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Tran, Thanh V. and Thang D. Nguyen "Gender and satisfaction with the host society among Indochinese refugees" International Migration Review 28(2) 1994: 323-337.

Tran, Thanh and Roosevelt Wright Jr. and Charles H. Mindel. "Alienation among Vietnamese refugees in the United States: a causal approach" Journal of Social Service Research 11 (1) 1987: 59-75.

Tran, Thanh V. "Sponsorship and Employment Status among Indochinese Refugees in the United States" International Migration Review 25(3) 1991: 536-550.

Tran, Thanh V. "Sex differences in English language acculturation and learning strategies among Vietnamese adults aged 40 and over in the United States" Sex Roles 19(11-12) 1988: 747-758.

Troper, Harold. "Canada's immigration policy since 1945" International Journal 48(2): 1993: 255-281.

Tsui, Alice M. and Morgan T. Sammons. "Group intervention with adolescent Vietnamese refugees" Journalfor Specialists in Group Work 13(2) 1988: 90-95.

Van der Meeren, Rachel. "Three decades in exile: Rwandan refugees 1960-1990" Journal of Refugee Studies 9(3) 1996: 252-267.

Walter, Ingrid. "One year after arrival: the adjustment of Indo-Chinese women in the US (1979-1980)" International Migration 19(1/2) 1981.

Weiermair, K. "Economic adjustment of refugees in Canada: a case study" International Migration 9(1-2) 197 1.

Williamson, Louise. "A safe haven? the development of British policy concerning unaccompanied refugee children 1933-93". Immigrants and Minorities 14 (1) 1995: 47-66.

Winland, Daphne N. "Christianity and community: conversion and adaptation among Hmong refugee women" Canadian Journal of Sociology 19(l) 1994: 21-45.

Winland, Daphne N. "The role of religious affiliation in refugee resettlement: the case of the Hmong" Canadian Ethnic Studies 24(l) 1992: 96-119.

Woods, Devon H. and M. Moore. "Bilingual education and programs for immigrant/refugee children: a review of the literature" Carleton Papers in Applied Language Studies 1988, 5, 1-35.

Wooden, Mark. "The experience of refugees in the Australian labor market" International Migration Review 25(3) 1991: 514-535.

Woon, Yuen Fong. "Indo-Chinese refugee sponsorship: the case of Victoria, 1979-1980" Canadian Ethnic Studies 16(l) 1984: 58-77.

Woon, Yuen Fong. "Some adjustment aspects of Vietnamese and Sino-Vietnamese families in Victoria, Canada" Journal of Comparative Family Studies 17(3) 1986: 349-370.

Wright, Robert G. "Voluntary agencies and the resettlement of refugees" International Migration Review 15(l) 198-211.

Yau, Maria. "Refugee students in Toronto schools" Refuge 15(5) 1996: 9-16.

Yee, Barbara W. K. "Elders in Southeast Asian refugee families" Generations 16(3) 1992: 24-27.

Young, Marta. "Acculturation, identity and well-being: adjustment of Somalian refugees" Sante mentale au Quebec 21(l) 1996: 271-290.

Zetter, Roger. "Incorporation and exclusion: the life cycle of Malawi's refugee assistance program" World Development 23(10) 1995: 1653-67.

Ziegler, E. Refugee Movements and Policy in Canada. Canadian Review of Demography and its Implications for Social Policy, 1988.

Zima, Suellen. "Forty-two Ethiopian boys: observations of their first year in Israel" Social Work 32(4) 1992: 359-360.

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