Subhash Lele's website

Subhash R. Lele
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G1

Office: CAB 423

Research interests:

An Invariant Approach to Statistical Analysis of Shapes: S. R. Lele and J. T. Richtsmeier (2000) CRC Press, USA.

The nature of scientific evidence: Empirical, Philosophical and Statistical Perspectives: M. L. Taper and S. R. Lele (Eds.) (2004) University of Chicago Press, U.S.A.

Journal publications:
  1. Francisco Voeroes Denes, Peter Solymos, Subhash Lele, Luís Fábio Silveira, Steven R Beissinger (2017) Biome‐scale signatures of land‐use change on raptor abundance: insights from single‐visit detection‐based models, Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1268-1278
  2. Tal Avgar, Subhash R Lele, Jonah L Keim, Mark S Boyce (2017) Relative Selection Strength: Quantifying effect size in habitat‐and step‐selection inference, Ecology and evolution 7:5322-5330
  3. Stephanie Jane Peacock, Martin Krkošek, Mark Alun Lewis, Subhash Lele (2017) Ecology and evolution 7:762-770
  4. Péter Sólymos, Subhash R Lele (2016) Revisiting resource selection probability functions and single‐visit methods: Clarification and extensions Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:196-205
  5. Hawthorne L Beyer, Eliezer Gurarie, Luca Börger, Manuela Panzacchi, Mathieu Basille, Ivar Herfindal, Bram Van Moorter, Subhash R Lele, Jason Matthiopoulos (2016) ‘You shall not pass!’: quantifying barrier permeability and proximity avoidance by animals Journal of Animal Ecology 85:43-53
  6. Mahmoud Torabi, Subhash R Lele, Narasimha GN Prasad (2015) Likelihood inference for small area estimation using data cloning Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 89:158-171.
  7. David Campbell, Subhash Lele (2014) An ANOVA test for parameter estimability using data cloning with application to statistical inference for dynamic systems Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 70:257-267.
  8. Subhash R Lele, Evelyn H Merrill, Jonah Keim, Mark S Boyce (2013) Selection, use, choice and occupancy: clarifying concepts in resource selection studies Journal of Animal Ecology 82:1183-1191.
  9. Péter Sólymos, Steven M Matsuoka, Erin M Bayne, Subhash R Lele, Patricia Fontaine, Steve G Cumming, Diana Stralberg, Fiona KA Schmiegelow, Samantha J Song (2013) Calibrating indices of avian density from non‐standardized survey data: making the most of a messy situation Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:1047-1058.
  10. Wasser S, Keim J, Taper M L, and Subhash Lele. To kill or not to kill - that is the question. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.10:67-68.
  11. Subhash Lele, Monica Moreno, and Erin Bayne. Dealing with detection error in site occupancy surveys: what can we do with a single survey? Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 22-31.
  12. Nadeem K and Subhash Lele (2012) Likelihood based population viability analysis in the presence of observation error. Oikos 121: 1656-1664.
  13. Peter Solymos, Subhash Lele, and Erin Bayne (2012) Conditional likelihood approach for analyzing single visit abundance survey data in the presence of zero inflation and detection error. Environmetrics. 23(2): 197-205.
  14. Alex Potapov, Jim Muirhead, Norman Yan, Subhash Lele, and Mark Lewis (2011) Models of lake invasibility by Bythotrephes lingimanus, a non-indigenous zooplankton. Biological invasions. 2459-2476.
  15. Wasser S.K., J. L. Keim, M. L. Taper, S. R. Lele (2011) The influences of wolf predation, habitat loss and human activity on caribou and moose in the Alberta oil sands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Available online doi:10.1890/100071)
  16. Keim J.L., P. D. DeWitt and S.R. Lele (2011) Predators choose prey over prey habitats: evidence from a Lynx-Hare system. Ecological Applications 21(4): 1011-1016.
  17. Lele S. R., Nadeem, K. and B. Schmuland (2010) Estimability and likelihood inference for generalized linear mixed models using data cloning. Journal of the American Statistical Association 105:1617-1625.
  18. Lele, S.R. (2010) Model complexity and information in the data should match: Could it be a house built on sand? Ecology 91: 3493-3496.
  19. Solymos, P. and S. R. Lele (2011) Global Ecology and Biodiversity
  20. Potopov, A., Muirhead, J., Lele S.R. and M. L. Lewis (2011) Stochastic Gravity Models for modeling lake invasions. Ecological Modelling 222: 964-972.
  21. Prasad, N.G.N. and S.R. Lele (2011) Sankhya
  22. Moreno, M. and S.R. Lele (2010) Improved estimation of site occupancy using penalized likelihood. Ecology 91:341-346.
  23. Ponciano J., M.L. Taper, B. Dennis and S. R. Lele (2009) Hierarchical models in ecology: Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and model selection using data cloning. Ecology 90:356-362.
  24. Lele S. R. and B. Dennis (2009) Bayesian method for hierarchical models: Are ecologists making a Faustian bargain? Ecological Applications 19: 581-584.
  25. Lele, S.R. (2009) A new method for estimation of resource selection probability function. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:122-127.
  26. Proffitt, K.M., R.A. Garrott , J. J. Rotella and S R Lele (2008) Using form analysis techniques to improve photogrammetric mass-estimation methods. Marine Mammal Science 24: 147-158.
  27. Codeço, C.T., S. R. Lele, M. Pascual, M. Bouma, A. Ko (2008) A stochastic model for ecological systems with strong nonlinear response to environmental drivers: application to two waterborne diseases. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (19): 247-252.
  28. Krkosec, M., J.S. Ford, A. Morton, S. R. Lele, R.A. Myers and M.A. Lewis (2007) Declining wild salmon populations in relation to parasites from farm salmon. Science 318: 1772-1775.
  29. Lele, S.R., B. Dennis and F. Lutscher (2007) Data cloning: easy maximum likelihood estimation for complex ecological models using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Ecology Letters 10:551-563.
  30. Lele, S.R. and Jonah L. Keim (2006) Weighted distributions and estimation of resource selection probability functions. Ecology 87(2) 3021-3028.  
  31. Dennis B., J.M. Ponciano, S.R. Lele, M.L. Taper and D.F. Staples (2006) Estimating density dependence, process noise and observation error. Ecological Monographs 76(3) 323-341.
  32. Lele, S.R. (2006) Sampling variability and estimates of density dependence: A composite likelihood approach. Ecology 87(10) 189-202.
  33. Lele S.R. and K.L Allen (2006) On using expert opinion in ecological analyses: a frequentist approach. Environmetrics 17:683-704.
  34. Piellat, A. M, Lewis, M., Lele S.R. and Beck, de Camino Tomas (2006) Optimal sampling designs for seed dispersal experiments. Ecological Modelling 190:205-222.
  35. Boyce, M., S.R. Lele and B.Johns (2005) Whooping crane recruitment is enhanced by egg removal. Biological Conservation 126: 395-401.
  36. Frair, J., S Nielson, E Merrill, SR Lele, M Boyce, R Munroe, G Stenhouse and H Beyer (2004)  “Removing GPS collar bias in habitat selection studies.”  Journal of Applied Ecology 41 201-212.
  37. Lele, S.R. (2003) Bootstrap, Jackknife and estimating functions. Statistical Science 18: 185-190.
  38. Florio, E.N., Lele, S.R., Chang, Y.C., Sterner, R. and G.E. Glass (2004) Integrating AVHRR satellite data and NOAA ground observations to predict surface air temperature: a statistical approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25:2979-2974..
  39. A. Das, Lele, S.R., Glass, G.E.G., Shields, T., and Patz, J.A. (2002) Modeling a Discrete Spatial Response using Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Application to Lyme Disease Vectors. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 16(2): 151-166.
  40. Richtsmeier J.T., DeLeon V. and Lele S. (2002) The promise of geometric morphometrics  Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 45:63-91.
  41. Lele, S.R. and C.E. McCulloch (2002) Invariance, Identifiability and Morphometrics. Journal of American Statistical Association 97: 796-806.
  42. Lele, S.R. and M.L. Taper (2002) A composite likelihood approach to estimation of (co)variance components. Journal of statistical planning and inference 103:117-135.
  43. Curriero, FC, Patz, JA, Rose, JB, Lele, S (2001). Analysis of the Association between Extreme Precipitation and Wterborne Disease Outbreaks in the United States, 1948-1994.  American Journal of Public Health (91): 1194-1199.
  44. Curriero, FC, Hohn, ME, Liebhold, AM, Lele, SR (2001). A Statistical Evaluation of Non-Ergodic Variogram Estimators.  Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 9:89-110.
  45. Rose J, Daeschner S, Easterling, D., Curriero FC, Lele S., Patz J (2000): Applying a geographic information system (GIS) to assess the relationship between weather and water-borne diseases in the US: 1972-1994. Journal of the American Water Works Association 92(9): 77-87.
  46. Lele, S.R. and A. Das (2000) Elicited data and incorporation of expert opinion for statistical inference in spatial studies. Mathematical Geology 32:465-487.
  47. Curriero, F. and Lele, S. (1999) A composite likelihood approach to semivariogram estimation. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 4(1) 9-28.
  48. Gilbert, P. B., Lele, S.R. and Y. Vardi (1999) Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric selection bias models with applications to AIDS vaccine trials. Biometrika 86:27-43.
  49. Heagerty, P. and S. R. Lele (1998) A composite likelihood approach to binary spatial data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 93: 1099-1111.
  50. Lele, S.R., Taper, M.L. and S. Gage (1998) Statistical analysis of population dynamics in space and time using estimating functions. Ecology 79: 1489-1502. 
  51. Lele, S. R. (1995) Inner product matrices, Kriging and nonparametric estimation of variogram. Mathematical Geology 27: 673-692.
  52. Lele, S.R. (1994) Estimating functions in chaotic systems. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 89: 512-516.
  53. Lele, S.R. (1993) Euclidean distance matrix analysis: Estimation of mean form and mean form difference. Mathematical Geology 25: 573-602
  54. Lele S.R. and J.T. Richtsmeier (1992) On comparing biological shapes: Detection of influential landmarks. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87: 49-65.
  55. Lele, S.R. (1991) Jackknifing linear estimating equations: Asymptotic theory and applications. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B. 53: 253-267.
  56. Lele, S. R. (1991) Some comments on coordinate free and scale invariant methods in morphometrics. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85: 407-417.
  57. Lele, S.R. and J.T. Richtsmeier (1991) Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis: A Coordinate free approach to comparing biological shapes using landmark data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86: 415-427.
  58. Lele, S.R. and J.T. Richtsmeier (1990) Statistical models in morphometrics: Are they realistic? Systematic Zoology 39: 60-69.
Other refereed contributions:
  1. Lele S.R. and M.L. Taper (2011) Information criteria in ecology University of California Press
  2. Lele S.R. and M.L. Taper (2011) Statistical inference in ecology International Encyclopedia in Statistics
  3. Lele S.R. and M.L. Taper (2011) Statistical evidence International Encyclopedia in Statistics
  4. Taper, M.L. and S.R. Lele (2009) Evidence, Evidence functions and Error probabilities. Encyclopedia of Philosophy of statistics (Ed. Forster M. and P. Bandyopadhyay), Elsevier press, USA. (in press)
  5. Krkošek, M., Ford, J., Morton, A., Lele, S., Lewis, M.  (2008) Sea lice and pink salmon declines: response to Brooks and Jones. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16:4, 413-420.
  6. Lele, S.R. (2007) Discussion of ‘Parameter estimation for differential equations: A generalized smoothing approach by Ramsey et al. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Ser. B 69: 787.
  7. M Krkosek, JS Ford, A Morton, SR Lele and MA Lewis (2008) "Response to comment on 'Declining wild salmon populations in relation to parasites from farm salmon'" Science 322: 1790.
  8. Richtsmeier JT, Lele SR & Cole TM III.  (2005)  Landmark morphometrics and the analysis of variation.  In B Hallgrimsson & B Hall (eds.): Variation: A General Concept in Biology. New York : Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 49-69.
  9. Richtsmeier, J.T., T. Cole and S.R. Lele (2005) An invariant approach to the study of fluctuating asymmetry: Developmental instability in a mouse model for down syndrome. Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology, Dennis E. Slice (Ed.) Kluwer Academic/ Plenum publishers. Pp. 187-207.  
  10. Taper, M.L. and S.R. Lele (2004) “The nature of scientific evidence:  A forward looking synthesis.”  The nature of scientific evidence (eds. ML Taper and SR Lele), University of Chicago Press .  (2004): pp. 525 – 551.
  11. Lele, S.R. (2004) “Elicit data, not prior: On using expert opinion in ecological studies.” The nature of scientific evidence (eds. ML Taper and SR Lele), University of Chicago Press .  (2004): pp. 410 – 436.
  12. Taper, M.L.and S.R.Lele (2004) “Dynamical models as paths to evidence in ecology.” The nature of scientific evidence (eds. ML Taper and SR Lele), University of Chicago Press. (2004): pp. 275 – 297.
  13. Lele, S.R. (2004) “Evidence functions and the optimality of the law of likelihood.”  The nature of scientific evidence (eds. ML Taper and SR Lele), University of Chicago Press . (2004): pp 191 - 216.  
  14. Lewin-Koh N., ML Taper and S.R Lele (2004) ”A brief tour of statistical concepts.”  The nature of scientific evidence (eds. ML Taper and SR Lele), University of Chicago Press . (2004): pp 3 -16.  
  15. Lele, S.R. (2003) Discussion of “Can Jeffereys, Fisher and Neyman have agreed?” by Jim Berger. Statistical Science 18(1): 18-19.
  16. Jonathan A. Patz, Mike Hulme, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Timothy D. Mitchell, Richard A. Goldberg, Andrew K. Githeko, Subhash Lele, Tony McMichael & David Le Sueur † (2002) Regional warming and malaria resurgence. Nature (420)627-628.
  17. Lele, S.R. and Taper, M.L. (2002) Discussion: What shall we teach in environmental statistics? Journal of Ecological and Environmental Statistics 9(2): 145-146.

Software related to my research:

These packages are available in R software through CRAN.

Data cloning in R software: dclone

Resource Selection Probability Function estimation: ResourceSelection

Occupancy and Abundance estimation in the presence of detection error using single survey: detect