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Samuel, T.J. "Economic adaptation of refugees in Canada: experience of a quarter century" International Migration 22(l) 1984: 45-55.

Sehl, M and J. Naidoo. "The adaptation of Salvadorean refugees in Canada" Multiculturalism 9(l) 1985: 25-27.

Shisana, Olive and David D. Celentano. "Depressive symptomatology among Namibian adolescent refugees" Social Science and Medicine 21(11) 1985: 1251-1257.

Sinclair, Margaret. "Education and training for out-of-school Afghan refugees youth and adults in Pakistan" Convergence 23(3) 1990: 49-58.

Simmons, Alan B. and Kieran Keohane. "Canadian immigration policy: state strategies and the quest for legitimacy" Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 29(4) 1992: 421-452.

Simmons, Alan B. "Latin American migration to Canada: new linkages in the hemispheric migration and refugee flow system' International Journal 48(2) 1993: 282-309.

Smawfield, David. "A comparative study of the provision of primary education for Mozambican refugees in Malawi and Zambia" Journal of Refugee Studies 6(3) 1993: 286-295.

Somerset, F. "Indochinese refugees in Canada: government policy and public response" New Community 10 (1) 1982: 106-114.

Stahlman, Kathy E. "Socioeconomic changes of Indochinese refugees" Migration World Magazine 23(3) 1995: 26-29.

Starr, P.D. and A.E. Roberts. "Community structure and Vietnamese refugee adaptation: the significance of context" International Migration Review 16(3) 1982.

Starr, Paul D. and Alden E. Roberts. "Attitudes toward new Americans: perceptions of Indo-Chinese in nine cities" Research in Race and Ethnic Relations 3 1982: 165-186.

Stein, Barry N. "Occupational adjustment of refugees: the Vietnamese in the United States" International Migration Review 13(l) 1979: 25-45.

Stein, Barry N. "The refugee experience: defining the parameters of a field of study" International Migration Review 15(l) 1981.

Stephenson, Peter H. "Vietnamese refugees in Victoria BC: an overview of immigrant and refugee health care in a medium-sized Canadian urban centre" Social Science and Medicine 40(12) 1995: 1631-1642.

Stepick, Alex and Alejandro Portes. "Flight into despair: a profile of recent Haitian refugees in South Florida" International Migration Review 20(2) 1986: 329-350.

Stevens, Christine A. "The school to work transition: young Cambodians in South Australia" Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 29(2) 1993: 173-193.

Stevens, Christine A. "The labour market experience of Cambodians: policy implications for settlement services" Australian Journal of Social Issues 31(3) 1996: 271-289.

Strand, Paul J. "Employment predictors among Indochinese refugees" International Migration Review 18(l) 1984: 50-64.

Strober, Susan B. "Social work interventions to alleviate Cambodian refugee psychological distress" International Social Work 37(l) 1994: 23-35.

Strom, Robert et al. "Supporting the adjustment of immigrant families" International Journal of Sociology of the Family 22(l) 1992: 35-43.

Tollefson, James W. "Language policy and power: Yugoslavia, the Philippines, and Southeast Asian refugees in the United States" International Journal of the Sociology of Language 103 1993: 73-95.

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