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Secondary Education |
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Publications |
1). Carson, Terrance R. (1985) "Educating for peace in the social studies" Canadian History and Social Science Teacher, 20 (3/4), 7-9. 2). Carson, Terrance R. (1986) "Closing the gap between research and practice: conversation as a mode of curriculum research", Phenomenology and Pedagogy 4(2), 73-85. 3). Carson, Terrance R. (1987) "Learning from Hiroshima", World Council for Curriculum and Instruction Forum, 1(1), 23 - 26. 4). Carson, Terrance R. (1987) "Teaching as curriculum scholarship: honoring the work of Professor Ted Tetsuo Aoki", JCT: Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 7(3), 7-10. 5). Carson, Terrance R. (1987) "Curriculum research and curriculum implementation in peace education", Canadian Journal of Peace Education and Research, 19(3), 29-40. 6). Carson, Terrance R. (1988) "The critical issue of peace education", Elements: Journal of Elementary Education, 19 (2), 6 - 9. 7). Carson, Terrance R. (1990) "A race between education and disaster", World Council for Curriculum and Instruction Forum, 4(1), 20-29. 8). Carson, Terrance R. (1990) "What kind of knowing is critical action research?", Theory into Practice, 29(3), 167-173. 9). Carson, Terrance R. (1991) "Pedagogical reflections on reflective practice in teacher education", Phenomenology and Pedagogy 9(1), 132 - 142. 10). Carson, Terrance R. (1991) “The international classroom”, World Council for Curriculum and Instruction Forum, 5(1&2), 49-56. 11). Carson, Terrance R. (1992) "Understanding curriculum implementation: scenes from a conversation", JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies 9(3), 71-96. 12). Carson, T., Chyzowski, H., Maleki, D., & Sumara, D. (1994) "Building a school-university relationship for professional development" Journal of Professional Studies, 1(2), 52-59. 13). Carson, Terrance R. (1995), “A teacher of influence”, JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies, 11(4),7-10. 14). Carson, Terrance R. (1995), “Gandhi’s teachings for the nineties”, Journal of Peace and Gandhian Studies, 1(1), 13-17. 15). Carson, Terrance R. (1996) "Ethics, Relationship, and Collaborative Work", SALT: A Journal of Religious and Moral Education, 17(1), 13-18. 16). Carson, T. and Lange, E. (1997), “Signs of peace education in Canada”, Journal of Peace and Gandhian Studies, 1 (3), 17). Carson, T. and Johnston, I. (2000), “The difficulty with difference in teacher education”, Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 46(1), 75-83. 18). Carson, T. and Johnston, I. (2001), “Cultural difference and teacher identity formation: the need for a pedagogy of compassion”, JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 6(2), 259-264. 19). Carson, T. (2001), “Resisting fragmentation and re-orienting the public school curriculum”, Canadian Social Studies, 35(3). 20) Carson, T., Johnston, I., Wiltse, L. (2001) “Negotiating teacher identity in contexts of cultural diversity”, Humanisierung der Bildung. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Padagogik und Psychologie, Vol. 1, 127-132. 21) Carson, T. and Johnston, I. (2003), “Education for cultural difference: Reviewing some curriculum initiatives in a Canadian teacher education program”, Gumanizacija Obrazovanija Internationale Zeitschrift, Moskau/Sochi, No. 1, 25-32. 22) Carson, T., Richardson, G., Johnston, I, Mangat, J., Tupper, J., Wiltse, L., Mgombelo, J. (2003),“Performing the possibilities and problematics of developing a curriculum for cultural diversity”, Educational Insights. Vol. 8 (2) 23) Carson, T. R. (in press). “Beyond instrumentalismL the significance of teacher identity in educational change.” Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (JCACS) |
1). Carson, Terrance R. & Gideonse, Hendrik J. (eds.) (1987) Peace education and the task for peace educators, Bloomington: World Council for Curriculum and Instruction. 2). Carson, Terrance R. (ed.) (1988) Toward a renaissance of humanity: rethinking curriculum and instruction, Edmonton: World Council for Curriculum and Instruction. 3). Carson, Terrance R. and Sumara, Dennis, J. (eds.) (1997) Action Research as a Living Practice, New York: Peter Lang Publishers. 4). Carson, Terrance R. & Smith, David C.
(1998) Educating for a Peaceful Future, Toronto: Kagan and Woo Publishers.
1). Carson, Terrance R. (1992) "Remembering
forward: reflections on educating for peace". In Pinar, W. and
Reynolds, W. (eds.) Understanding Curriculum as Phenomenological and
Deconstructed Texts, New York: Teachers College Press, 102-115. 3). Carson, Terrance R. (1995) "Reflective practice and the reconceptualization of teacher education.” In Wideen, M. and Grimmett, P. (Eds.), Changing times for teacher education: restructuring or reconceptualizing, London: Falmer Press. 4). Carson, Terrance R. (1995) "Racism and reality in the international classroom." In Alladin, I. (Ed.), Racism in Canadian Schools, Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada. 5). Carson, Terrance R. (1997) "Reflective practice and the reconceptualization of teacher education.” In Sook Hur, and Yeu, Hae Ryung (Eds.) The Reconceptualization of Educational Phenomena: Phenomenological, Hermeneutical and Postmodern Understanding, Seoul: Educational Science Publishers. 6) Carson, Terrance R. (1997) “Reflection and its resistances: teacher education as a living practice.” In Carson, T. and Sumara, D. (eds.) Action Research as a Living Practice, New York: Peter Lang. 7) * Carson, Terrance R. & Lange, Elizabeth, (1997) “Peace education in the social studies.” In Sears, A. and Wright, I. (eds.) Issues in Canadian Social Studies, Vancouver: Pacific Educational Press. 8) * Carson, T.; Johnston,I.; Wiltse, L.; Leard, D.; Chana, T. (1999) “School programs that promote intercultural understanding.” In Malicky, G.; Shapiro, B.; and Mazurek (Eds.) Building Foundations for Safe and Caring Schools: Research on Disruptive Behaviour and Violence, Edmonton: Duval. 9) Carson, T & Kanu, Y (2001) “The productivity of difference: confronting the difficulty of intercultural dialogue.” In R. Golz, R. Keck and W. Mayerhofer, 2001 Humanization of Education Yearbook, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Publishers. 10) Carson, T. & Johnston, I. (2001) “Desires and resistances in multicultural education: Preparing teachers for classrooms of cultural diversity.” In R. Golz, R. Keck and W. Mayerhofer, 2001 Humanization of Education Yearbook, Frankfurt: Peter Lang Publishers.
12) Carson, T. (in press). “ Resisting Fragmentation: School Curriculum and the Public Space.” In D. Blades & G. Richardson (Eds.), Troubling Citizenship: Rethinking Possibilities for Civic Education, New York, NY: Peter Lang. 13) Carson, T.R. (2005). “Becoming somebody different: teacher identity and implementing socially transformative curriculum.” In R. Golz (Ed.), Internationalization, Cultural Difference and Migration: Challenges and Perspectives on Intercultural Education. Munster, Germany: LIT Verlag. 153-158. |
1). Carson, Terry (1984) "Compelling reasons for breaking the silence" Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, 64 (3), 22-25. 2). Carson, Terry (1986) "How should social studies teachers be involved in curriculum decision making?” One World 24(3), 14-16. 3). Carson, T. and Parsons, J. (1986) "Perspectives on excellence: the case of the Alberta Social Studies, Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, 66(2), 20-21. 4). Carson, Terry (1989) "Beyond curriculum management", Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, 69(4), 52-56. 5). Carson, T. & Jacknicke, K. (1989) "Collaboration and cooperation: how they differ", Inducere, University of Western Ontario, 1(2), 4. 6). * Carson, T., Connors, B., Ripley, D. and Smits, D. (1990) Creating possibilities: an action research handbook, Edmonton: A Joint Publication of the University of Alberta, Edmonton Public, and Catholic Schools. 7). Carson, Terry (1990) "Hearing the voices of teachers", Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, 70(2), 21-25. 8). Carson, Terry (1992) "Re-visioning the nineties: some thoughts on the urgency of educational change" Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, 72(4), 20-22. 9). * Carson, T., Kanu, Y. and Stanski, K. (1994) Student Teachers’ Action Research Handbook, Faculty of Education University of Alberta. 10). Carson, T. and Johnston, I. (1999) “Changing together: action research, professional development and school change”, Multiculturalism/Intercultualisme, 19(2). 11). Carson, T. and Sheridan-Carson, R. (1999) “Action research: building a strong culture of professional development “, Alberta Teachers Association Magazine, Winter 1999, 11-12. 12). Carson, T. (2004, Spring & Summer). Ted Aoki: Living in the Question of Teaching. The Orange, 6(2), 14-16. 13). Carson, T., Paul, J. McLean, C., Potvin, B., & Winsor, P.(2005). Lessons Learned from the Canada South Africa Teacher Development Project. Calgary, AB: Agriteam Canada. |
2001 1) “Psychoanalysis and the limits of reflective practice.” Curriculum and Pedagogy Institute, University of Alberta, February 2 2001. 2) “Participatory action research”, International Conference on Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, February 22 2001. 3) “Researching, scripting and creating an educational video on ethnocultural difference and teaching: a dramatic re-viewing.” (co-presenters: Ingrid Johnston, Joyce Mgombelo, George Richardson) Western Canadian Conference on Student Teaching, University of Calgary, February 23 2001. 4) “Anti-racist multicultural education and the resistance to knowledge.” Western Canadian Conference on Student Teaching, University of Calgary, February 23, 2001. 5) “The productivity of difference: confronting the difficulty of intercultural dialogue.” (with Yatta Kanu), American Educational Research Association Conference, Seattle WA, April 11 2001. 6) “Desires and resistances in multicultural and anti-racist education”, International Symposium on Multiculturalism and Youth, Otto von Guernicke University, Magdeburg, Germany, May 4 2001. 7) “Linking research with teacher development”, an invited presentation to the Korean Educational Development Institute, Seoul, September 24 2001. 8) “Teacher development as a life-long process”, invited special lecture of the Kangwon Office of Education, Chun’chon and Sukcho Korea, September 25 and 26, 2001. 9) “Designing an enabling policy framework
for effective in-service education”, an invited presentation to
the South Africa National Policy Conference on Teacher Development,
Midrand, South Africa, October 20 2001. 2) * “Resistance to knowledge in anti-racist and multi-cultural education”, (with Jyoti Mangat & Jennifer Tupper), American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 5 2002. 3) “Lacan and the resistance to knowledge.” Presentation at the Symposium on Lacanian Perspectives on Knowledge, Truth, Rigor and Evidence, American Education Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 5 2002 4)* “Multiculturalism in the school: a help or a hindrance?”, (with Ingrid Johnston, George Richardson, Jennifer Tupper & Jyoti Mangat) Canada: Global Model for a Multicultural State Conference, Edmonton, September 25, 2002. 5) * “Tensions and resistances in multi-cultural and anti-racist teacher education”, Canada: Global Model for a Multicultural State Conference, Edmonton, September 26, 2002 (with Ingrid Johnston, George Richardson, Jyoti Mangat, Jennifer Tupper) 2003 1) “Spatial practices and ethnocultural diversity in public high schools”, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 23, 2003(Ingrid Johnston, Jyoti Mangat, Jennifer Tupper) 2) “Preparing teachers for classrooms of cultural diversity in Canada”, Institut fur Eriehungswissenschaft, Otto von Guernicke Universitat, Magdeburg, Germany, April 24, 2003 3) “Teacher identity and intercultural
education: pedagogical insights from Canada”, Institute for Educational
Research, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, April
30, 2003
2) “Negotiating institutional change within
the tensions of multicultural and anti-racist education in ethnoculturally
diverse urban schools”, 7th National Metropolis Conference, Montreal,
Quebec, March 25-28, 2004 (with Lucy De Fabrizio, Ingrid Johnston, George
Richardson) 4) “Identities and curriculum change: the
case of multicultural and anti-racist education in Canada.” Transformation
in Society as a Form of Social Change – The Results and Perspectives
of Comparative Research into Transformation, Magdeburg, Germany, May
14-16, 2004. 5) International Metropolis Conference 6) Western Canadian Educational Administration Conference 7) A.A.T.C. Conference 8) Anti-Racism Conference 2006 1) Prairie Center Conference 2) AERA 3)World Conference of Curriculum Studies (Finland) 4)Sochi (Russia) |