steward Graduate Research Prize from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who successfully completed her PhD program.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who received the Bell McLeod Educational Fund Graduate Research Prize from the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Claire Feng, who received an Alberta Innovates Graduate Scholarship from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Gurcharan Uppal, who received an Alberta Innovates Summer Scholarship from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Jagdeesh Uppal, who received an Alexandra Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Congratulations to Jeff Tao, who received a Postgraduate Scholarship Doctoral (PGS-D) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Congratulations to Jeff Tao, who received an Alberta Innovates Graduate Scholarship from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Hanyong Peng, who received a MedStar Award from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Professor Xing-Fang Li for receiving the 2020 Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Ricardo Aroca Award. Dr. Li is recognized for her distinguished contributions to analytical chemistry for water research and environmental toxicology.
The CSC Ricardo Aroca Award “is presented to a scientist residing in Canada who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of analytical chemistry while working in Canada”.
The award will be presented during the 103rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE2020, which is taking place in Winnipeg on May 24-28, 2020.
Congratulations to Professor Steve Hrudey on his appointment to the Order of Canada. Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, announced new appointments on December 28, 2019.
"Created in 1967, the Order of Canada is one of our country’s highest honors. Presented by the governor general, the Order honors people whose service shapes our society, whose innovations ignite our imaginations, and whose compassion unites our communities."
Dr. Hrudey is Professor Emeritus in our Division of Analytical and Environmental Toxicology. He is honored "for his contributions to environmental health sciences and for his advocacy of safe drinking water".
Congratulations to Karen Hoy, who received an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who received an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Jeff Tao, who received an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) from the government of Alberta.
Congratulations to Professor Hongquan Zhang, who received a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Congratulations to Katerina Carastathis, who received the 2019 Staff Recognition Award “in Recognition of Excellence in Supporting Students”.
Our research group actively participated in the 2019 “Discovery, Research, Innovation, and Education” event on April 12-13. Ashley, Hanyong, Jagdeesh, Jinjun, and Zhiqiang delivered platform presentations. Claire, Jeff, Karen, Peter, and Yiren presented posters. Congratulations to everyone for excellent presentations and to Ashley and Hanyong who received Best Oral Presentation Awards.
Congratulations to Karen Hoy, who successfully presented her Chem502 seminar on “Compact, automated, inexpensive, and field-deployable vacuum-outlet gas chromatograph for trace-concentration gas-phase organic compounds” (April 10, 2019).
Congratulations to Jagdeesh Uppal, who received an Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship from the government of Alberta (Alberta Innovates).
Division of Analytical & Environmental Toxicology (AET) hosted an annual Christmas party on December 13, 2018, and celebrated major scholarly achievements.
Congratulations to Yanwen Lin, who successfully defended her PhD thesis “Binding-induced DNA assembly for detection of proteins and nucleic acids”, and completed her PhD program in Analytical Chemistry (December 14, 2018).
Congratulations to Michael S. Reid, who successfully defended his PhD thesis “Isothermal amplification of nucleic acids and homogeneous assays for proteins”, and completed his PhD program in Analytical Chemistry (August 3, 2018).
Congratulations to Rebecca E. Paliwoda, who successfully defended her PhD thesis “Assays for specific DNA, microRNA, and proteins using DNA nanostructures”, and completed her PhD program in Analytical Chemistry (June 25, 2018).
Congratulations to Aleksandra Popowich, who successfully defended her PhD thesis “Investigating arsenic-protein interactions using mass spectrometry: from hemoglobin to p53”, and completed her PhD program (May 26, 2018).
Members of the Analytical & Environmental Toxicology Division successfully presented 20 papers and chaired 8 sessions at the 101st Canadian Society for Chemistry annual conference, held in Edmonton on May 27-31, 2018.
Congratulations to those who have received oral presentation and poster presentation awards
Congratulations to Jagdeesh Uppal, who received a Canada Graduate Scholarship (CSS-M) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Congratulations to Jagdeesh Uppal, who received a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who received an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Jeffrey Tao, who received a Medical Sciences Graduate Program Scholarship from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Hanyong Peng, who received a MedStar Award for an outstanding publication by a postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Wei (Claire) Feng, who received a China Scholarship Council (CSC) full scholarship for four years, in support of her PhD program. She also received a Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship from the University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Aleksandra Popowich, who received an Alberta-Smithsonian Internship, supporting her to conduct research at a Smithsonian institute in Washington, DC.
Congratulations to Lily Sun, who received an Award for Best Poster Presentation in Pharmacology and Toxicology, at the 58th Annual National Medical Student Research Forum, Texas, USA. April 21, 2017.
Group members presented research at the 100th Canadian Society for Chemistry annual conference, held in Toronto.
Congratulations to everyone for outstanding presentations and active participations in the conference events.
Dr. Chris Le edited an Arsenic Special Issue of the Journal of Environmental Sciences. The special issue
honors Dr. William R. Cullen for his outstanding contributions to arsenic research.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, volume 49, pages 1-232.
Aleksandra Popowich et al. review the mystery of arsenobetaine, published in National Science Review.
Arsenobetaine: The ongoing mystery. National Science Review , 3 (4), 451-458 (2016).
Congratulations to Qingqing Liu, who successfully completed her PhD program in November 2016.
Congratulations to Ashley Newbigging, who received an CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D), 2016-2019.
Congratulations to Lily Sun, who received the Best Poster presentation Award at the 49th Annual Summer Research Day, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, October 15, 2016.
Congratulations to Jeffrey Tao, who received the Best Poster presentation Award at the 49th Annual Summer Research Day, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, October 15, 2016.
Congratulations to Qi Zhang, who successfully completed her PhD program in June 2016.
Congratulations to Rebecca Paliwoda, who received a Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award, from the University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Aleksandra Popowich, who received the Jean Cooley Graduate Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry, from the University of Alberta.
Congratulations to Michael Reid, who received the Best Poster Presentation Award, at the 2016 Canada China Analytical Chemistry Conference.
Congratulations to Qingqing Liu, who received a DynaLife Publication Prize, from the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Alberta.
Analytical and Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series replaced the former Environmental Health Sciences Seminar Series
Formely Environmental Health Sciences Seminar Series
Time: 2:00 pm Date: Friday Location: 10-120 Clinical Sciences Building