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Basok, Tanya. "Refugee policy [in Canada]: globalization, radical challenge, or state control?" Studies in Political Economy 50 1996: 133-166.

Basok, Tanya. "How useful is the "petty commodity production" approach? Explaining the survival and success of small Salvadoran urban enterprises in Costa Rica" LABOUR Capital and Society 22(l) 1989: 42-64.

Basok, Tanya. "Soviet immigration to Canada: the end of the refugee program?" Innovation 4(3-4) 1992: 139-155.

Beare, S. "ESL instruction for refugee employment" TESL Talk 15(3) 1984: 12-16.

Beavis, Mary A. "Housing and ethnicity: literature review and select, annotated bibliography" Bibliographica 6 1995.

Beiser, Morton, Rene Dion, Andrew Gotowiec, Ilene Hyman and Nhi Vu. "Immigrant and refugee children in Canada" Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 40(2) 1995: 67-72.

Beiser, Morton, R. Jay Turner R. and Soma Ganesan. "Catastrophic stress and factors affecting its consequences among Southeast Asian refugees" Social Science and Medicine 28(3) 1991: 183-195.

Beiser, Morton. "Changing time perspective and mental health among Southeast Asian refugees" Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 11(4) 1987: 437-464.

Beiser, Morton. "Influences of time, ethnicity, and attachment on depression in Southeast Asian refugees" American Journal of Psychiatry 145(l) 1988: 46-5 1.

Beiser, Morton, Ilene Hyman. "Refugees' time perspective and mental health" American Journal of Psychiatry 154(7) 1997: 996-1002.

Bell, Sue E. and Michael B. Whiteford. "Tai dam health care practices: Asian refugee women in Iowa" Social Science and Medicine 24(4) 1987: 317-325.

Benson, Janet E. "Households, migration, and community context" Urban Anthropology 19(1-2) 1990: 9-29.

Bernard, W.S. "Immigrants and refugees: their similarities, differences and needs" International Migration 14(4) 1977: 26781.

Bertheleu, Helene. "Methods of collective organization among the Lao of Montreal. A structured sociopolitical context" Canadian Ethnic Studies 27(2) 1995: 81-100.

Black, Richard. "Refugee migration and local economic development in Eastern Zambia". Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 85 (3): 1994: 249-62. Population Index on the Web.

Brand, Laurie "Palestinians in Syria: the politics of integration." Middle East Journal 42 (4) 1988: 621-637.

Breslow, Marilyn, David Haines and Dirk Philipsen. "Richmond's refugees: understanding the interaction between refugees and their new communities" Migration World Magazine 25(1-2) 1997: 30-34.

Burgess, Hilary and Jill Reynolds. "Preparing for social work with refugees using inquiry and action learning" Social Work Education 14(4) 1995: 58-73.

Burnley, 1. H. "Lebanese migration and settlement in Sydney, Australia" International Migration Review 16(l) 1981: 102-132.

Burwell, Ronald-J., Peter Hill and John F. Van Wicklin. "Religion and refugee resettlement in the United States: a research note" Review of Religious Research 27(4) 1986: 356-366.

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