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Nicholson, Barbara. "The influence of culture on teaching Southeast Asian paraprofessionals: a challenge to social work education" Journal of Teaching in Social Work 3(l) 1989: 73-86.

Nudelman, A. "Health services to immigrant and refugee population: patient and provider cross-cultural perspective" Collegium Antropologicum 18(2) 1994: 189-194.

Olmsted, Jennifer. "Women "manufacture" economic spaces in Bethlehem" World Development 24(12) 1996: 1829-40.

Opoku-Dapaah, Edward. "Barriers to educational pursuits of refugee claimants in Canada: the case of the Ghanaians" Refuge 12(3) 1992.

Palmer, Ingrid. "Advancement preparation and settlement needs of South-East Asian refugee women" International Migration 19(1/2) 1981.

Parkins, C. Richard. "Public policy issues in refugee resettlement 'Social Thought 10(3) 1984: 15-20.

Pask, Diane E. and Anne Jayne. "Resettlement of minor refugees: some interdisciplinary issues" Canadian Journal of Family Law 4(3) 1984: 275-292.

Passaris, C. "Canada's record in assisting refugee movements" International Perspectives September/October 1981: 6-9.

Pereal, Raul Moncarz. "The golden cage-Cubans in Miami" International Migration 16(3-4) 1978: 160-173.

Pereira, Cecil, Bert N. Adams, and Mike Bristow. "Canadian beliefs and policy regarding the admission of Ugandan Asians to Canada" Ethnic and Racial Studies 1(3) 1978: 352-364.

Pho, Hai B. "The politics of refugee resettlement in Massachusetts" Migration World Magazine 19(4) 19913-25.

Pope, L. "The case of Ward v. Minister of Employment and Immigration: its implications for refugee women and children" INSCAN: International Settlement Canada 6(2/3) 1992.

Portes, A. "Dilemmas of golden exile: integration of Cuban refugee families in Milwaukee" American Sociological Review 34(4) 1969.

Potocky, Miriam. "Toward a new definition of refugee economic integration" International Social Work 39(3) 1996: 245-256.

Preston, Rosemary. "Is there a refugee-specific education?" Convergence 23(3) 1990: 3- 10.

Qualman, A. "Educational needs of refugees and college potential" College Canada 9(3) 1984: 7.

Rasanen, E. "Change in culture and language environment in childhood and its effect on adult life" Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 80(3) 1989: 280-286.

Richmond, Anthony H. "Sociological theories of international migration: the case of refugees" Current Sociology 36(2) 1988: 7-26.

Richmond, Anthony H. "Reactive migration: sociological perspectives on refugee movements" Journal of Refugee Studies 6(l) 1993: 7-24.

Rockhill, Kathleen and Patricia Tomic. "There is a connection: racism, hetero/sexism and access to ESL" Canadian Woman Studies 14(2) 1994: 91-94.

Rousseau, Cecile "The Place of the unexpected : ethics and methodology for research with refugee children" Canada's Mental Health 41(4)1994: 12-16.

Rousseau, Cecile, Aline Drapeau and Ellen Corin. "The influence of culture and context on the pre- and post-migration experience of school-aged refugees from Central America and Southeast Asia in Canada" Social Science and Medicine 44(8) 1997: 1115-1127.

Rousseau, Cecile, Aline Drapeau and Ellen Corin. "School performance and emotional problems in refugee children" American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 6 (2) 1996: 239-251.

Rousseau, C., D. Lefibvre, R. Rosenfeld. "Les enfants refugies du sud-est asiatique: experience Quebecoise" Union medicale du Canada 110 (5) 1981: 469-473.

Ruefle, William, William H. Ross and Diane Mandell. "Attitudes toward Southeast Asian immigrants in a Wisconsin community" International Migration Review 26(3) 1991

Rumbaut, Ruben G. and John R. Weeks. "Fertility and adaptation: Indochinese refugees in the United States" International Migration Review 20(2) 1986: 428-466.

Ryan, Angela-Shen and Irwin Epstein. "Mental health training for Southeast Asian refugee resettlement workers" International Social Work 30(2) 1987: 185-198.

Sabagh, Georges and Mehdi Bozorgmehr. "Are the characteristics of exiles different from immigrants? The case of Iranians in Los Angeles" Sociology and Social Research 71(2) 1987: 77-84.

Sachs, et al. "The psychiatric effects of massive trauma on Cambodian children: the family, the home and the school" Journal of American Academy of Child Psychology 25(3) 1986.

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