4.1.1 Cone penetrometer
Bolton, M.D. and Gui, M.W. (1993) : The study of relative density and boundary effects for cone penetration tests in centrifuge, Technical report No. CUED/D-SOILS TR256, Cambridge University.
Esquivel, E,R, and Ko, H.Y. (1994) : Development of a miniature piezocone, Proc. of CENTRIFUGE 94, pp. 89-94.
Randolph, M.F., Jewell, R.J., Stone, K.J.L. and Brown, T.A. (1991) : Establishing a new centrifuge facility, Proc. of CENTRIFUGE 94, pp. 89-94.
Renzi, R., Corte, J.F., Rault, G., Bagge, G., Gui, M. and Laue, L. (1994) : Cone penetration tests in the centrifuge: Experience of five laboratories, Proc. of CENTRIFUGE 94, pp. 77-82.
Tani, K. and Craig, W.H. (1995) : Development of centrifuge cone penetration test to evaluate the undrained shear strength profile, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 37-47.