Prospects for an African Renaissance


    The Africa Society is hosting the Third Annual Conference at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, February 25-26, 2000. The 2000 Conference Theme is Prospects for an African Renaissance: Culture, Development, Reconciliation.

The Keynote Speaker will be:

Nobel Laureate (Lit.) Wole Soyinka
February 25, 2000 
Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium 
Edmonton, Alberta

    Keynote and Other Speakers

    Areas of discussion will include Education and Culture, Development,  Political Economy, and Peace and Reconciliation. 

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Dr. Malinda S. Smith 
State and Legal Studies 
Athabasca University 
1 University Drive 
Athabasca, Alberta 
T9S 3A3 

Tele.: (780)438-5708 
Fax: (780)675-6338 


The International Centre
University of Alberta
HUB Mall
University of Alberta 
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4

Tele.: (780)492-5962

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