
Core Courses
Elective Courses
Capping Project
Frequently Asked Questions
For graduate programs, the full-time course load is 3 graduate courses per semester. International students need to take the full course load to maintain their full-time status. Students in the MDP program are expected to take 6 courses during the first two semesters, and complete the course requirements by completing the 2 remaining courses and complete the Capstone project during the last semester.
The required courses of the MDP program are not offered during the Summer or Spring Semesters (April-August).
Students can choose to take courses in addition to those required by the MDP program. Please note that additional fees will be assessed for additional courses taken.
For the MDP Program, 3 courses is definitely a full-time course load, because graduate-level courses are more challenging and require more of a time-commitment. Taking 4 graduate-level courses in one semester is definitely an over-weighted schedule, and is not recommended.
The MDP program requires students to complete 8 courses (24 credit-hours), and additional 6 credit-hour Capstone project. These can be achieved as follows:
- First Fall Semester: three graduate courses, a total of 9 course credits.
- First Winter Semester: three graduate course, a total of 9 course credits.
- Second Fall Semester: two graduate courses and the Capstone project, a total of 6 course credits and 6 Capstone credits.
Students may choose to conduct a research project or work as an intern during the Spring and Summer semesters, but this is not required.
In the case a student choose to take a research project or work as an intern during the Spring and Summer semesters, the following is a plausible schedule:
- First Fall Semester (September to December): 3 core courses or 2 core courses + one selective course.
- Winter Semester (January to April): 3 core courses or 2 core courses + one selective course, discussions with a Mentor about a research project, or applications for internships and interviews.
- Spring and Summer Semesters (May to August): carry out a research project or work as an intern.
- Second Fall Semester (September to December): complete the remaining course requirements, and complete the Capstone Project and write the final report (which can be based on research project or your internship experience), apply for jobs, graduation.
Students can choose to find intern jobs with companies or government agencies, typically during the summer break when students are not required to register full time. For international students, off-campus working needs to be in compliance with the Canadian immigration rules. All of the 12 students in the 2021 MDP cohort found paid intern positions.
The MDP program will host professional development workshops to prepare students for job applications and interviews.
A student can also choose to conduct a research project. Students with prior work experience may choose to do a research project to gain more in-depth understanding of a particular field. Either working as an intern or on a research project can facilitate the completion of the Capstone project.
Students are advised to consult with immigration specialists at the University of Alberta International, or make inquiries at an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada office about work permit requirements.