"Not Mine, Nor Yours, Only Ours: Globalization and Diversity - Conflict or Harmony?" by Wole Soyinka, Wake Forest University Founders' Day Convocation Address, Wait Chapel, Tuesday, February 2, 1999. http://www.wfu.edu/wfunews/soyinkatext.htm "'Justice, Memory and Reconciliation' in the context of Peacebuilding," by Nancy Thede, February 2, 1999. Prepared for the DFAIT-NGO Consultations on Peacebuilding. http://www.cpcc.ottawa.on.ca/memory.htm
Children and Armed Conflict (Canadian Peacebuilding Coordinating Committee) http://www.cpcc.ottawa.on.ca/cacweblinks.htm
Peacebuilding Resources http://www.cpcc.ottawa.on.ca/sitemap.htm
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