Site Info
This site is based mainly on information collected as part of the undergraduate Field Methods class 172.334 in Semester II 2000, School of Language Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
The students who participated in the collection of data were: Juliana Bt. Grahan, Megan May, Aileen Tan, Soh Bee Pheng, Olivia Ward, Joanna Wenman. I thank all of them for their contribution to the class.
The main consultant for the class was Mr. Anacleto da Costa Ribeiro. Anacleto provided us with the Tetun story on this website. Another occasional consultant was Mr. Jorge da Conceicao Teme. I thank Anacleto and Jorge for helping us learn about their fascinating language. Anacleto's language background is complex and fascinating. You can learn more about this here.
The instructor for this class was John Newman who also constructed this website.
Here is a photo of Juliana, Aileen, Olivia, Joanna, Bee Pheng (back row) and John, Megan, Anacleto (front row).
Comments, queries to:
Dr. John Newman
Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB
T6G 2E7 Canada