Chen Y, Gu Y J, *Zhang Q, *Wang H, Chen Y. (2023). Least-squares migration imaging of receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research, revised.
Schultz R, Woo J-U, Pepin K, Ellsworth W, Zebkar H, Segall P, Gu Y J, Samsonov S (2023). Disposal from in situ bitumen recovery induced the ML 5.6 Peace River earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 50,
Sun W, Sacchi M, Gu Y J. (2023). Multichannel Sparse Deconvolution of Teleseismic Receiver Functions with f-x Preconditioning. Journal of Geophysical Research, accepted.
Currie C A, Mallyon D A, Yu T-C, Chen Y, Schaefer A, Audet P, Gu Y J. (2023). Mantle structure and dynamics at the eastern boundary of the northern Cascadia backarc. Journal of Geodynamics, 155, 101958.
Zhang C, Gu Y J, Chen Y, Dokht R. (2023). Recovery of the Alberta Basin sedimentary structures in southern-central Alberta using Nonlinear Inversions of Receiver Functions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 128,
Wang J, Gu Y J. (2022). Slab stagnation vs. penetration of Nazca subduction inferred from shear wave reflectivity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 599, 117867.
Wang J, Gu Y J. (2022). Global Variability of Density Contrast Across the 660-km Discontinuity. Geophysical Research Letters,28 February 2023, 50(4), DOI: 10.1029/2022GL101213.
Li T-Y, Gu Y J, Lawton D, Gilbert H, Macquet M, Genevieve S, *Wang J, Innanen K, *Yu N. (2022). Monitoring CO2 Injection at the CaMI Field Research Station Using Microseismic Noise Sources. Journal of Geophysical Research, December 2022, 127(12), DOI: 10.1029/2022JB024719.
Wu L, Huang W, Li H, Murphy J, Kirscher U, Mitchell R N, Hawkins M A, Halverson G P, Gu Y J, Zhang J, Liu X. (2022). Paleomagnetism of the Guanyang Devonian sedimentary successions in Guangxi province, South China. Gondwana Research. 105: 143-159.
Chen Y, Gu Y J, Mohammed F, Wang J, Sacchi M, Wang R, Nguyen B. (2021). Crustal attenuation beneath North America: Implications for slab subduction, terrane accretion and arc magmatism of the Cascades. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 560(116783): DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl..
Li T-Y, Gu Y J, Wang J, Wang R, Yusifbayov J, Canales M R, Shipman T. (2021). Earthquakes induced by wastewater disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta, 2018¿2020. Seismological Research Letters. 93(2A): 727-738.
Rubio G, Chen Y, Sacchi, M, Gu Y J. (2020). 3D and 5D reconstruction of receiver functions using multichannel singular spectrum analysis. Geophysical Journal International. 225(2): 1010-1028.
Chen, Y., Y. J. Gu, L. Heaman, L. Wu, E. Saygin, Shu-Huei Hung, Reconciling seismic structures and Late Cretaceous kimberlite magmatism in northern Alberta, Canada, Geology, v. 48,, 2020. [PDF]
Wang, J., Y. J. Gu, Y. Chen, Shear velocity and radial anisotropy beneath southwestern Canada: Evidence for crustal extensition and thick-skinned tectonics, J. Geophys. Res, 125, e2019JB018310, 2020. [PDF]
Li, T., Y. J. Gu, Z. Wang, R. Wang, Y. Chen, T.-R. Song, R. Wang, Spatiotemporal variations in crustal seismic anisotropy surrounding induced earthquakes near Fox Creek, Alberta, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 5180-5189, 2019. [PDF]
Li, T., Z. Wang, Y. J. Gu, R. Wang, Y. Wang, Experiment study of fracture structure effects on acoustic logging data using a synthetic borehole model,Experiment study of fracture structure effects on acoustic logging data using a synthetic borehole model, J. Petroleum Sci. Engineer., 183, 106433, 2019. [PDF]
Wu, Lei, Y. J. Gu, and Y. Chen, Shear wave splitting discloses two episodes of collision-related convergence in western North America, J. Geophys. Res: Solid Earth, 124,, 2019. [PDF]
Chen, Y, Y. J. Gu, C. Currie, S. Johnston, A. Schaefer, and P. Audet, Seismic evidence for a mantle suture and imp.ications for the origin of the Canadian Coerdillera, Nature Communications, 10, 2249, 2019. [PDF]
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Gu, Y. J. and M. Sacchi, Radon transform methods and their applications in
mapping mantle reflectivity structure, Surv. Geophys., doi:10.1007/s10712.009-9076-0, 2009. [PDF]
Brzak, K., Y. J. Gu, A. Okeler, M. Steckler, and A. Lerner-Lam, Migratino imaging and forward modeling of microseismic noise sources near southern Italy, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 10 , Q01012, doi:10.1029/2008GC002234, 2009. [PDF]
Gu. Y., C. Dublanko, A. Lerner-Lam, K. Brzak, M. steckler,
Probing the sources of ambient seismic noise beneath Southern Italy,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 , L22315, doi:10.1029/2007GL031967, 2007. [PDF]
An Y., Y. J. Gu, and M. Sacchi,
Imaging mantle discontinuities using least-squares Radon transform. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2007JB005009, 2007. [PDF]
Escalante, C., Y. J. Gu, and M. Sacchi, Simultaneous iterative time-domain deconvolution
to teleseismic receiver functions, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1111/j.1365-246x.2007.03511.x , 2007. [PDF]
Y. J. Gu, and Y. An, Searching for mantle plumes using high-resolution Radon transforms, published at, 2007. [Link Here]
Y. J. Gu, Discussion of Seismic observations of transition zone discontinuities beneath hotspot locations by Deuss , [PDF],
GSA Special Issue: Plates, Plumes, and Planetary processes, , ED. G. R. Foulger and D. M. Jurdy, in press , 2007.
[link to issue]
Y. J. Gu, Special Issue on 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and Tsunami, Preface, [PDF] , Eds. by Y. J. Gu, Surveys in Geophysics, 27 , November, ISSN 0169-3298, 2006.
Link to Special Issue: [HERE]
Gu, Y. J., Probing the history of the Mathematician Paleoplate using surface waves, [PDF] Tectonophysics , 424 , 41-51, 2006.
Yang, X., Y. J. Gu, P. Shen, X. Liu, and Z. Zheng, A study of the adaptive method for decoupling overlapped seismic records,
Pure and Appl. Geophys,, 163 , 8, 1515-1536, 2006. [PDF]
Gu, Y. J., S. Webb, A. Lerner-Lam, and J. B. Gaherty, Upper mantle structure beneath the eastern Pacific Ocean riges,
J. Geophys. Res. , 110, B06305, doi:10.1029/2004JB003381 , 2005.
Gu, Y. J., A. Lerner-Lam, A.. M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekström, Seismic evidence for deep anisotropy beneath the East Pacific Rise,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. , 232, 3-4, 259-272, , 2005.
Gu, Y. J., A.. M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekström, Simultaneous
inversion for mantle shear velocity and topography of transition zone
discontinuities, Geophys. J. Intl. , 154, 559-583, 2003.
[Plate 2 and 3 PDF files]
Antolik, M., Y. J. Gu, Adam M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekström, a new joint model
of compressional and shear velocity in the mantle, Geophys. J. Intl. ,153
, 443-466, 2003.
Li, X., R. Kind, X. Yuan, S. V. Sobolev, W. Hanka, D.S. Ramesh, Y. J. Gu, and
A. M. Dziewonski, Seismic detection of narrow strong oceanic plumes and relation to mantle transition zone
temperature, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 28 , 4655-4658, 2003.
Gu, Y. J., and A. M. Dziewonski, Global variability of transition zone thickness, J. Geophys. Res.,
107(B7), 2135 , doi:10.1029/2001JB000489, 2002.
Gu, Y. J., A.. M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekström, Preferential
detection of the Lehmann discontinuity beneath continents, Geophys. Res.
Lett. , vol. 28, no. 24 , 4655-4658, 2001.
Gu, Y. J., and A.. M. Dziewonski, Variables
in thickness of the upper mantle transition zone, 2nd OHP/ION Joint Sym.
Contribution , edited by B. Romanowicz, K. Suyehiro, and H. Kawakatsu,
pp175-180 , 2001.
Gu, Y. J., A.. M. Dziewonski, W.-J. Su, and G. Ekström, Models
of the mantle shear velocity and discontinuities in the pattern of lateral
heterogeneities, J. Geophys. Res. , 106 , 11169-11199,
Gu, Y. J., Upper mantle transition zone: structure and topography of
discontinuities , Thesis , 227pp, Harvard University, 2001.
Antolik, M., G. Ekström , A. M. Dziewonski, Y. J. Gu, J. Pan, and L. Boschi,
A new joint P and S velocity model of the mantle parameterized in cubic B-splines
, 22nd Ann. DoD/DoE Seism. Res. Sym. Proc., 2, 15-23, 2000.
Gu, Y. J., A. M. Dziewonski, and C. B. Agee, Global
de-correlation of the topography of transition zone discontinuities ,
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 157, 57-67, 1998.
Extended Abstracts
Ridriguez, I. V., M. D. Sacchi, Y. J. Gu, Toward a near real-time system for event hypocenter and source mechanism recovery via compressive sensing. SEG, Expanded Abstract, 29, no 1, 2140-2145, 2010.
Kind, R., X. Li, X. Yuan, S. Sobolev, W. Hanka, D. S. Ramesh, Y. Gu, and A. M. Dziewonski, Seismic
detection of narrow oceanic plumes and relation to mantle transition zone temperature, Superplume, 139-142, 2002.
Gu, Y. J., A. M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekstrom, Joint modeling of mantle shear velocity and boundary topography, Superplume Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 124-128, 2002
Phys. Earth Planet. Int. , in preparation , 2004.
Gu, Y. J., Y. Li, A. Lerner-Lam, Modeling of the Effective Temperatures in
the Upper Mantle Transition Zone, J. Geophys. Res , in preparation
, 2004.
Gu, Y. J., A.. M. Dziewonski, and G. Ekström, Radial anisotropy of the upper
mantle from waveform and travel time inversions, J. Geophys. Res. , in
preparation , 2004.
Agee, C. B., Y. J. Gu, and A. M. Dziewonski, Topography of transition zone
Agee, C. B., Y. J. Gu, and A. M. Dziewonski, Topography of transition zone
discontinuities: a measure of "olivine" content and evidence for deep cratonic
roots, LPI Contribution , 921 , 1-2, 1997.
discontinuities: a measure of "olivine" content and evidence for deep cratonic
roots, LPI Contribution , 921 , 1-2, 1997.
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